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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. Dream Theater ((They stand alone)

    Rage Against the Machine

    King Crimson

    Pink Floyd ( pre & post Syd)

    A perfect circle




    Terrible Ted ( Nugent)

    The Offended Homeless


    Trans Siberian Orchestra ( Al Pitrelli)


    RAP IS NOT MUSIC!!!!!!!!!

    appearantly everything offered for consessions were all served with recycled materials, and, even the stage was recycled. What would the world be without music, no matter what the event. The music today is different for sure, but not total crap ( pushing it sometimes). Music is what brings everything together and makes the event if you ask me.

    I personally have played for benefits time and time again. Played with some pretty decent names as well. It all helps. Much better than sitting around *****ing about the situations and doing nothing at all to improve on them.

  2. Sounds like you described a typical "tote".

    Those tanks usu. have what I call a "shark cage" around them and are mounted to a pallet. They can be found for around 75.00 used. Another 50.00 - 100. 00 bucks for plumbing and you are set. The down side to that tank vs. cylinder tank is it will surely block your rear view. I have used a tote for 4 years before I went to a cylinderder design. It's a good inexpensive way to get started on a tank setup as that design is plentiful. Vs. paying the retail gouge rate.

    Jon, will you be at the balloon fest in Oct.? Would like to meet you......

    missed you past couple of times in ABQ.

  3. Thx.

    am considering the state flag.

    I guess I'm the only one drawn to govt. style logo.

    To me it draws attention to itself, which I always thought was the idea.

    I would not want it to steer people away though. I just simply like it. I guess it's a personal thing. I am working on others though w/o the goobermentality.

    ...... I laugh at myself more than anyone......... Just experimenting.

  4. LMAO Ken.

    Why, it has 13 stars and 13 stripes and I changed the actual colors. All those 13's have to be good for business. Besides there is only one other person in this country that uses this logo and he's too busy running a war. Plus he won't be using it much longer.

    It's not official Ken, was just noodling. maybe I will stick with my Pink Floyd theme after...... you know... the pyramid out of the end of the wand...... I've said too much...........

  5. When I get calls like that, I explain that I still need their address in order to give them an estimate over the phone or my database (zillow.com) will retrieve inaccurate info. I usu. get the info and am able to give them a pretty accurate bid over the phone for a housewash. The required upsells would be negotiated after the customer agreed that it is only an "over the phone estimate" and that a visual would be more exact. Trying to build a little trust. if they hang up...... have a nice day, get back to building a helicopter................ I mean , running my business.

  6. Ironic you should chime in Larry. I was thinking about who that guy was at the cape. I actually just got back from Bloomfield from picking this one up.

    My Dad ( who passed away last year) is who willed these to me. The completed bird is still in the hanger on his property in Bloomfield. He flew 1st Cav as well ... CW4. He went stir crazy after retirement and started building and distributing these birds. He was hooked for sure. The legacy lives on I guess. You should call me so I can give you my step Mom's # and address in Bloomfield. I felt awful that I didn't havemy cleaning gear with me as she really needs and wants to have her house cleaned ( brick...usual build up... and an easy clean with right equip) She has a lowes model and tries to clean it herself. We all know that's the hard way. Plus if you get rated and are interested, we are selling the bluebird in the pic I posted. It's already rated and inspected. Just needs all the fluids changed and charge the battery. Otherwise it's ready to fired up and I think she's less than an hour from you.

    If in fact we don't sell it, we have decided to display it along with my Father's military parphanalia that is at the air museum in Dexter ????

    The reason I didn't transport this one back is because I wanted to start from the ground up and learn every piece. Originally the factory was in Excelsior Springs, but Renke now owns them and actually sells them with updated parts including the P.E.P. Awesome. Let me know if you are interested in the bird or contacting my step Mom about cleaning her house. It's a single ranch that is an easy clean. But...... she has well water so you might want to bring your own. Your call.

  7. Adrian's building his own little loach! Man, that is a cool hobby. Mine is rinsing. (lol)

    I hear that remote control helicopters are extremely dangerous to their owners when they first start out, but a homebuilt chopper you actually fly inside? Waaay cool!

    Adrian, is this classed as ultralight? What is the powerplant? Is it controlled by the usual controls I'm familiar with (cyclic, collective, and pedals), or something new/different?

    I'm fascinated!:cool:

    They are classified as experimental ( if you want to remain at that level) or certified as private aircraft. It requires certain inspections at certain levels of the build if you want to go that route. Or, over the years people have simply built them and flown them ( or crashed ) on their own private property with no FAA inspects and license at all. Not very wise IMO, but tempting. Hard to insure and fly with a sense of reliability unless the pro's inspect and certify it along the way of the build.

    It has all the usual bells and whistles of a Robinson 22 or 44 just downsized.

    Not much different in collective, stick and peds except smaller and very tight.

    Invision a 55 chevy bel air with power steering and one without. But the weight difference makes it negligable in response.

    The build can go as fast or as slow as you want. Some people takes years to build them. Others do it in a couple of weeks w/ inspects. I have seen some of these birds built with what is called a PEP ( performance Enhancement Package) Boiled down, it is basically a super charger for the 85 hp Rodant ( rotax engine) It's pretty fast on it's own, 125 mph with 300 lb payload. A large man should consider the Robinson by far. With PEP it will go 150 - 170.

    But stress mods have to be made on the frame and tans links assemblies.

    They tend to disintegrate at light speed unless re-enforced. Or simply attach XJETS to the struts. lol.

    Oh yeah, the blue one is for sale..... hint hint.

  8. Wow that looks like fun. How long did it take to build the last one? Whats the range and how's the mileage? Do you need a pilot's liscense?

    They can be built in as little as 40 hrs., but the last was completed over a couple of months. 6 gal tank will get you about 4 hr.s flight time if you consume modestly ( 80-90-knots or so). at full cap ( 125- 140 knots) you'll be refueling in a couple hrs.Type of Licensing depends on how you have the bird certified by FAA. It can be kept at experimental level which will lower or raise the type of license required. It is still pretty pricey at the lowest level of FAA req's about 5k up to 20k (mostly in flight hrs.).
