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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. well, after 10 years in business, i guess i got comfortable and let it go beyond the point of saving it. When times were good, i was fishing at 2pm, now my phone hasn't rung for days at a time. I feel lost,depressed and lack any motivation to fix things. Its becoming cold in the northeast, and i am getting really worried about what to do when it gets really cold out. i just moved out of my $3,000/month office to my basement that we weren't using, cut every expense possible, and i am looking for some ideas i may have missed on how you guys(and girls) are handling the economy and winter. Please, no wiseass comments. They are not necessary. I know (now) that you can NEVER stop selling,closing,networking. thanks in advance

    Please go to "my controls" and complete your signature line. House rules.

  2. I have an acct. with a university in Hou. I recieved an RFP from them, and am on the vendor list within their system. The way I understand their system is that when anybody on campus needs a service, they are to search within their system via maintainance director or facilities mgr.to alert the services needed.

    One time I might have a bldg. the next might be flatwork. But once in their system, they do not have to request for other contractors unless they are dissatisfied with the current contractor.

    uh hmm....knock on wood.

  3. Trying to keep my mind occupied on other stuff vs. my previous post and thought I would share a site for any possible aspiring singers or shower singers. Beth,Rod, Celeste, Rick, Ken, you know you wanna......


    If you have a mic just choose the favorite song you want to record and sing to.

    ...or not. It's still kinda fun to watch the off key folks who think they are all that.

  4. A friend of mine passed, I can't help but think of her when I hear this song.

    She was involved with foreign Princes and so called dignitaries who fed her tons of narcotics. She lost control.

    She paid the price for sure. I miss her.

    I somehow feel as if I failed her.

    Keep your eyes on your people, folks, or you may end up wiping tears.

    Be nosey, get involved, tell them you love them.

    Sad note I know, but just wanted to share.

    here's a vid of the song.

    R.I.P. Carolyn, I'll always love you.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCsfUXFmBDQ]YouTube - FC Kahuna - Hayling[/ame]

  5. Take a look at some of the Armstrong Clark threads on here....try the search feature. We love the blend of non-drying and drying oils, best of both worlds.

    We used to use Ready Seal, were not fans, but really like the Armstrong Clark.


    Beth, do you think geographical areas, i.e. North vs. South states may have something to do with your dislike of RS. Up North you guys get snow and inclimate weather much more than we do in the south ( Texas anyways.)

    Does RS just not work as well up north?

    Or am I just way off base.

    I really am curious to know as I have asked this question before.

    It seems if the wood is continuously cold then it may stop the penetration factor. Whereas maybe with warmer climates wood expands a bit and allows penetration.

    Or like I said, I may just be way off base.

    I know Rick P. is in Jersey and they get alot of the colder weather as well but he swears by it.

  6. Wow Rich,

    Great to see you surface after a 1000 yrs.

    Sure do miss the "lunch box" meetings in ATL we used to go to at Sunbrite.

    Those were a blast ( except for Tracy's burnt burgers) lol.

    Great advice as well. Build up the protection over time.

    You know me, get it done and onto the next.

    Max, Rich has several good points I had not considered.

    You ARE in a good position to apply stain "over time".

    Take care.

  7. Max,

    Check your local distributors for strippers that contain " Sodium Hydroxide" and wood brighteners that contains oxalic acid or citralic acid.


    Contact some of the vendors on this site i.e. Sunbrite, Sealer Store, espec among many others.

    In my experiences I have stripped and stained in temps as low as 45 degrees.

    BUT..... there are some here crazier than me that have stained in colder temps.

    The downside to staining in colder temps is a longer cure time. Well, that and the cold itself.

    The snow won't hurt the deck at all in it's bare condition. If it's new wood like you say, waiting until spring would actually be optimal.

    I fear if you jump the gun on the new wood now, it may only lead to a quicker stain failure because of "lack of penetration, due to new, tight, wood.

    However I really do understand and appreciate your situation.

    Everyone here knows I prefer Ready Seal. But that is just me..... I have had some really nice projects over the years with the RS.

    I also feel that some stains may be better than others due to geo location.

    But again, that is just my take.

    sidenote: I just got off of the road and saw a fellow Texan with a ABQ balloon fest bumper sticker from just last week. I'm jealous.

    If you want, ( and it would be helpful for us) post some pics of your project so we can get a better feel for what you are up against. Although it sounds pretty cut a dried.

  8. Good Luck man, Trust me it took me a few months before Adrian on these boards showed me the light on SH, I was using 10% for the longest time and paying 15.00 for 4 gallons, Now 145 and I get a 52 gallons of 12.5 (more like 15) delivered to my door. I use so much less chemical now and clean alot faster.

    Not me man, I remember telling you to get it from "dollar General" at 6% strength for .99 a jug. That way it eliminates my competition and I will eventually own Sugarland Tx. lol. Kidding bro.

    Life is easier with 12% for sure and I know you are kicking butt in your area John.

    Right on.

    sidenote John: Is Walter with ELFS your delivery driver? He is a great guy. I always make sure he gets an ice cold water and an Abe Lincoln for the great delivery service.

  9. Max, welcome to TGS.

    If I understand correctly, your deck is just a week old. Right?

    When you say "roofed", it has a ceiling, arbor or awning over the deck. Right?

    Your karcher is enough to clean and prep the deck as a DIYer, but, why, it is brand new?

    There should be no prep required if wood is brand new. However I would suggest waiting for the wood to acclimate to it's new environment a while.

    That's just my take on it. Others may say different.

    Personally I would wait until next spring to treat the deck since it is brand new.

    The stain will adhere much better. IMO.

    A simple per carb cleaning in the spring is all you will need to prep the deck. Then stain it.

    I have used a wagner paint crew many yrs. ago and it worked fine for what I needed to spray. I also ran a longer supply tube from the wagner directly into the stain jug.

    The container on the wag was way too small and requires refill too often to suit me.

    Many contractors here swear by the AC stain. You can contact some of the suppliers here on this forum and request some samples to test, just to be sure of the product you want to use.

    Sidenote: you will want to dial down your psi on the Karcher to about 800 psi so no damage occurs to the wood.

    again.... welcome to TGS.

    another sidenote: this is the first year I have missed the balloon fest in ABQ. Man, what an awesome event. So much fun. esp. at night with the burnoff displays. So freaking cooooooool.

  10. OxiOne is simply Percarb, Metasilicate, and soda ash (yes, I read the MSDS on your site). Please explain how these chems will back up your claims.

    Paul, if you want folks to buy your product here's a little tip: Spell it right

    Oxi One, and don't make outrageous claims to INFORMED cleaning contractors. If you can fool Joe Consumer, good for you. Anyway, hawk your goods in the appropriate forum please.

    Not to mention, I have asked you 3 times now to complete your signature line. PLEASE.

  11. John, thanks for the response. You're right about it being "Behr Crap", their interior paint isn't much better either, I use BM or Pratt & Lambert for all the painting jobs I've done. BEHR is like water, very poor hiding qualities.

    I am going to try ds'ing 12.5 on a small section and will post up the after pics. Thanks again!

    Please go to your "my controls" and complete your signature line. House rules.
