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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. Have had a pair of Besingi's over the years that were "Human" smart.

    It really sucked to lose them.

    I said no more broken hearts to dogs dying.

    I bought myself a Parrot almost 3 decades ago, who has been the best pet I've ever owned. He will live to be around 100 yr. old. Hopefully outlive me.

    However, I don't think any critter should be spanked. Spoiled but not spanked.

  2. Adrian,

    You behaved and did absolutely the right thing. Kudos to you.

    Yeah, it sucks when coming up against a despicable person. Makes one question the validity of humanity in general. But there are dirt bags in this world, no getting around it. Sleep tight... The canine world sends its blessings.

    You're right Rick, I know.

    The resi was in a nice upper tier urban downtown neighborhood.

    All the houses and people were "Stepford" pretty. Looking at the guy and initially talking with him went well. It just went downhill when the dog started to annoy him.

    It's all good and I'm less tattered now but none the richer except in mental taxation.

    .....this to shall pass. lol.

  3. Well Rick,

    He is a Service Magic customer who has the option of rating & reviewing me.

    Plus I am sure he has his version of what went down.

    He probably saw a contractor who had a seemingly bad attitude and poor customer service.

    The good thing about SM Rate & Review is a feature that allows the contractor to respond to the customer comments, which I have used a 1000 times to say a positive word about customer.

    Imagine his bad review amongst all of my 4.0 - 5.0 star ratings. As well as my "not so kind, but professional" response. One could only hope , I guess.

    I have already found out that Houston P.D. can not do anything about it except take notes on a report and ad a file #.

    Plus hopefully it was a one time thing.

    I have always made jokes about the breed of dog as being a "Drop Kick" dog. But it was all in fun. I can't imagine the little guy taking it like that on a dailt basis. He was a real small pooch.

    I do not like this guy and he does not like me. And we both know it, now.


  4. Customer shows up 1/2 hr. late to meet me onsite.

    Customer is complaining about the day so far..... to me.

    Customer screams at the dog in his house through the glass door. Sort of startled me and drew the attention of the neighbors.

    Customer complains about additional cost to wash flagstone.

    Customer is still annoyed as he follows me around and does "instant" inspection after every wave of the wand.

    Customer screams again at the dog who is still barking and scratching the customers door from the inside.

    Customer goes inside to secure the dog, which allows me to actually make a bit of progress on the wash.

    I turn back around, and poof, there's the customer holding the poodle by the neck and spanking it on the bottom. The poor little guys legs were flopping all around and he yelped.


    My jaw hits the floor, but continue to work my way around the corner of resi. and mind my business.

    I work the corner to next corner, and lo and behold, customer has a few more questions he would like to ask me along with his "instant" inspection 200 ft plus back to the trailer to shut down and answer questions about flagstone cleaning that he doesn't want to pay for. Don't get me wrong, though, I love the upsell.

    I am still a little miffed about seeing the little dog take a butt beating ( just for doing his job when a stranger is around). I shut things down for this guy my 4th and final time.

    As I asked him to get off of my hose that he was standing on, he said, " I have a few more questions".

    Please understand, the same question can be asked several different ways, but usu. yields the same answer.

    I replied by telling him I have no more answers for him. But in a kind way told him that the next contractor hopefully will have the answers he needs.

    Customer realizes that I am situating my hoses for roll up before job was complete and starts asking a series of other questions. I told him I have done all I can do and that there is no charge for the 3/4 wash.

    Customers questions turned to insults and meaningless remarks which I just sucked up the best I could.

    I did my best to explain to the customer that there is no charge and that

    I would not be completeing his housewash and did not want his business anymore. ( Remaining as calm as possible)

    Customer says he is going to report me to "everybody". Along with every other explicit insult he could come up with.

    I was at my truest test of my life in how I am going to handle this one. He called me crazy, and a few other choice words. I need to get out of this place and still have 300 ft to roll up and secure the trailer as normal. I need to do this quick as my temper is BOILING and I am thinking of "night time options" for this nutjob.


    First time for me to lose it like this ever.

    I amazed myself.

    It was like "A Christmas Story" when the little boy beats the crap out of the bully using every cuss word in the book.

    Customer stands on front porch that was cleaned for free, holding the little dog he just got through beating in front of me, like it never happened.

    He said I just don't understand why you won't finish the job, YOU ARE NUTS, he shouts. I'm going to report you.

    Before I got into the truck I asked him who he has time for first, the cops or the Humane Society to answer questions for an animal abuse report.

    I know others would have handled this differently than I just did.

    Yes I lost a good fee for a large housewash.

    Plus I let my emotion get in the way.


    I am thinking of how much money I saved by not beating this guys arse into a pulp for hitting the little pooch. Bail, Lawyers, impound fees, medical

    I just couldn't finish the job guys. I just couldn't finish.

    If I stayed any longer, I wouldn't be here sharing this.

    I hope I handled it to the best available options I had.

    Stay and get to the "boiling point" with this guy and do something I would regret later.


    GTH out of there before I can't hold back, and ruin my life.

    Sorry so long of a post........

    Just one of those days I guess.

  5. Any specific products that can be bought by non-contractors that do a good job on driveway oil stains? The last one I used didn't work well at ALL (see next paragraph)

    Someone drove down my asphalt driveway recently and left a nice, big trail of oil down it. Plus quite a few drip spots as well. I went to the auto parts store and got some powdered concrete / asphalt cleaner, followed the directions and kept it moist for 30 minutes then scrubbed it HARD. Then pressure washed. Well, it did a LOUSY job. Next time I try cleaning it, there is so much to scrub I might even go rent a power brush scrubber of some sort to do that part of it.

    Please go to "My Controls" and complete your signature line. House Rules.

  6. I don't compete with Mother Nature.

    I know that my projects look good when I leave the jobsite.

    I know they will look good a week, month after the fact.

    Being located in the moist armpit of the nation it would just be foolish to offer warranty on a wash.

    Hurricane IKE ruined every single project I did last year inside of Houston proper.

    However, it could be used as a selling point to a customer.

    It could even be honored if the house ( for example) chalks up or something due to inadequate rinsing etc. immediatly after the wash.

    .....of course.... that is just my opinion and others may warrant a warranty. lol.

    Unless the resi can be hermetically sealed after the wash ( which is impossible )

    no warranties on a HW 4 me.

  7. Armstrong Clark or ready seal on a pressure treated deck? Deck is brand new about 2200 sq ft. Which of these two stains would the better one to go with, any other words of wisdom and help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all have a wonderful day.

    Please go to "my controls" and complete your signature line.

  8. I think what I'm looking for is what do you do first in the morning, and at the end of the day. After the work is done. Did a search on S.O.P. and, you are right. That can be anything. I still driving down the road answer calls, try to set a time and day. How do you organize your day that is the same every day? I run around like a chicken with my head cut off sometimes!!!

    Now you are talking about "Time Management."

    Which has nothing to do with SOP

    Your varied duties may not be the same thing everyday.

    The whole chicken thing you just mentioned............ I'm not touching that. It says so much.

    Organize your daily schedule by creating checklist of duties,i.e.

    cold calls.

    Follow up on leads

    maitainance of equipment

    marketing blah blah blah, you get the idea.

    You mentioned in one of your post" that you have been in business for 5 yrs. now. Improve on whatever methods have gotten you this far.

    Greatly improve on them, make it a focal point!!!!!!! As well as gaining the skills needed to be considered professional and seasoned.
