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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. Sounds like you want to leave the chem drum on the trailer, right?

    start with a 50' and see how it affects the draw.The longer the hose the longer the wait time for the draw to kick in. i have never used more than a 50' so someone may chime in who has. Personally I like the 20' attached to the chem cart. I have had no probs with the shorter hose and rolling with the cart. It helps that I don't have the weight of the wand to slow me down. Just the trigger and the cart and a fast pace.


    ......like I mentioned........

  2. Sounds like you want to leave the chem drum on the trailer, right?

    start with a 50' and see how it affects the draw.The longer the hose the longer the wait time for the draw to kick in. i have never used more than a 50' so someone may chime in who has. Personally I like the 20' attached to the chem cart. I have had no probs with the shorter hose and rolling with the cart. It helps that I don't have the weight of the wand to slow me down. Just the trigger and the cart and a fast pace.


  3. core sample is a solution, but costly , but could prove you innocent.

    Lawn care people may have put fertilizer down after you cleaned and a reaction with them fert and your chems may have taken place.

    generally if you don't see any changes during the time you are onsite and you are rinsing properly there will be no change at all in the foliage.

    chances are though, it is a combo of the weather, and the recovery from the chems. Hard to say, but there seems to be too many variables to pin it on just one reason. Therefore to say the chems were entirely at fault would be incorrect.

    I love my Fender Stratosmasher!!!!!

  4. Best wishes on a speedy recovery Ken. I'm sorry that happened, esp. for the other guy and his family. At least you have an opportunity to recover. Count your blessings. if you need anything let us know.

    I love life!!!!

  5. Shane has his setup in a bucket and it works great. Baterry beside the pump enclosed in the bucket, with exit cutouts for the hoses. It works great, he likes it alot. The only thing I would improve on the mobility is to get a two wheeler and attach a small hose reel to the top of it for the hose. It truely does make for less lifting and easier movement. that's just me. Shane is sold on his setup. I just don't like to carry anything, I would rather roll it around.

    Congrats on your setup, andget with Shane to see if he will post a pic of his setup. It's pretty cool and that's about the only thing I can think of that will make it less physical.

    I love my Stratocaster.... she cries alot.

  6. For resi's, I use my 4gpm 4k unit. i have always used the original xjet version.

    I don't even know the oriface size is to be honest. It is rated for 3k psi and higher. I have it attached to a trigger handle with no wand at all.

    i don't use the proportioners at all. i just move reeeaalll fast.

    I know alot of people who say they use the 40 when downstreaming and get even higher.So that might be the way for you.

    I just stick with what has always worked for me. I didn't go woth the m5 because others have said the original gets higher, so I went with that for three yrs now. Every once in a while I will use a regular 3 ft wand or in some cases an 8 ft. You should do ok pushing 5gpm and a 40.

    I am probably wrong but 13 comes to mind. I simply use this thingy to get waaaay high to that thingy. By the way that customer was so impressed with the cleaning job that I will be doing her wrap around deck this Summer.

    Sorry I don't have exact specs for you, but Tracy at SunBrite always took care of me and said this is the one you need and I have stuck with that ever since.

  7. Of course Beth, you guys got me my wings. Hats off to Mr. Crossley for turning me onto this site. I'd still be hanging off of tree limbs and using (what's that thing called) a ladder, and doing concrete with a wand if it weren't for you guys. Just curious to see what else is on the map. I'm doing freaking great and running my own kick a$$ business, what else could a guy ask for ( except a date with Cindy Crawford................ don't be dissin my Cinny girl).


  8. Would anyone mind if I asked you to post some addys of other PW & woodie forums? I have always been a TGS kind of guy, but am now as of late just curious as to what other comparable BBS's are out there.

    ILMXJ & Deckster

    also love my 1999 ltd. edition midnight wine red Fender Stratocrasher. It is the REAL King!!!!!

  9. Here's one I did last week at the lake Mike. The egg stains have been there since Halloween '06.

    Regular House wash didn't work so well until I did a half and half mix with 12% and a little extra prosource soap, longer dwell time obviously, and 1 re-apply. Stucco finish!!! Almost broke out a scoop of hydroxide, but better judgement warned me internally. Make it stronger and let it dwell. No shadows




  10. Thx Scott,

    It's in Cypress.

    I was just kidding about the rest.

    Prepped it with bleach, a little hydroxide, secret soap sauce applied and lifted through xjet w/ low pressure applicator. Brightened with ox. Stained with Deckster

    As usual around here I had to slip in between thunder storms and hope for the best. I was actually prepared to cover the entire deck and benches with a plastic canopy if the weather did not cooperate.

    Believe me, I had a stack of stakes behind the scenes and 400 more ft of plastic if needed.

