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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. Welcome to TGS Dan.

    Glad to see another member of the Lone Star.

    That is a nice rig. But overkill for wood especially.

    Spend less on a pw. Use the rest for wood spraying equipment, and repair equipment.

    That large of a PW would need a large tank for water supply. Most resi's output for supply is usu. no higher than 5gpm, not enough to supply that machine. So, you would need a trailer setup for that rig.

  2. 60% lower is not reasonably priced. Unless your bid was just over the top.

    Or maybe the sales pitch was not their cup of tea.

    Or maybe they liked the other contractor better.

    Or maybe they were not educated in the process and thought any price will get them, the same service.

    Move on to the next one I say. It's right there waiting for you to grab it with your special sauce and take it to the bank.

  3. I used all the normal voodoo I had in my bag of tricks with weak to lean results.

    This wood had demons "sealed" inside of it. I could hear them laughing at me.

    I gave Ken a call to describe these 15 year old demons and he suggested an exorcism on the wood with a bit of a hotter mix than usual.

    Stronger than my mixes????? I exclaimed. That's magma from h_ e_l_l "hot"

    But it worked and the spirits let loose of the wood.

    I may have doubted my faith in my skillz on this one, but the "Good Priest"

    was a lamp for me in an otherwise dark and possesed wood exorcism.

    Thanks alot Ken!!!!

    Here's the results:

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJnf3pY39xA&feature=channel]YouTube - Deck Staining & Sealing Kingwood Texas[/ame]

  4. I think this thread is so popular, maybe, because I'm just saying it like it is.


    I thought I was a lil smart. Still think I am, but not as much as before.

    We feel exactly the same way.

    I'm NOT going to feel bad about myself, crawl up in a knot, and give up.

    You are your biggest obsticle.

    I'm also a guy you can pick on and feel superior.

    Really, thanks for slapping everybody here in the face with that statement.


  5. I am planning to set up a trailer for exterior wood restoration.(decks)

    Would it not be best to remove the p/w from the trailer to get to the back of the houses?

    Also, would you lose too much pressure with a long hose if your washer was mounted on a trailer parked on the street or driveway?

    Keep in mind that I am a total rookie!!!

    Welcome to TGS. PLease go to "my controls" and complete your signature line. House rules. We like to know who we are talking to.

    Again, welcome.

  6. Other day I poked my eye in a hury, tryin to keep up wit jeff doin a gutter clean. had to reatach a new downspout that wasnt screwed in? Recon the other co ran out of screws!!! lol!!! Well I finnished their whole gutter job for free. Its included with the gutter clean. damn!!!

    Wow, your spelling.

    P.P.E. = personal protection equipment.

    Examples are in the search function.

  7. I'm learning more from the old threads than the questions I ask.

    I'll take that as a "Thank You".

    7 pages with 329 self induced hi-jackings, again.

    If nothing else, hopefully you have learned that our time is valuable, just like yours is.

    Hydrocloroxitehypoacidmetsilicateoxidaneliothiumhydroxichlorite ??????

    Plenty of info on chems as well in the search function.

  8. You keep telling me to go to the archives? Spend 3-4 hours reading and looking for answers to questions I have.

    When you or someone else could save me alot of time and just tell me.

    (that says so much about your motives and willingness to not waste our time)

    Your help.... " go to the archives of already answered questions"...pass.

    (every member of this forum has done this. Most people don't like answering the same question over and over again)

    Well Mike,

    If you think you can learn the business in less than 3-4 hours of research then you are better than all of us. The book that Beth suggested is no different of an avenue, than my suggesting the search function.

    YOU have to do the research yourself.

    Why do you think it is fair to us if we just give you all the info you ever wanted in a few hours. It has taken us several years. Yet you want it instantly. With very little gratitude I'll add.

    It would serve you better to actually do some reading on your own since you may be able to stay on one subject.

    When you post here on TGS you tend to take everything off topic and in other directions other than your initial posting.

  9. For the comment to me, Mike, about "Nose in the air and showing you no respect, and giving me no respect, THAT YOU EDITED........ I expect an apology. A singled out apology.

    I have done nothing but help you to the point of putting my head in my hands.

    Respect.....is something you will have to earn with me from this point on.

    I have kept my cool with you, yet continued to help find answers to your questions.

    I am going to ask you, no, insist, that you use the "Search" function to find your answers, because you never listen to the advice everyone has given to you. You only end up diverting the thread in another direction and whine about how you are "sorry after you "re-think" your responses".

    After I read your response to me about "no respect" and "undercutting" and " your area" I was about to lay and infraction on your acct. But I stood back and gave it a second to think before I did.

    I have to refer to what Ken said and "holding off " on the reponse to your post.

    I did that. I am re- reading this thread. and it is no different than any other thread you have posted. I think most would agree that you are bordering an infraction on this board.

