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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. No deck can be stripped in 20 min.

    Decks can be stripped and neutrilized with a pw and the right attachments, xjet low flo ect.I do it like that alot. A deckster or bucketster is another approach. You WILL get fuzz more often than not.

    Yes, the deck does need to be stripped in order for the RS to adhere correctly. Do it right the first time and you will have no regrets. Do it improperly and it will come back to haunt you.

  2. Some people just give that "xyz did it for this price last time" line to get you to come down to the price they are willing to pay in many cases.

    Stood on a neighbors deck and listened to a line of bs about the job we did next door saying the customer had a bunch of problems with us and we should charge him less. Quite frankly, the customer was quite satisfied with the work and asked to be put on the list for maintenance in 2 years.

    People are crafty and deceptive when it comes to money and what they are willing to part with. They get it in their own mind what they think it is worth and are blown away by the reality of what we need to charge to stay in business.

    They don't really care if we do, just so long as we give them what they want, how they want it, when they want it. Too much clinging to the customer is always right adage and pushing the contractor to bend for them without respect for the monetary obligations the contractor has or the family they are trying to support.

    Great strip line though Adrian, straight to the point and you get to keep your profit margins with another upstanding customer. Keep it up!


    I actually thought about calling the company that she said would do it for that price. But my mindset was that it would actually lower myself. I just know that either she is lying through her teeth or the other company is a complete fool. I have much much more integrity than that plus close to 5k in bids I have to close on for woodwork. I will not waste anymore of my time on customers like that. Prequalify on the phone, ask budgets and timelines and scopes before I leave the office.

    Hey, thx for chiming in Beth and Rod...... it's been a while.

    busy busy busy

    go go go


  3. Not to mention that it is their filthy smelly mold and algae that makes us dirty and smell like rotting fish.( although, that is the smell of money)

    Figuratively speaking of course.

    I am logo's and uniformed by the way.

    Not flip flops, wife beaters and bermudas.

    I'm really starting to like wood resto more than PW cheapos, which by the way is going great!!!! 7 decks last week in between the monsoons. My ( real paying)customers were thrilled over my efforts.

  4. I never lower my prices due to a low baller or someone crying poverty with a BMW in the driveway. As much as I hate getting a job, I love telling people that my price is my price.

    Some people simply live beyond their means to appear to be better off than they really are (BMW) and expect others to take the hit for it.

    Yep!!!! we get very dirty in this industry and are generally viewed as a lower dirty form of life in the customers eyes and are expected to be paid less because of their judgment. Reality is that at least we are genuine and they are faking to be viewed as better people while they stuff their face with ho-ho's in front of Jerry Springer.

  5. I'm still here and I'll post what I did overthere too.

    Adrian, I had one yesterday, roof job, just the front 1/2, bid $375. Client says '$375 you're crazy, xyz did it last year for $175'. I said 'if you'd called me last year it wouldn't need to be done again this year, good luck with xyz' click. I just hung up on him.


    Great response to your non- customer. It's their loss the way I see it.

    I feel we all have a responsibility to keep this industry on the economic rise in order to just stay afloat sometimes.I would rather have the customer call back after the hack has done a crappy job and she has recieved yet another HOA violation and test myself to see how I will respond. OR even if I will consider her for a customer at all. But my rate is my rate and that's the only rate you will recieve.

  6. Well Ken & I are cool where ever we post

    Doesnt it feel good to be able to tell some cheap sun of a gun, no thank you. I love when they cry poor mouth , then tell you how much they will pay me. I love saying good bye to those types

    agreed.... my time is worth more than their charity story. I will be reinventing my wording to say in such a professional way that they are just not able to qualify for my services. In other words..... you are just too cheap for me to even consider you for my time.

  7. Nah everybbody thinks it uncool to post on TGS. I could care less and post where I feel like it. Let me be the first to congratulate you on your metamorphosis from self employment to business owner ! Good post, Adrian.

    Thks Ken, coming from you solidifies that I am not off of my rocker by giving in to a 200 k resi that they have self appointed themselves a charity case.

    There is no PITA factor for this customer and is simply not worth my time.

  8. Today:

    Thank you Mr. lowballer for helping me.

    With your 200.00 dollar bid for a 2660 sq. ft ( 2 story) brick resi AND 1700 sf in flatwork, you have helped do something I have never done as a businessman in almost 5 years. And that is....... say to a customer, " I don't think we will be able to do business then, Ma'am". You have actually helped me pull the weeds and helped me to streamline my qualifying process from here on out.

    Thank you Mr. Lowballer, that's exactly why I need you out there, so you can listen to 20 years of babbling B.S. and sob stories to make you feel for them and their budget when I know that they are lying right through their teeth just to feel "one up" on the contractor. Crying poverty before they even get off of the phone.

    Thanks Mr . Lowballer, you have thicker skin than I do, probably because I have to run a quality business. While you do sub standard work that sends more calls my way regardless. I wish you could be around next year to do the same. Sad thing is that this customer lives in my subdivision, you know, the one I'M cleaning up.She will expect the same rate next year and you will be gone. I wonder what I will tell her then..........

    ......any suggestions.

    Thanks Mr. Lowballer, for doing your part to make my firm better locally and for the industry than you could ever hope to.

