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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. cut with water..... or fill the tanks with xylene....... or sand....... or nitro......or snakes would be good..... call the cops and see if they would be willing to patrol your area for a while late at night. I hate when stuff like that happens, esp. to good people. But rest assured what comes around......

  2. True

    We cant force our will or wishes on another country. The middle east is never going to be what GW wants.

    Hey Jeff, you created a frankenstein with this one bro!!!!!

    You might get more pages than Shanes bleach vs. percarb thread.

    Everyone's points should keep this thing going as long as the war itself.

    I don't want to comment on this topic anymore because I keep getting shot down by my fellow countrymen and told how wrong I am. But there are alot of good points like I said. Alot to make a person rethink his personal position of what's going on.

  3. I will check it out, Thanks Jim.

    AC, I did see your mix. 12.5% of what??? Bleach ???

    Yeah Tom, sorry, I should have said Bleach. Alot on this forum say .......12.5%, or S.H., or Sodium Hypochrolite. There are alot of terms.

    By the way this mix I use has been very cost effective as well.

    Bought by the case the soap cost' less than most pre-mix house washes per gallon and in alot of cases (most) people add a small % of 12.5% to their mix anyways.

    About 12.00 - 15.00 $ for case of soap and 1.55 per gal on the 12.5%.

    Alot of good advice from others as well on materials. You just need to experiment with some of the mixes and see what works best for your needs.

  4. Just curious as I'm still trying to learn , and in no way am i trying to put down the excellent wok you did on this home but underneath the fireplace overhang it looks like a stain of some type is showing there. is this rust or shadowing in the pic and if so is there anything that could be used to brighten that area up ? thanks in advance for your replies

    I didn't run across any rust on the side Lyn. I believe it is a shadow on the pic, just like the pics of the black mold. The shadows are there but you can clearly see the mix of mold algae and some conglomeration of the shotgun mold as well. This resi is roughly 25 feet from a flowing creek, which is obviously where the most moisture is. There was a little rust on the the chimney cap, but the customer is ok with that.

  5. come on now vinyl cleans up really easy .ill call you today.been in europe for a few months.

    You' re right Steve, it does clean easier than most resi's, but I thought it would make a nice pic. When I first saw the side I felt like I was standing under a drive in movie screen ( anyone remember those).Glad your back safe and sound and thanks for uncovering the terrorist liquid explosives threat, we knew you could do it.
