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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. UMMMM, maybe I missed something here but why are you using Hydroxide at all? You mention mold, mildew and moss, but not stripping old stain. Why would you use hydroxide?? All you will do is ensure LOTS of fuzzies. The bleach will kill the stuff growing on the pine, and will brighten it as well.

    I don't think you missed anything.

    I based my responses to his first sentence.

    ..have to prep some wood for stain.....

    I guess I assumed that there was old stain to be taken off.

  2. P.s. you are having crap luck with vehicles this week man.

    Hope it starts looking up soon.

    Sidenote: cleaned a resi today. A neighborhood black cat was hanging around crossing every possible path I was going in. Friendly cat, and cute.

    BUT>>>>>>> the pw electric starter started to "hang", then it started cutting on and off as if lack of fuel or condensation. What a day.

    Stupid cute black kitty.

  3. many many many years ago I used to drive a Triumph TR4a.

    I know how much that must have hurt seeing the top in the rear view mirror.

    Did you have any video of the incident. lol.

    That'll learn ya though. Thank goodness for friends and beer.

  4. ... and no insurance @ all on power washing why would you need it? once i get a clientell of about 100k per year then ill worry about insurance lol

    i wouldnt have asked you qustions if i knew you were a girl pro wash lmfao

    I hope your next customer for cleaning ask' you for a copy of your insurance binder. You can tell them what you just wrote above.

    Especially after you have an unsecured tip blow out a window, or when you fry a socket and catch the house on fire, or when you don't realize that you are flooding the inside of a house, or that you get water and chems behind panels on the house.

    As far as the girl statement........ The respectable "Women" on this site

    will take you to school and teach you lessons that will make your head spin.

    Your approach to this whole expansion of your lawncare company is bass ackwards.

    You need insurance as a PW contractor. It's more than likely required in your state. A smart business owner carries insurance. A HACK doesn't even consider it and makes himself and the insustry look idiotic.

    For the future, please be equally respectful to the members here. Male or Female.

    on a side note: You are coming into an industry that is beyond a quater of century old. You somehow have categorized this industry as "non-expansive" and "never changing". Therefore you think you know all there is to know just because you manage to score a PW from Harbor Freight or Northern Tool. Wrong Fail.

    Again, I will ask you your name?