    You start threads by asking ???'s and then get upset at the responses and turn the thread into something entirely different. A battlezone.

    I will be honest with you. Judge it for yourself by the responses of the other members here.

    I believe the general consensus is that people on this board are willing to help you,

    but, you just don't listen to the advice. It seems like a watste of time dealing with you. I for one (like Rick2 said early on) am not going to offer anymore assistance until you show some professionalism on this forum. Spelling, manners, objectivity, and common respect.

    What you said to me was inexcusable and unprofessional in my book.

    As far as I am concerned , the only help I am offering is the "search" button at the top right of this page. You need to search before you post a question.

    I assure the info that you have recieved prior to this post has come easy for you.

    I don't feel ( mostly from everyone's responses to you) the info is going to come as easy from now on from us. Simply because you

    1.) Ask your questions

    2.) twist our responses

    3.) and then start meaninless off topic arguements.

    4.) then pretend as if it never happened by offering a lame apology and turn over a new leaf.

    Honestly, you have turned over a "new leaf" on ALL of your post' which really translates to no change at all. Just repetition.

    Alot of people know me on this and other forums. Plus they know my work.

    To tell me that you( before you edited) would "undercut" if I was in your area, is a joke.

    I believe everyone knows that I would, can, and will, walk circles around your work and collect twice as much and retain the customer.

    Not that it matters to you(obviously) but I feel I need to see some improvement in your conduct here at this forum, before I offer anymore assistance to you.

  10. I did redo the website today. took forever. I dont sound like a hick with a pressure washer anymore. I redid all the pages except the coupon page. I used photo bucket for the coupons. Photo bucket... that's another day! lol!!! Now that the website reads better... I feel like I have a breath of life again man. There is more to it than just that, between publishing and saving. there was a major hurldle I accomplished today! With the website. I did it!!! Flawless!!! all links work still! My quality is high. Gutter cleaning I'm the top!!! Shame I can't charge top prices cleaning gutters. I'll take the downspout off the house to clean it if have to, sometimes that happens. the debri is so compacted. Theres no snakin the downspout. Tried that. has to be taken apart. no up charge. With washing houses even if I have to use more chems than anticipated. No change in price... I stay with the house. The customer might not know better, but I do. Very fair to the customer, sometimes not so fair to me. This last house wasnt fair to me. The customer gonna strike up some more work for me at his job and sold the guy accross the street finaly! tried to get him last house I washed. Well bein that I'm back on his street.... That sold him!!!

    Visualize my throwing in the towel folks.

    Mike, how do you manage to hijack your own thread?

  11. Mike the reason we were not allowed to use chemicals is because immediately below the deck are dog kennels and she didn't want any chemicals to go there. This is an animal santctuary. We were originally going to attach a tarp to the underside of the deck but after close examination we felt that we can get by with just using laundry soap (generic) and water then diluting the soapy water when done. Almost all the existing sealer came off. The areas where it didn't come off we sanded. The wood in several places were time worn (dried out). She did not want to go to the expense of replacing those boards. It got up to about 84 degrees with high humidity that day though we were done before it got that hot.As I explained she was on a well so we had to wash the deck in stages for fear that she would run out of water or put the level too low.

    The boards that were weather worn are some but not all the boards that look like they could use a second coat. As I explained we hand brushed the whole deck so we gave ample sealer everywhere.

    The white film is puzzling because it appeared within two days of finishing. I usually use Wolman F & P and I have not had this problem with their product. But then again I am not sure it is a product problem. We did not neutrilize because with the exception of soap we did not use anything but water and sealer.

    By the way the five gallon bucket we poured the sealer into was brand new so it had no prior ingrediants in it.

    I hope this helps you understand my situation a little better.

    Rick761, please go to "my controls" and complete your signature line.

  12. I did sink down a little low in the truck if anyone driving buy seen my truck.

    Well, that just might be definative of the term " Sinking to a new low".

    You posted that you have the best graphics on your truck. How could they have not "seen" you. Your truck is YOU.

    Seriously,,,, Represent bro.

    Live and learn.

    Reflect and correct.

    Show some respect for YOUR company.

    Train your helper in more than waving a wand and making gutter dirt disappear. Train him in manners and respect. Get some for yourself as well.

    The more that you and your company employees are "out there" operating. The business that you could have gained from this BBS is being driven to your competitors due to post' like this thread.

  13. I hope all of you have a GREAT weekend.

    I wrote this for Princess Di a million years ago.

    .... for some reason she never returned my call. Why?

    Hopefully she appreciates it in the afterlife.

    I miss her and still celebrate her offerings to the world.

    You guys have an excellent weekend. now go start rocking.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnysZlIWddA&feature=related]YouTube - Cloud Nine Just Ahead[/ame]
