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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. Stress is one of the things that adds to conduct sometimes. That is something that I was guilty of a few times in the past. As I get older I try to be more understanding of people. One thing I do know is that helping people gives me satisfaction. Those that know me well understand what I am saying. Right now having a son in Iraq (MP in the ARMY) puts things in a different perspective for me.

    Right on !

  2. The manufactures of Cleaning Chems have spent more than a few bucks to test and refine their products to do the job as safely as possible. There a lot of chemical reactions that can get DEADLY if they are mixed. Ammonia and clorox right from the grocery store when mixed can kill you in minutes. Its best to let the Chemical mixing to the experts and sell more jobs to do instead of trying to reinvent the wheel. Just my $.02 worth. Only been in the power wash business for 18 years ,so I too am still learning.

    Hi ****,

    Please go to the "My Controls" and complete you signature.

    Welcome to TGS.

  3. NIce website.

    What's your name, and can you fill out your signature please?

    It kind of depends on what you are going to clean with that pw.

    If you plan on tackleing a shopping center parking lot, I would borrow your friends.

    If you are going to do resi washes, the xjet will come in real handy with that size pw.

    You can cut your 12% sh, down to about 3-4%. You will want to get a surface cleaner too as most resi's can be upsold to driveway washes.

    Maybe if you PM Nichole or Tracy at sun Brite Supply ( on this BBS)

    They will post the proportioner chart for you.

    You will definately want a larger PW asap ( your call). More GPM will make jobs go faster for you.

  4. Tan Dickies have worked the best for me Dane. $15.00 shirts, $15.00 pants , $12.00 shorts. They are very tough as well creeping through foliage with thorns and such.

    But you have the agvantage of looking like a surfer anyways, so yours should work fine. Me.... being a little more "fuller, aged, and refined (lol) looking, the Dickies work best for me. Plus I can have my company logos sewn on for $8.00 each at the local seamstress. Am I a cheapo or what? At least I get the pro look w/o the higher cost of the uniforms. I feel customers appreciate a uniformed contractor vs. flip flops, tank top and cut off shorts. JMO.

  5. I have a field kit from my EMT days.


    Roller bandages


    Bandages 6x6's 4x4's 2x2's

    Burn ointment

    instant ice

    heat rub ointment

    Antibiotic ointment


    Finger splints

    Snake bite kit

    Tobacco for bee or wasp stings


    Mole skin

    New skin salve

    B.P. cuff ( sphigmomaminomitor sp?)

    eye injury kit

    Sun block 50spf

    Insect repellent

    First Aid guide

    Solar blanket

    Femoral traction ( hare ) splint

    assortment of other smaller splints




    barrior mask for cpr

    Suction draw for clearing airways

    and whatever else in lingering at the bottom of the bag.

    I am lacking a small O2 tank

    It's not overkill is it? lol

  6. Well the bamboo section came out nice and clean with reg. fence wash mix.

    BUT..... It was "greying" like pine or cedar does. Therefore the natural "yellowish" tone is no longer there since it was so weathered.

    I thought for sure the yellowish tone would come back to match the new sections of bamboo. Once the yellow tint is gone and weathered, it's gone for good.

    The customer was still very pleased at the results. But I wasn't. It simply doesn't match the rest of the fence as I hoped it would.

    The pergola came out awesome and the 10' high pine fence came out looking as new as the newer sections replaced after the storm.

    I will be staining it next week after the rains. Customer wants to go with the RS dark red. It should come out looking very exotic when finished.

    I was just hoping for a better outcome on the bamboo section. I'm happy that the customer is happy, but was simply hoping to get that cool looking yellow back.

    I guess it's tone is all in the thin section of coating that looks almost like a plastic film on the wood. Oh well, one for the books anyways.

    I'll post a YT vid when done.

  7. Be careful remember bamboo is individula strands of fibers and not like wood you usually encounter. That is why I used maple at my shore house for hardwood flooring as sand causes the individual fibers of bamboo to delaminate.


    Although the bamboo is only being washed, I am thinking that a reg fence wash mix will clean as if it were any other type of fence.

    Thx for mentioning the "strands" as I will also take extra care and use very little psi.

  8. Yeah, me too. This project is going to be worthy of the Robb Report.

    The Pergola has an entire outdoor kitchen under it with really nice tile on the floor.