    ............castles built on sand...........

  9. SM is not really all that bad as everyone thinks. Pretty darn good actually.

    They have been able to generate 3.5 k for me this week alone. I just can't get the jobs finished due to the rain. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGG!

    Starting even another 1ksf deck today.

    I started one yesterday where I ran into a family of copperheads up against the house. Talk about running down a driveway with my arms flailing in the air, and feet never touching the ground. Yep.... I am a wuss when it comes to any snakes. The only good snake is........... you know the rest.

    Gotta go strip.

    Hope everyone is having no rain and a great week.

  10. Adrian, it can be sprayed through several different methods - not really that thick. We have no less than 4 sprayer options - give Roger a call (336-516-6139) and he can get you going to make some $$$!


    Hey thx Celeste and all responses. I will call first chance I get.

    Another 3k sf deck to start today and get prepped. 3 mths worth of house notes inpending work to be finished. woo hoo and wah at the same time.

    Here's a SM write up I found about Celeste and Roger.

    pretty cool.

    Featured Success Story

  11. Is there anyone using WTW in Tx. or even Houston? Results?????

    I have miles of wood already prepped and ready to stain, but have not had a couple days in a row to dry for the past few weeks. These are the times that make me consider using the product. I would imagine that it cannot be sprayed through my deckster or bucketster as it is pretty thick and must be padded or brushed on. Is that correct. Any of you stros using the stuff?

  12. This year 90 percent of my Biz has been from past customers and regular maint's plan's I have set up. Most from the Deck Maint.plan's I created 10 ? years ago. I have done a couple of house maint's (cedar) this year(nothing better) and many complete redo's of decks with house washes.

    This means no advertising, the customer knows you, no price problems , less product costs, and great referals from a network of happy customers. My phone doesn't ring as much but when it does it's high end work. The last couple of calls have been from my old window cleaning clients. All pre qualified.

    Just do great work and word will get out!!

    James, that's awesome. Let me ask then How you handle new potential customers. What ??'s do you ask them to qualify.

    My whole intent with this thread is how to not waste my time and money, but rather, somewhat gaurantee that they are worth the time and effort it takes.

  13. Like James said, just do good work and word will get out.

    Yesterday we had a deck strip/housewash. That night the neighbor came over and couldnt believe the gutters looked that good. We landed his house to wash next week.

    We will be putting out flyers on that street, along with target PC mailings and our yard sign.

    Not a question of doing good work. I have that dept. covered. My question is about getting a better feel for my potential customers mindset and budget and sincerity of the project. I am trying to save myself time and money.

  14. I am not positioned well enough to sponsor a team ( although I love the idea ), but it does seem that I am at least getting my punches out there. I do have first time customers tell me that they have seen me scurrying around town though so it's a start. From the sound of things I am not doing it all wrong, just simply not pinpointing my demographics properly. I need to advertise smarter instead of just try and get my name out there.

    Since my relocation to Tx. I am definately feeling the lack of income since I am not pushing commercial as much as resi work. My own choice as I want to build on my woodworking skills. It's happening.... just not as fast as I would like. In Ga. I barely advertised at all due to the contractors that had me always hopping on comm. projects. Again my choice to focus more on resi's. But now I have some new ammo to work with. What is your sleep #?

    I love that approach.

  15. Good question Barry. Most responses are coming from newspaper ads in two papers. The papers are distributed in 3 cities around me. The T.V. ad is not pulling in any responses and I am discontinueing for Aug. indefinately. It's cool, but it's not working. Plus the usual 2-5 hits a week from Svc. Mgc. leads in which about half are tirekickers. I have just started an ad in a national circular called the "coffee news" which is distributed weekly to diners and coffee shops ( never tried that before).It is not a national ad though, only local area. Too early to tell on that one as it has only been out a week. For what it is worth, i will be trying an ad at the new local drive in theater which will air before the previews start. But mostly from the newspaper ads.

    Although there are alot of tirekickers in the newspaper ads, I still get some legit business fom them. I am sure I will keep those running as long as possible.

    Am I wasting too much bait by putting too many lures in the water?

  16. I'm taking notes guys, thank you so far, but keep them coming, PLEASE!!!!

    All very good help. I have implemented alot of what has already been suggested. My close ratio is good, but there are still a few weeds to pull.

    On top of just trying to keep the phone ringing with usu. ad spaces around town and SM leads my ROI is just simply shabby. June and July have not been the most favorable months this year. Rain, school letting out ect. have allowed me quit a bit of bench time and PM for my equipment.

    Ironically as I am responding to this post I just recieved a call to do a deck resto and I applied some of these responses. I landed it over the phone. Thank you a thousand times over folks, but, please keep them coming.

    Someone out there must have a magic wand that they waved in my direction, or the good lord is simply tired of thumping me on the head.

    Please keep them coming. I REFUSE TO GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT,LOL.

  17. What methods are you using to qualify customers?

    ... in other words, lately, they have simply been wasting my time, money and gas. I am at the point where I literally need help to find out which ones are pulling my chain, and which ones are for real. What ???'s are you asking them to find out their sincerity about a job other than timeline, and budget, and scope of project. Please help, and is there a surefire formula to keep their interest after the tirekicking.

    Thanks in advance.
