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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. Everyone thinks my biz name is a simple generic application for phone books etc. .... but it is actually my initials. People have known of my biz for a few years and seem shocked when I tell them. They just never put it together, they tell me. Oh well, I guess it still works w/ pw on the end of it.

  2. I love being back home in Texas. People here ( for the most part) are so considerate and friendly.

    Two customers called to reschedule today for next week when it will be in the high 60's to low 70's. they thought it was too cold for me to work in the 40's. Hey, as long as the h2o isn't turning to ice at the business end of the stick, I don't mind. Although it is still in the high 30's low 40's ( alittle nippy)

    I don't mind making money. but the customer is always right. One plus is that one of the customers decided he wants the flatwork done as well after my downhome schpeil???sp???. The warmer weather next week may have more people out in their yards looking at how dirty their property is.More for meeeeee!!!!!!!

    Stay warm folks, esp. ya'll up in the NE.

  3. purchase an xjet or an m5. It will save you alot of early start up headaches.

    Leave the ladder on the trailer.

    Read this bbs alot and soak up as much info as possible in the cleaning categories you are pursueing.

    Also, like Jeff (the condo king) said........ learn your chems. Always have rinsing on your mind as well, or you will be replacing alot of flowers and such. Learn your machines capacities and limits. Get a surface cleaner as well, that is geared for your machine's output. That will save you time and make money for you. Or, go out and clean a driveway with your wand and then re- read my last statement.

    Good luck, you are at the right place for info.

  4. awesome Rick,Now you can put that boy to work with you.

    That should lead to many more or even the district.

    Check out the tv ad on thread that says "my first tv ad"

    congrats Rick, if I can help in anyway let me know.

    There is a big project coming up in march that I will have to go back to ATL for. I will not pass this one up. I will need subs and I got your # programed in.

  5. I hear you. I have landed lots of jobs doing that with backpack full of fliers.


    Get some business card holders and distribute them to the places that you spend money at and get some of that money back. It all works to some degree. You saw my ad.... FREE HOUSEWASH w/2 referrals!!! I'm hoping it knocks my socks off. Who knows until you do a bunch of everything. Try it all.

  6. Hi Mike,

    Yea the lone star is the place for me. Just need to dig in and get the name loopin.....

    I got the same email, but ironically already am listed for fences.

    Man, did I ever thank you for the Maghee resi..... If I didn't , I meant to. So much was going on during the move and shutting things down.

    Thanks a million. I hope I can return the favor someday. Still getting alot of calls that I am subbing in Ga. I should just sell my customer list.

    Thanks again.

    I love my deeeeeecksterrrrr

  7. yea, same here, but I ran one of those free Craigs list ads in their service section. A SM rep from Colorado responded to email with copied heading and asked me to become a member.

    I like them fine, but they seem to be chasing their tail alot lately.

    I just wonder if they are hurting or something to get us to recruit other contractors. I don't have time to work for them.

  8. I 've been w/ SM for a good while now and they have made $ for me. Not the best vehicle, i'll agree ( for all the SM haters), but, combined w/ all of my other methods they do produce leads.

    That said, why have they raised their rate for leads, and why are their sales reps calling and offering contractor referral $ to me? Why are they copying and pasting some of my own text ads in other sources of ads. and asking if I would like to become a service contractor member not knowing that I already am via email. Do they actually communicate w/ each other ( ROLLING EYES )?

    Anybody else having tech dif's w/ SM?


  9. after much wondering why it did not air yesterday as scheduled, I spoke with the rep and he said he was having a glitch with his system. Since I have already tendered the green reserve on this baby I felt I had to inquire.

    If all is right with their programming thingy it should actually air today, with an additional week for free due to the glitch. Always nice to get a little good out of a bad thing. I can hardly wait to see it "live", and again will post it as soon as possible. Wish me luck with the potential rev generated on this one. I am trying to target a specific demograph ( resi's & decks upper tier). Never have gone this route and I hope it works. Yes I have chewed all of my fingernails off at this point.

  10. Hey that'll be cool to see a powerwashing commercial if you can post it here. I don't think I ever seen one in my neck of the woods...Good luck

    Hi John

    As soon as they post the commercial ( which should be this afternoon )

    I guess I can simply shoot a recording of it on the TV with new digital camera that takes movie recordings as well. I guess I can convert to mpeg format and see if it will upload on this site. I am pumped up about this and hope the investment ( minor, but still....) pays off.

    ........ sorry m'am I am booked up all month, is it possible to schedule you for the 1st week of next month ( wishful thinking)...

    Hope your season is off to a great start. I see you guys are still hovering in the teens..... stay warm.

  11. I Remember Reading On This Board That Texas Was Actually #1 In Mold Growth Conditions. So You Should Be O.k.,

    you got that right!!! I remember that post and remember the spark in my eye when I read it before I moved here. But as usual, there is alot of educating that the customer needs. Sometimes they simply need to be made aware of the fact that it CAN be removed. Some think they are just stuck with it.

    I was doing some flatwork in Katy last week, some of the prospects that stopped to see the surface cleaner in action acted like that it was greatest new invention of the 21st century. Awesome!!!!

  12. When I was operating in ATL I ran for YP 2 years and generated about only 1 a month. Basically paid for itself and a few extras, but you can't rely on it as a main vehicle to generate $$$$. But as always, the longer the exposure the better if it is making $$$ and at the very least paying for itself because it keeps you biz name out there. But there are negatives, like your location and how large your service area is. Plus how many people are actually using it? Roll the dice and see.

  13. After moving, settling in, acclimating to a new environment in a different state. I finalized and viewed my upcoming ad on " The Video Mall" on our local cable network ( again, not Wayne's World).

    Let's just say that the note on our new property has got me in neck deep and I must start pushing the biz now before Spring kicks in. I have to get my name looping in their head. My TV ad looks AWESOME, and will be aired 3150 times minimum this month. I am offering a " free house wash" for 2 closed referrals. Piece of cake!!!!!! I hope this works!!!!!! Free is always good and should draw some calls. But one thing for sure, if they are calling for a free house wash then I know that they will actually need a house wash. Sell Sell Sell!! I am also doing the usual postcard mailings and have the lead generator filled up with over 100 zips. I am not giving up commercial work by any means. But, with the move, I am actually starting biz over again and don't want the expense of a helper at this point. So I am targeting heavily on the resi market that is in my area. 1 nice golf course, lots of parks and Summer homes on the lake, which is really close by. Lots of deck work, and flatwork. I can't wait to be so busy and sore and sunburned, and smelly, and sleep depraived. So I hope the TV commercial does real good. Wish me luck and if I can some how get a copy of it..... I will post it.

    ..... just wanted to share. Hope everyone's season is off to a good start.