    Can you say sweating bullets, because they waited 10 years to restore and are having the garden party next week. Geez. but I landed it this afternoon and will get it done.

    They have added new sections of bamboo since hurricane Ike and would like it all to match as close as possible. But again, not staining the bamboo.

    I'm sure this one will be worthy of a youtube slide show with some excellent Jimmy Buffet tunage in the background.

  9. I will be cleaning a 12' high 100' long bamboo fence along with another section 100' long of usual pine fence and a really really good sized pergola surrounded by a mammoth pool.

    I've got the process covered on the fence and pergola.

    I don't anticipate any different approach to the bamboo for cleaning.

    The bamboo sections are not being stained though, just cleaned.

    Everything else is being stained.

    Any tips, or heads up on the bamboo would be appreciated.


  10. I have been banging my head thinking of something valuable to post on this situation.

    Some of it may contribute to cabin fever ( for those up North), some to slow biz and season not in full swing etc. I look at some of the Vets that have 10's of thousands of post' and think how much help to others are in those post'. Then I see alot of people that have 1000's of post' that are not as productive as we all would like, even to the point of being combative. To hear of late that there are even threats going on.

    Well, I just don't know what to say except, that this is Beth & Rods "house".

    And B&R like to keep a clean house for the future and as they have in the past.

    I think if we are all adults as we claim, then we should act that way and do our part to help B&R run a clean household. I mean this place is here for us because of them.

    This may not mean as much to some of you folks as it does me. But years ago a fellow named Jim Crossly ( some may remember him) told me about TGS. He said it is the best place to learn. At that time some of the other BBS were not even around yet. He told me to learn as much as I can here and then get some work done.

    He also told me that if I spend all of my time on TGS I will never get any work done. LOL. It's pretty simple to me in my simple type mind.

    There are plenty of other places to go and "fight". We should come here to learn and apply it in the field and in the industry alike, and share the knowledge to keep this a justified growing industry. It is still yet a relatively young industry, and we are the ones shaping it.

    I'll add my thanks to B&R for TGS along with the others who understand what's involved here. Also to the Mods and FL's of past and present for helping tow the line.

    The knowledge I have learned from all of you has been the platform of my business existance.

    Let's all help out B&R keep this house clean so they can run their business in the world that does not start with www.TGS

  11. just curious - the battery leads make it so the battery cover doesn't close when they are hooked up. I was going to make modifications as I don't like spilling chems/stain on the battery or in the case.

    Hey Tony,

    What I did with mine is take a pair of "Tin Shears" and cut a couple of 1" squares out of the side section of the cover where the leads go to the battery. That way the battery still can be covered after you connect the leads. Plus it will keep any "fallout" from landing on the battery with the cover on.

  12. Tony,

    You will like the "glorified handcart" aspect when you have a deck that is second level. It climbs stairs pretty good.

    The only down side to the deckster, and I'm sure the Decker 5er as well( after seeing it). Is that it is top heavy when taking out the battery to re- charge it, which could crunch the regulator or crack the manifold if it falls over hard enough. So I always make sure it is secure before I remove the battery.

    Other than that, I love it. Always have and always will.

    But, like I said, I see a cheapo shur flo in the future for caustics and acids.

    Plus I could model it after the build of the Deckster on a small hand truck. Instead of just shagging a bunch of hoses and a battery around to hook it up to and a loose bucket.

  13. Wow, with the exception of the Deckster having a pressure gauge, the Decker looks like an identical twin. Thx for posting Rick.


    My original motor is still in use as well. I've only replaced the manifold after finding out that the ecoating has been eaten away over the years. That's why the gasket rebuild kits would not suffice. So I replaced the entire manifold. Tracy at Sunbrite was a big help in getting me an original manifold as they are appearantly not produced anymore.

    I am going to try and take it easy on the unit this Summer and maybe grab another Shur flo to shoot caustics and save the manifold on the Deckster for stain only.

    I love it, but I don't want to replace it anytime soon.

  14. Rick, I have over the years heard of a Decker 5er.

    Throwing my ignorance out for all to see here.... but..... who makes it and can you provide a link to it, with a pic. ? I would like to see what it looks like. Probably not much dif from a deckster right? Pumptec pump? Regulator and pressure gauge, prime bulb?

    I have only used shurflows for spraying xylene and lithium hydroxides.

    Basically a disposable pump after a few uses.

    But my deckster (exception of replacing manifold) has held up very well with everything I put through it.
