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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. S.O.P. is that like P.O.D.? plan of the day, but things done in order everyday? Just in general, if you don't mind? What is your S.O.P.? If you can't tell I am a little unorganized. I just thought I could figure it all out my self and all I have done is survive and not much more. I have no good role models or anything to copy and put into play like that. One of the things I will be talkin about next week. She isnt in the pressure washin business. I think she might tell me to ask someone in here?

    Search Button up top brother.

  2. Hey also, the person that i'm going to sit down with next week suggested for me something to think about. Kinda what you said? How can I Make myself different somehow? Different so that I get the call. Adrian, I got alot to think about and think fast!!! This one brain cell I'm workin with is overloaded!!! lol

    Well, take a break if you need to.

    If you mean different as in " stand out from your competition",

    Offer professional service, DO quality work, be confident, and let the course of time run with your company following a high standard of practice. It does not happen overnight. It's acquired.

    ....most of all be kind to your only brain cell.

  3. A light lit up today!!! Do I want to keep fighting with the lowballers, or loose some work, but build more word of mouth, at a price that is not just fair to the customer, but fair to me also.

    Right answer!!!!!

    Focus on the techniques that you learn here. Make them a daily part of your S.O.P. from sales to application to expansion and additional services.

    Re- direct your attention away from your competition and put that attention into running your business better than them by the quality of service and customer service you offer. But most of all be a positive reflection of our industry.

  4. i know i know. learned that at *****. someone with an electric pressure washer think they can do the same thing lol so what do ya do man?? id like to learn low pressure washin decks, went to faq and was confused. and id like to get atleast 4-500 heck i got bills to pay. today im sittin at home. how is that big franchise advertisin decks at 99? how do they price washin houses with out seein it?$219. and they sub it ALLL out???? this i know, cause i witnessed it? lost work because of it. how do they stay in business generate money to have all the google ads everywhere ya look??? i did a sponsored ad for a while n it was a waste of money and it was ALOT of money!

    If they are subbing out decks at 99.00, then their contractors are only making, maybe 45.00 per wash. Which translates to "blow and Go", damaged wood and a really crappy way to do business. But some people go for the 99.00 special.

    IMO the days of the 99.00 "anything" are gone. But some operate on the 99.00 mentality just for the customers that don't demand quality.

  5. 1. you let the customer "lead" you to close the sale of the matched price of your competitor.

    2. you let the customer govern the product you sealed the deck with.

    3. You didn't sell quality and experience and expertise sp?? You simply matched the lower rate to land the business.

    4. Sell "upper tier" service. Practice practice practice.

    Your pics do not enlarge so it is really hard to see the improvement on the deck.

    But if you sold that deck "wash" and "seal" for $175.00, then you will not be around this time next year. Just saying.

    Keep at it, though, as determination and practice and the right rate structure is what's going to get you through the season.

    You are the pro, not the customer. But that doesn't mean the customer is stupid. Just not as educated as you are about to be. Some reside to the fact that they have a percieved price for our services, which is just not true ( but handy to the lowballer).

    Sell an expert service and think about what Celeste just said. You will go far in that mindset.

  6. thanks Beth i cary 2 100 ft tape measures n 2 24 ft. 2 of everything just in case. Glad i found this site! with some time i should be able to eyeball like the pros. no work tomorow so gonna play with that n some other stuff! thanx! - Mike

    Get a roller wheel to measure or you can get info on a resi online, like I already mentioned.

    The pros don't "eyeball", they measure. That's one of the componants that make them a pro. Exact measurments and the proper techniques.

    Follow the advice of the vets on this board and you will be heading in a more profitable direction. Don't create your own understanding, because it will set you back. It already has.

    The advice you have been given so far, are proven methods that work and make the difference between a pro and a wannabe.

    Your process of " direct wand" approach is going to come back and haunt you and cost you in the end. One "bad" word from a customer carry's a long way.

    We all want you to succeed, but you have to take the professional advice given by the pros here in order to get on the road to success. After all you came here to ask questions and get answers. Your responses sound as if you are trying to find an acceptable way around that advice and do it your own way.

    You cannot use a high pressure and a wand to do deck restoration.

    I have a toothbrush but that does not make me an oral surgeon.

    Best of luck.

  7. That is one thing im behind on.... eyeballing square footage. each story is 10, aprox, and im gonna move forward with bein able to eye ball that. and yea i always throw in somethin for free!!!sidewalk or somethin...

    No one can eyeball the sq. footage. They can come close. BUt there are websites all over with resi info.


    here's one

  8. It seems like the furniture did not take to the prep as well as the deck did.

    It was a freebie on the furniture and she was happy.

    There are some builders here with very creative ideas and shapes.

    This one is actually mild in comparison to some I have done.

    One of my customers has 3 different levels of deck that all sections are shaped like a stop sign except for the "bandstand" yes bandstand. ( it's from the early '80's ).

    It's definately a party deck.

    But this one was fun.

    You have a point Rick. The furniture was very old and it was a crap shoot to see if I could bring it back. At least it's still breathing. Ha.

    Alot of decks are built over flatwork too.

    Personally it's just extra real estate I have to cover and keep wet. I prefer over the ground or at least elevated a bit.

    This was a fun project. Paid pretty good too. Now I only need about 10 more of these sizes to set me up for the Winter. ( kidding)

  9. Wood resto yeilds more than housewashing anyday.

    I was just saying I would like to get to that point where it is only wood.

    It is very rewarding.

    But I'm not there yet. I'll keep trying to get to that point, I believe it is a realistic target and am willing to continue to shoot for it.

    But I still have to do HW's and flatwork as well as resto.

    Good points you make too.

    I only know of a couple of woodies that are doing only wood and staying afloat.

  10. Adrian,

    I do. It is the most money making piece of equipment in my arsenal. It would be the first and last thing on the truck before I skidaddled ...

    I just recently experienced my first full blown hurricane this past season and a bunch of tornadoes that were spawned dead on at my back door.

    ........ I will run ............. and take cover.

    It might even be posted nationally somewhere like wiki, that without question " Adrian will run"

  11. I don't ever want to do housewashes. I don't feel like carrying tanks of housewash mixes, and I don't want to drive around all the time doing a whole lot of them. I'd much rather work on increasing my deck average and do less overall jobs. If I can stick with the 1500-2000 dollar decks that beats doing 5 houses anyday for me.

    Well put. I still have to do house washes and flatwork. But that is a level to strive for. Again, well put.

  12. Thx Ron,

    Checked a few of the sites you mentioned. Some are free. Still researching some of the info. Thx for the call.

    So far, it could be another good move to enroll in.

    I would like to hear of other' experiences.

    All in all not much different from being a city's certified or registered vendor to recieve the same info.

  13. Amidst the turbulence yesterday on some of the other BBS there was a piece of info thrown out there that could have possibly ( and still could )

    helped or given me a bit of a foothold for future growth. But my post went unnoticed. Not too uncommon as I usually don't have much to add other than a Conway twitty video or shameless self promotion of my music. I have a somewhat forgettable, but sunny disposition.

    But I still have not recieved the knowledge I came to learn by posing the ???? on the battle post. That's cool. Maybe someone can help on TGS as I still come to these bbs to learn.

    It was mentioned that the poster buys his RFP's from a company ( lead generator, I guess) for $250.00 a yr.

    Can someone explain this to me? Is it like Svc Mgc, only commercial?

    The disturbance in the force has caused a deficit in the ability to gain info this week for me. ( that was meant to be funny )
