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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. OK, this may sound like I'm in need of therapy but I'm going through dt's...what the heck happened? I've been busy as heck the past 2 days and come back to find out I can't get my fix! :banghead: Did someone have cabin fever and go into a meltdown on PTS? :lgbugeyes

    Yea, what Larry said, I have been at work as well and BOOM.....

    did someone mention $? Not good experiences in the past with some post'.....

    Couldn't have been Dan, he's part of the wheel.... Please clue us in and catch us up.

    ...incidently Beth, this place has always been home for me. Please stay!!!!

  2. Hi everyone,

    I finished up my first Playscape today ( man these folks love their kids).

    It was gargantuan(sp). I can't believe I have never had an opportunity to do one of these things.

    It was quite the fun experience. Really.It took an hour and a half to strip and brighten last week & about 3 hours to finish the spray and pull the plastic. Keep in mind it's still January. It was nearly 80 degrees and I literally got a sunburn ( forgot the sunblock like a dummy).

    Tonight it will be in the 30's.

    Texas weather, if you don't like it... just wait a minute, and it will change, that's what they say, and it is very true.

    The books are full with wood and PW into Feb. Why am I still pushing wood in Jan.? Because I can!!!!! I love this industry.

    I set my target spending matches with SM to 10k ea. and they are keeping me hopping. Try it, it's only money, right.

    I love my deckster.

    I love my x-jet.

    I love Texas.

    Hope everyone is having a GREAT year so far.

  3. Great!!! I will see what is involved on my end and see how it parallels with your advice. So basically, get the warning out first. Then Start the dirty work.

    If they were all like him I wouldn't think twice about becoming a milkman right now.

    Thank God they are not. He's a real class act.

  4. I may be able to but I am inexperienced in that field. I don't know how as I have pretty much only had compliant customers all these years.

    Never ran into a customer like this. He has had bad experiences ( I'm sure due to his attitude) in the past with other contractors and seems to have towards me.

    Maybe I should just move on and let him feel as if he got over on me.

    It's not really the $$$$, it's the principle. He's a real jerk that seemed to look for issues before they are there if you know what I mean.

  5. I have been holding my own for almost 6 yrs. now with nothing but satisfied customers ( sometimes picky, but satisfied).

    I have a customer who has gone missing on me( or dodging me) and owes me for services rendered. ( resi pw and fence resto) sidebar: he has been a real Richard head from the start.

    I have contacted( mail, email, voxmail) him since Nov. 08 to no avail.

    I am afraid taking legal action will cost more than the job is worth ($1500.00).

    Any ideas on how to collect? Other than putting a hit out on him (kidding of course).

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  6. Remember, heck how can I forget! Yeah there were times when alcohol got in the way but the rest of the time was pretty vivid....although, there may be a couple of things I'd like to forget. I met some pretty strange people on the road.


    try some of the west texas po dunk towns with one bar only that plays all genres of music and hates them all. lol.

    yep those were the days........ but........Austin has always ruled in my book.

    That town is dubbed the live music capitol of the world.

  7. I do have some stuff on DVD from trips I made to Brazil with my church. We took a band and played at several places outside. If I could figure out how to load it I'd post some of that.

    vhs to dvd recorder and codec software for pc. Learn something new everyday using it. pretty cool new side hobby. saving all of the memories.

  8. um, some of the places we have played are much better not even mentioned, much less video taped. But then again " those were the days " "any show for a buck".

    Thanks to the SXSW music conference in Austin every year, there were always cameras rolling.

    not to mention that was just one band of three I was in at the same time.

    Punk, Prog rock, and pop rock. plus college, plus job and clinicals.

    How the heck did I keep up with myself back then?

    I wouldn't do it again, but I wouldn't change a thing ( unless I could remember at least half of the night before). Ha.

  9. Please send this to a soldier or their family. I am getting responses from soldiers and absolute strangers from all over. Don't send thanks to me, please, send thanks to a soldier.

    Imagine their life so far from home and family. Getting shot at, explosions, tracers coming right at them, landmines.

    PLease don't forget, why we are able to get so caught up in our lives, because they are fighting for our freedom to do so.

  10. Man, I love your site. Plus I think it's cool that you came to this site. Who are you?

    I know your site is not directly related to deadbeat "customers", but, it is an avenue for the contractors to use to make the deadbeat known. That is a plus, because I feel some contractors get a bad rap from customers that intentionally plan a negative outcome.

    Maybe a public persona "body check" would help other contractors avoid similar negative issues.

    Also, the postcard sending is a great idea.

    Post your name and get to know us here and we could help with suggestions or whatever to further info.
