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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. It has been done before, I believe most would advise against it due to potential damage to the deck. Practiceing on your customers (concrete?) sidewalk, for woodwork, is not the way to go. It takes more psi and gpm for flatwork vs. woodwork. If you use the same psi on the wood that you used on the flatwork, then you will have only gained a free box of toothpicks and a triple loss of time.

  2. Pls don't misunderstand. Not flying blind on this one.

    I have state and property tax requirements covered for closing.

    Business license simply needs to expire ( but notification must be delivered to county).

    I already have the process for big brother (IRS).

    I will be rebated on my insurance or just carry the name with proper address info and bus. name changes.

    I'm just wondering if I have all my bases covered.

    Didn't want to leave anything behind or out ( like my helper often does with my xjet) uuuuuugggggggghhhhhh!!!!! lol.

  3. #1 mold capitol of the nation. Texas, it's my home state and will be based in Houston and starting up once again in this wonderful business. hoping to push decks and exterior cleaning much harder with the knowledge I have gained here in Ga. the past 3 years. It was only a temporary stay here to begin with. We knew we would only be here for a short while. That's why I started this business when I did to avoid working for the man for such a short stay. But 3 years was enough to learn how to run a business without sinking all my $$$ into marketing and sales.

    When I get settled with a new house with area enough to store my helicopter and equipment, then I will re-start business with more attention to marketing and sales, since it will be more of a permanant location.

    I just never took the time to learn how to CLOSE a business.

    Maybe when I get situated, Shane can swap a few trade secrets on pushing the Deck side of things for me. I mean, really, I've done alright, aside from my usual whining and worrying. So I know I can do better in Tx with the old sink or swim attitude that has landed me in some pretty mammoth projects here.

    Plus..... guys ... I have already recieved a few calls from inquiring on my customers list. That is in the plan as well as my commercial accts.

    I am just not ready to sell or give my customer list away yet. I still have to make the notes til the end of the year. But yes, that is in the makes as well.

    I just need some pointers on closing.

    Thanks all.

  4. I will be closing down my business in about 3 months and am trying to start getting my ducks in a row for all the steps..

    Focusing on my taxes for this qtr. right now. Deadline soon...

    Don't fret... I will still love my xjet and my deckster... only in another state.

    Can anyone inform me (loosely) on how to go out of business, following legal steps ect., covering all my bases.

    I feel I have done pretty darn well in respect to the size of my operation, from start up to here. I have cut my teeth on some really cool projects over the past few years as well. So I will be bringing what I have learned about business and operations with me to my new location.

    I just need a few pointers on making sure I leave this place completely behind me.

    Any help is appreciated

  5. ......With much respect.......

    How come you didn't just tell the guy that you have branch trimmers?

    You could have told him that you would gladly trim the bushes or branches in the area that might have been in the way of your "scheduled contract cleaning".

    Also, that it would not upset the specified date on the contract. It changes the whole mindset when you have an answer to all or most every potentiel roadblock.

    Even though he had no intention of honoring the contract and you may or may not be willing to trim branches that interfere with the washing process, at least you would have backed him into the corner that he backed you into, just to get out of the deal.

    ....... I am sure it is not worth $$$ legalities to get them to honor the contract on 2 cleanings per year. But you do have dignity and pride when it comes to your business' image and you have a right to play ball just like they do, but, with discression and honesty.

    .......... Sorry for thinking Utopian, but, you don't have to be lied to.

    ... some of the responses on this post are ( legal or other) amazing advice.

    Learn something new everyday, and you guys are brilliant. And all the things that you guys say should happen...... well, they should.

    Some people just don't have the cahounas to be straight forward and like to make excuses for delays. They will do and say anything to maintain a good image, esp. if they have the reins in their hands.

    ... but my .02 is that I usually carry trimming equipment just in case I need it. That way you could at least say that you have a solution for the last line of B.S. you just tried to feed me!!! A.F.A.B.( anything for a buck) right? even if it's a P.I.T.A.( pain in the a$$) But your company is not a Butler for that firm.

    No reason for you and your firm to be disrespected and breeched, and lied to, even if they were polite about the whole issue. Big job or small job. It's all math and manners.......

    In most cases, my "straight with you, straight with me" simple minded utopian approach works with commercial accts. and alot of the contractors I work with. Most people sense honesty or dishonesty.

    Doesn't change the "cause and effect" of your bottom line projections.

    But there is nothing stopping you from finding a better account, because, there is a better account out there. If you have done everything you can with this account to your satisfaction and still butt heads, then move on to the next, better, account.

    ......This may get deleted or shot down, but you should throw some clippers in the old tool box for just such an occassion. At least you would have that "one upped" feeling that you don't have now. It's just a good feeling to me going through the day knowing I didn't get stepped on and just maybe I did things the right way.

    ..... again with much respect......

  6. SO did I win? There's only so many movies with Volcano in the title.......

    or wait a minute........... did I lose? lol.

    See what happens when customers reschedule........ I spend way too much time on TGS when I should be out closing!!!!!

    Did I win? lol



  7. I guess if you just have the vapors of the fuel present, they are probably not taking the time to inspect what is inside. BUT.... I am not the brightest person in the world, I think it would be a good idea to at least report it to the law and they measure if it is a spree or not if others also report.

    Or , there is always, the option of a sleeping bag under the the trailer with uncle 12 gauge. Stop them onsite and call the cops.
