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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. I agree with Beth then.

    Stronger mix of NAOH and neutralize.

    Upsell the underside along with the upper resto and the swing.(even though the customer said "it's ok"). You don't really want a non-uniform flow with the color, so sell the whole deck, not just "some of it".

    IMO start over with a stronger mix of NAOH and oxalic. Honestly, it looks untouched in years to me.


    Office Depot has business card holders for a buck a piece. Hit the real estateoffices with a box of doughnuts and some cards. Most will allow when bearing gifts. Sounds corney but it is a good cheap way to get the biz coming in. Also, the 3 foot rule comes in real handy in times like these. Anyone within 3 ft. gets a card.

    See if your local paper will print your firm as a business spotlight ad. Much more responses than the service directory although that is efficient as well. Call all the PM companies in your phone book. Call all the painters and offer to increase their productivity by letting you do the cleaning. Network with other PW firms and offer your services for their overflow.

    Cold call, Craigslist, Green sheet, Barber shops, Parts stores dry cleaners. They all have dirty parking lots. Hand out those business cards like there is no tomorrow. Never stop talking to people about your business.

  3. Hey Matt,

    all good points from everyone's input. I would have a concern though about the metal supports holding up the hand rails. The NAOH may take the finish off of them ( unless of course you sand). I would also ad the cost of repainting the metal into the bid as well. If not it could chew into your profits. That's going to be a tough strip to begin with and you don't want your efforts to be in vain.

  4. CLT984,

    I have had great success w/ RS over the years. It is very easy to apply and cleanup is a breeze.

    You can apply the first coat to see how much the deck will drink up and cure for an hour or so to apply 2nd coat. Most of the wood in your area is PT Pine or cedar and RS is perfect for that type of wood. Providing you do a proper strip and and brighten prep it will treat you well and look great. No glare, just glow. IMO obviously, oil based is the way to go with the moisture in your region!!

    Good luck.

  5. Looking for ideas on best way to remove products whose base is silicone. Stripping and sanding doesn't remove the material from the pores completely. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks and I want everyone to know I think this is a great forum for those in this profession! All ideas shared save us money! Thanks again.

    If you have already stripped and sanded and you still have evidence of silicone, replace or flip the boards.

    The wood in ATL is usu. PT pine or Cedar which is pretty soft wood which will "drink" the silicone base meaning it penetrates deep.

    .... flip 'em and go with an oil based stain. It's more managable IMO.

  6. Gene, I'm still in , as always, and was actually talking to a contact about offering some training and insight on putting a class together just today. It's not dead yet and I know through the proper networking and contacts, alerts etc. It can be pulled off.

    I am in the midst of putting together info & training class as we speak.

    RT or training seminar either is good with me. I have alot to share. Plus newbies will need an edge and current techniques.

    There are so many that I speak with on a regular basis that want training.

    Gets to a point that a class ( affordable to all) should be offered.

    I get calls daily and I mean daily about how to do this or that pertaining to cleaning or wood resto. Bro ..... I get blue in the face day after day.

    It's time for a house meeting IMO. &

    ...... it's in the works.

    What have you been able to find out so far?

  7. Lost my chain of fried chicken drive- thrus to an in house handy man.

    Cracks me up.


    Keep pushin on man, that's the way this industry is bro.

    Everyone's looking for the cheapest bid no matter what the quality of work is.

    It happens to the big guys too.

    We are not alone.

    It just brings you one step closer to the one that accepts your bid.

    Maybe at some point they will get tired of paying for crappy work and realize their error in hiring hacks.

    Hang in there it gets better.

    ( don't forget to add your signature up or they will kidnap your dog until you do!!! LOL)

  8. I used it in the stalls, its worked great. Even better if you could apply a coat first.

    Made it impossible to even leave graffiti. Most of the time it washed right off.

    Am i missing something? carnauba wax graffiti - Google Search

    Its used alot for that... I'm sorry if i know so many uses. You guys are just much.

    I was going to show you a trick with baking soda too, They can just call me. ITS LARGE....


    Ron, I truely am sorry for misunderstanding. Truely sorry. It just goes to show that there is always something to learn.

    I honestly never knew it could be used on graffitti.

    I thought I was getting blasted for the advice I gave.

    There has been so much of it, that it seems the boards have changed since I have been back visiting them. More like slugfest' lately. And I just didn't want it to be me. Seems like alot of folks are just picking fights when I thought I was just trying to help. No disrespect I swear, maybe just alot of folks are edgy, but more likely ...me.

    ...... anyways, ... yeah what Ron said, yeah,What Craig said, what everyone said.

    I have actually seen this posted alot in different threads with alot of responses, so try all the suggestions. One of them is bound to work.

    Again, apologies.

  9. Nice points Jeff.....

    Fanning it to match is the only complication to this issue. It's just plain hard to do without causing further issues on wood.

    Let me add that I have run into this on several occassions ( but not due to fault of my own). Trying to save homeowner expense of repaint there is a POSSIBLE solution.


    With close range tip of xjet ( some call it low flow) spray liquid carnuba wax over the structure. 10 oz. to 5 gal jug.

    It acts as a mask over the oxidation. Gives the finish a sheen appearance such the product "Restora" for vinyl shutters.

    It is only a temporary quick fix as weather and time will cause it to wear off eventually. No need to rinse it, but makes sure there will be no rain in the forecast for a day or so.

    again, only a temporary fix, NOT permanant solution. It will save a little time and alot of money ( should you consider repaint as a fix).

    The canuba wax only cost' about $15.00 a gallon and a gallon would be enough to cover about 3, 2500 s.f. 2 stories.

    Hope this helps.

  10. Huh???


    Translates to = sorry + I would have loved, and been happy to help RCHRIS57.

    You simply beat me to the punch, that's all.

    You seemed miffed with all that went on yesterday, and the wrestling match in the other thread(you know the one I speak of).

    You have plenty of .....er...diapers to change around here.

    Please don't misinterpret as me being coy with you. That happens alot when I post here.

    That's why you haven't seen me much on here anymore.

    Hope you have a super wonderful awesome great crazy cool day.

  11. Why Thank you Steve. I do appreciate the kind words. I also miss having accounts like yours.

    However I do not miss Hellanta as much. There is always room in Texas if you ever decide to expand.

    I am looking forward to seeing some pics of your new setup. This is one case where it feels good to be replaced by a machine. You should post some pics on the section that is for showing off your gear.

    Alot of contractors have different approaches and techniques that differ from one another's. And it's all good.....

    I simply stick with what works for me.

    Personally I think RCHRIS57 should have his technician simply stand a little further away from his target and he won't have those pesky wand marks.

    Thanks again for the kudos, I know your processes will be back on track in no time at all. I love helping out others in this industry.


  12. Hi stranger, nice to see your avatar.

    I posted them on PT. Hopefully I haven't hacked them down to nothing. TGS just don't like my pc.

    It was quit a few pics & I only posted a handful on PT. But I have a bad feeling after all that resizing that they are now too small. I would want to send all that in email. All my hard work gone........

    I guess Doolittle is the only one that missed me in my absence


    Am I allowed to say that name???????
