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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. 20 years without sealing the deck is the reason it is still black. and I dont rinse oxalic. Anyone do that?

    I have had quit a few older decks that I have left it on and not rinsed. Not much of a risk when they are old and the longer dwell time to neitrilize only help the deck IMO. Sometime the fuzzies happen though and can usu. stiff brush they away. Not all will agree that this is the way to go and it is not for newer wood.

  2. Never been married, and, never been divorced. Planning on Marriage very soon though. Been w/ my gf for ten years next week. I wanted to wait until she had her degrees wrapped up and not interfere. She wanted to wait and see where my music career ended up and whether or not the record label was going to carry my band for very long. Well, we all know where that road took me.

    So with all that behind us now, we can finish out the plan. Divorce will never be in the picture either.

    I already have a daughter from the Rock and Roll era of my life. Her and my girlfriend are best friends. It's a trip. I am looking forward to the rest of my life.

    Divorces can cost as much as a lifetime of married savings and investments.

    Prenupts only mean that one does not trust the other to begin with.


  3. There is a butt load of work out in that area. I look forward to having alot.

    I think it is probably lung capacity that makes me higher than you though Shane. ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.kidding!!!!!! Well, I learned from the best. I was around 1200.00 higher than your bid. but the customer was under serious time restrictions and I actually had less than a week's window to get it done. Started last Thurs, Sprayed on Mon., touched up and collected on Wed.

    Hopefully, ( my goal) soon, no one will be able to tell whether it was Woodsavers

    or ABC who did the resto. Shanes the best teacher out there in my opinion.

    Joining the dark side has increased my profits, and Princess Leah never looked so good. Sorry.... coffee has not kicked in yet.

  4. Looks awesome! Gotta love the horzionals!

    I got a call the other day from a guy who wanted a dock estimate. No problem with $$$ in my eyes. Go there and it was an HOA community dock with 20 LARGE boat slips, not counting 120 x 6 feet of walkway, a 10 x 10 landing, and a 14 x 14 gazebo. I conservatively figured 70 gal of stain but padded the pricing just in case. Been about a week and I haven't heard from him yet. God I hate self-administered HOA's.


    I sure hope you get it Terry. That sounds like great project.

    Keep us posted.

  5. Forgot to mention that the customer also wanted the underside of the upper deck stained as well, which meant that I had to build what I call a "Shane Room" of poly around the deck and patio floor. Whew, I need a way better respirator. My helper was wabbling around from the fumes, and he was outside the Shane room. Like I said there weres a few challenges. but I really owe my belt an extra notch for this one.

  6. It was Bakers Super cedargold from Shane. I think he felt sorry for me for being on such large challenging project with just a rookie helper. He kept checking in on me with life saving tips. But I think this experience will only add to my professionalism in the field on other projects that are sure to come from this area. Ain't no small anything in these parts. Everybody likes BIG.

    They like to outdo each other with curb... er... lake appeal.

  7. Brushed and padded the sides. Lake level is crazy, one day up, the next day down. This project had lots of challenges including consoling the customer as well. They were very conerned, which I completely understand. But, now they have a contractor for life.......Me. They are very pleased. My name will be floating around the lake for a while. Get it? floating....... get it. ahahahahahahahahahahah. Actually had to move the boat for them and it was an awesome boat. It looked pretty cool hooked up to Magilla.


  8. Because someone willing to cut corners and "get 'er done" also does not take the time to learn how to price, how to market, and how to sell. This person is in a hurry to capture a piece of the pie many of us work hard to cultivate.

    Ken, ...... Hats off......... there is literally in my neck of the woods a company That has the same name as your "Catch Phrase" ( was that legal... I wasn't bashing, just relating, no names). but the phrase actually corners a particular view that the public percieves as the way it is ,this firm is feeding on that mentality and that's just how they do it. Blow and go, splash and dash, please make the check out to We don't really care.

    cool statement though...... and the rest kicks a$$ too.... but that just stood out.

    I love shooting my xjet at lowballers...............

  9. 2.3 gpm is not effective enough to earn you 100.00 an hour or even 100.00 a day in this industry. Think bigger, than your current train of thought. If you are going to run a business the right way, accept the fact that you will have no time for college and your grades will suffer and you will eventually drop out.

    That's because of the time and dedication it takes to run a full time exterior cleaning company. Listen to these guys..... they know....... We know....

    learn from our mistakes and research the hellout of this forum because there is not as valuable of a source anywhere else to be found. Change your ideology about how big you want to grow and about your level of professionalism, because that attitude affects the industry and how it's viewed by the consumer's. The info you have given us so far is enough to know you won't last long doing it the wrong way.

    None of us can negate the reality that it takes money to make money.

    A better investment on your end will yield higher and faster profits vs. your current choice of equipment's ability.

    Home depot and Lowes cannot instruct you or guide in any direction other than the cash register.


    .... and Barry, I should rephrase then,........Which phrases have worked in the variances of situations you may or may not have encountered in the field that might encourage a perspective customer to go with your firm for exterior cleaning or restoration!!!!

    (politically covered I hope)

    Ken ... awesome, that is some pretty persuasive phrases to inject into the conversation. I'll put a few of those in my back pocket.


  11. That's it???? That's all ????

    ok here's one........

    This is not some college kid you're dealing with who does it for beer and girl money on the weekend. This is what we all the time. This is our business.

    along those lines.

    Not sure if Alan was serious or not, but I like it.

  12. Thx Celeste,

    most of the challenge is protection of everything that is not getting sprayed.

    Sometimes I will not go to such extremes but that means alot of hand brushing and padding which is very time consuming w/ a tight schedule.

    I had 2 decks to do that day and was kind of in a pinch for time. Plus around here you sometimes have to slip in between the weather fronts and hope for the best. In other words , "Roll the dice" to stay on track.

    I love my Gibson! Even though she cries alot.

  13. Yep!!! but I didn't post the pic with the tarps covering everything.Hydrox to strip, oaxalic to brighten. EPA would have been proud of the protection. I had a boom at the end of the dock over the water to catch overspray. Everytime I post pics with tarps and plastic I'm told it is overkill. But, working over water, IMO, you can never be too cautious. The homeowners were crazy happy over this one.
