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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. Please try and follow as I have had little sleep.

    #1) I came across a painter today ( with THIRTY YEARS experience ) that knows everything there is to know about PW.

    #2) He, and his 2 helpers are now approaching their 3rd hr of washing a 2200s.f. single resi brick / hardie finish, with very few obstacles. Ladders are also being employed. Did I mention no chems.

    It's next door to my new house. Well, with my sunny disposition, I approached the painter ( with THIRTY YEARS experience ) who has been there for a few days doing other things that apply to his 30 yrs. and I offered him the use of my xjet. (pls refer to #2)

    #3) Who knows, maybe he could use the other 2 guys to do something better with his time and money, like maybe Running from Immigration officials.

    (too soon for that) Please refer again back to #2.

    Bottom line is he is rude, unintelligent, and hasn't firgured out that 30 years is a long time to be doing it the wrong way!!!!.

    #4) I knocked out 3200 s.f. resi and flatwork today between 9:00 - 12:30 this morning.

    I love my xjet!!!!! Flatwork took longer than the resi.

    My point is that as a small business owner you have to be alert to new ways of streamlining. Time is money!!! He is a complete a$$ whole to me by the way. Old dog new tricks I guess. His wank is largest. lol

    #5) They are still cleaning as I type ( they started around 1:00 all 3 of them)

    and have completed 3 sides and still have a detached garage to clean.

    No chems, just pressure. move the ladder, pull the hose, reposition the pw every 50 feet. 3 man project.

    ...... all of this after just arriving home from ABQ Ballo0n Festival for 3 days.

    (sorry still a little lagged )

    I attribute this trip to the GRAND performance of my XJET saving me time and keeping up with high volumes of work during peak periods. Which translates to "it's been a pretty ok Summer" for my pony. Please refer to #5.

    I will post somes pics when I get new batteries . They went dead on me.

    Is it Jon Fife that lives in ABQ? He's got some nice scenary there.

    What was that # to Immigration?

    New Mexico was awesome and the aliens there are real friendly. ( sorry too soon again)

    ....anyways, Mr 30 is just a dumb ( you know what) and I know in my heart of balloons that he just missed out on a financial orgasmic time saver.

    When I got turned onto the xjet, I could not believe how much more work I could stack up and complete.

    Thanks for taking the time to read.

    I wish someone would turn that damn pressure washer off I need some sleep.

  2. Been staying really busy Jeff. considering this my first yr. in Tx as a business owner, i have been targeting upper tier clients. Had more work than I caounted on over the Summer and some really interesting projects. more than I can count. It's slowing a bit, but my winter campaign is going to bring in the lollygaggers. I am doing so much better here in Tx compared to the 7th circle of hell ( I mean Atlanta). To my surprise, I have exceeded my earnings this year over last year in ATL, with no commercials accts. I might add. Only doing resi's now a days and it is a great feeling to know next year will be better. As winter sets in (DEC-JAN) around here, I will be focusing on completing the build on helicopter. The season is far from over and there is still alot of work lined up.......but like I said it is starting to slow a bit. Hopefully I have my nuts stored up in the right places for the winter.

    So yeah I guess I can pat myself on the back so far. Not bad for closing shop, moving, and setting up shop again. Whew glad all that is behind me.

    Hope it all continues to serve you well through the winter.

    For what it's worth, we rarely see anything below 40 in Dec. Jan. is when it really gets cold for a spell.

  3. This may sound cheesey, but when I make the jump to enclosed trailer, I will definately mount camper's toilet or the like. Being stuck with nowhere to go can really be a problem. As crazy as it sounds, with only 1 properly functioning kidney, I am secretly eyeing a "spot" when I run bids.

    Does this have anything to do with PWtrailer setups? IMO it does.

    Open trailers do not allow that luxury.

    This is probably not the response you were looking for Alan,

    but for me it can be a constant concern.

    Fortunatly my windows are blacked out and the inside of a suburban is another country in itself so there is plenty of room to whatever.

    I can't be the only one...........

  4. That's actually a good price for the rig all things considered, esp. for Northern. The down sides have already been mentioned. If you are a new startup,and funds are tight, then, I think that would definately get you up and rolling.

    With the right marketing and advertising it could pay for itself inside of a year (mixed with all the other expenses of a new startup). Then get more and better equipment(toys) after you start growing.

    Not bad for what it is.....

    other Brands include Simpson water Cannon's or Shotguns (swear by them, myself), Altec, Briggs, Honda and a million others.

    Alot of your purchase decision will have to be based on the application you will be using it for. You don't want to be stuck on a large project with a small pump. Better to have more and not need it if possible. Higher psi and gpm will get you to the next job quicker.

  5. I post..... some read...... rarely get comments..... not really sure how I am viewed on this site..... but here goes John.

    I don't know you personally, other than this site. You seem very intelligent and knowledgable in this field not to mention mature.

    Either bury the hatchet or simply ignore, BUT, don't let it rob you of a great experience like a roundtable.

    I have only been to one RT in ATL. and it was worth it a thousand times over.

    I wish there were some here in the lone star state (HOUSTON ESP.) I would be there everytime.

    Being a bigger person makes you a more humble person which commands respect and hopefully closure to your issues with this person.

  6. I have a sp2 backpack sprayer Model# 01SPO504-1 to apply.


    I am truely surprised that none of the other pro's have mentioned this early on.

    Spraying, caustics, 12% bleach, brighteners etc.from a backpack sprayer is bad news. You can get some nasty burns on your backside. Think about what your chemical is desinged to do, and then , think about what it can do to your skin.

    .........just the medic in me coming out!!!!!!!

  7. Jeff,

    xjet a 50/50 h20 sh mix on the spots AFTER you wash. Scrape if you like (eye protection). But spot spritzing the stains 50/ 50 should work. just leave it on and get your check. Watch your water temp on that dryvit it can disintegrate with heat and pressure. Sometimes the daubber stain seap into the painted surface. Pretty much the same method of removal for the red clay stains the east side of the nation has. Then clean it annually.

  8. Ken is right.

    My next pw resi extreme make over will actually exceed Ken's #'s.

    I can't even get to it until I get some mileage out of the wood resto projects I have.The rains haven't even affected my flow that much. House washes lead to deck washes leads to pool apron cleaning, leads to deck restoration leads to word of mouth customers and repeat business. Shane will vouch for me as credible "upseller". He's seen my work.

    Sell Sell Sell, upsell upsell upsell. See you guys after I come up for air!!!!!
