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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. +1 on what everyone else said.

    Mike we have been doing our best to help you with your questions and concerns.

    Honestly, when you share stuff like this it makes us feel as if we wasted our investment in you and your company. What investment????? OUR TIME.

    This is a board of professionals, who act professional. It may have been tacky to put up a road sign ( yard sign ) ad. Tearing it down on your employees part, risking injury on his part time ninja job, and you condoning it, is just wrong and even more tacky.

    You NEED that competitor. Some people look for that type of contractor. They know he is a low baller or whatever and want to only pay the lowest rate.

    He is pulling the weeds for you and taking the kind of customer you DON'T want.

    I feel you owe all of us an apology for telling us this story. The worst part is that your customers have access to the (your) scripts here and can see everything you post about your behavior, practices, and abilities. If I was a potentiel customer of yours and found this info, it tells me to run as far away from you as possible and never hire your firm.

    You have not been here long enough to know all of our personal mindsets, to know that we feel this is unprofessional. Which just shows the level of respect and thanks you are giving us for the time you have taken of ours.

    I for one am going to approach the rest of post' with extreme caution.

    I certainly don't want any of my potential customers seeing that I have "associations" with your firm.

    Personally I would like to ask you to bring a bit higher level of respect to this board and it's members. please!!!!!

    You may think it's funny but we don't. Your helper could have broken his back or snapped his spine etc.

    Be, act, and live, professional. Bring it with you everywhere you go. Especially here.

    Maybe you don't realize that this site CAN put money in your pocket via public view.

    Only, of course, if you change the approach of your post'.

    Some things you just have to keep to yourself.

    This board is watching, Mike.

  2. adrian, where did you get yours for $150? I got mine from Northern Tool in 07 for $289. I absolutely love it. I use it for all brick work, steps and concrete work. I even use to rinse with after cleaning with my surface cleaner. Mine gets a ton of use and has held up great. After my surface cleaner, it's one of my most useful tools and one of my favorites.

    It may have been Northern that I purchased it from.

    I was operating out of Atlanta at the time.

    Don't get me wrong, I do love it. I just don't use it that much. It does make very short work of whatever it is used on for sure.

  3. Amazing how this thread (and many of us participants) have evolved. It was interesting reading the guys clinging to their X-Jets and talking about downstreaming like it was Satan coming to collect their firstborn. Then two weeks to a month later hearing them rave how much faster and more effective downstreaming is. I don't know anyone (other than Adrian and jeff L) that still use an X-Jet. is anyone still clinging on for dear life to their M-5?

    Wow, talk about being dragged back into the xjet debate.

    I actually have a DS setup for my other pw rig ( which I rarely ever use anymore) with a 30 gal tank to draw from.

    I just don't have enough "trailer" to run both units and have an additional tank as well.

    What gets me is how so many that use the xjet still "carry" the 5 gal totes. I have 2 hand truck steups that are bundgied. I throw the chems through a trigger gun with no lance attached. I have longer lances if I need them. Mostly the trigger gun is used. The hand trucks make it a bit easier for me.

    I favor the DS when I have cleaned fleets and rental cars.

    I still however feel the backpack with chems is far right on the "bad scale". But that is just me.

    But yes Ken, I am clinging to my xjet for life. FOR LIFE MAN.

    For me the xjet takes up less space than adding the tank.

    I love my XJET

    I love my Deckster

    I love Cindy Crawford

  4. I have one of their twin turbo wands

    How do you like the twin over the standard turbo.??? Is it really worth dealing with the hassle to keep something else safe from day to day damage.

    Mostly the dual turbo hangs on the wall.

    I have both a single and the dual. The dual is awesome. Especially if you have long strecthes of curbs. It can be angled to cover the top of curb to the bottom in one pass, which allows you to just keep on walking.

    I have used it for some concrete chinking as well and it works great.

    It's not for every application though.

    I think I paid $150.00 or so back in 2005 or 2006 and it is still holding up great. Of course I don't use it everyday, but it is there when I need it.

  5. Right On !!!!! Ride On !!!!! Write On !!!!!

    Don't burn your leg on the "Sidepipe"

    By the way, I pulled a "Pete Townsend" with this guitar several years back. It's in a million pieces now. Just one of those perfect moments.

    You hard workin foos have a great weekend.


    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPa2CkWHh7M&feature=related]YouTube - sidepipe[/ame]

  6. I think it will bring additional business. However, I also feel you will be fielding calls with potential customers being angry until you pacify them and land the jobs.

    People tend to have a high and mighty attitude, and may feel you have undercut their ( self imposed) authority to do stenciling without their authorization.

    I still feel it will bring in business once they have the sales pitch Ron will throw at them.

    Good luck Ron, keep us posted.

  7. I would have asked him why he was beating the dog for doing its job, and I might still anonymously call the humane society and report him, and PETA (people for the ethnic treatment of animals) might enjoy visiting him too....


    Yea I said to him he is just doing his job early on. That was befor he spanked him/her.

    But you could see in the guys eyes that the dog was annoying him and it was making him mad that the dog was scratching the door up from the inside.

    It took me a few attempts for me to get up the cahoonas to say anything at all. I started packing up before I said anything. Then.... caboom.

    " Hey Honey, guess what, I called my first customer an A hole today"

    I have friends on doggie forums here in town that can send me in the right direction with this.

    Did I say friends? more like doggie mercenaries.
