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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. Hey thanks Mike,

    Although I value your advice for the tax software. Paying one lump sum is going to be painful to write the larger check this year and could prove disasterous to my checking account. My CPA thinks it would be easier on me to pay quarterly. I honestly respect your past experience as acct. but agree with CPA as the one lump sum can set me back and potentially keep me from purchasing much needed equipment etc.

    I did increase my profits this past year but not to the point where I don't have to worry about general living expenses and the like as well keeping my one man op afloat. You said I am only required to pay annually as a sole operator, but does that mean I can't pay quaterly? My Cpa seems to think that is the best course of action to help keep things in check, but. never mention that is not ok to do so.

    Again, not shooting down your comments at all as I really do respect them.

    I just want to be able to at the very least spread myself thin instead of knocking out the whole acct. with one large payment.

    Thanks again to all.

  2. Gotta rattlesnake skin for a necktie.........

    Jorge rules man, saw him in Austin years ago and that show still stands out as one of the best slide guitarist to date.

    Eric Sardinas is real great slider as well. Steve Vai dicovered him and sign him to his Favored Nations label.... the rest is history.

    Man I am glad that there are other guitar enthusiasts on this board.

    Kind of always been leary of bringing it up as they are so stereo typed as druggies and bad boys and *** fiends. lol.

  3. I feel your pain Stephan. I had total reconstruction of right shoulder. Detached biceps muscle, bone fragments, 4 set screws, 2 bolts and a band of material to re attach the muscle through the collar bone (re-routed). Took over a year for rehab and bill that exceeded 40 grand. That was three years ago and still feel the pain from time to time . Esp. after a good hard day of waving the wand. My physical terrorist got alot of overtime pay with me. I still get alot of pops and pings and always worry about the surgical work coming undone.

    To this day I have never had any pain to compare to that incident that caused the seperation. It's still a little hard for me to go into crowded public places where you get bumped into alot. Plus I always set off alarms at the airport. But eventually it heals. You just never forget about that pain!!!!

  4. Chet has spawned several great great guitarist like Eric Johnson, John Petrucci of Dream Theater, Andy Timmons,and james Burton, Brian Setzer, Larry Carlton and Mike Stern . Not to mention the signature Tennesean Gibson (Sp?) guitar that is still one the top sellers in the Gibson line. He offered many different styles of playing. I saw him when I was very young and to this day is the only guitarist that I have seen play 2 different songs simultainiously on one ax. It blew me away then and to think of it now still blows me away. His jazz instructional video is one of the rarities of the times. He was one of the headliners at Les Paul's 80th birthday party and he stole the show.

    Ever hear of a little town called O'Fallon, Mo.? I have some family there.

  5. I think per my cpa's advice then that is what I am going to do then. Thanks for the input everyone. Still trying to grasp the tax ropes. If it were only as simple as just doing the pw work, I wouldn't worry so much. If felt really great to show such an increase in profits, but when she told me the totals and see it on paper aaaahhhhhgggg.

    I have a used kidney for sale if anyone is interested, slightly bruised and ulcerated, but it would make a great paperweight for all the tax ppwk. I will even throw in the stones it produces.

    thanks for all the input.... this year will be different for sure.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day and have a great weekend to all.


  6. Hey Jeff,

    in the second pic (just curious) is the bucket you are in mounted to the side of that building, because I don't see a boom on it if you are using a lift, maybe just a bad angle on the pic. If so, was it a pc. of rental equipment or do you own it? Seems like it could be handy.

    Just curious!


  7. I was reluctant to chime in Howard as I have never been in such a situation. If I understand what you are saying though by using high pressure to smooth off the edges of freshly poured concrete. personally I would decline because the risk of damage seems so high. Others may disagree though, I just know what kind of damage can be done using a wand for that type of application.

    My main concern is damage and insurance clain against my company. If your customer's main business is this type of work then he seems to have already found a way to get the job done and is hoping by trial and error on your part that this will save him time and money. I would not be a guinea pig in this case, but that is just me. Just my .02, maybe someone will chime in with a better way now. Good luck

  8. Hi all,

    Last year, being my first year in business and showing a small profit I paid my taxes at the end of the year.

    This year I show a pretty sizeable growth in income generated.

    Last year was pretty easy to pay. This year will be a bit harder to sign the check.

    My question: In your opinion what is the best way to handle payments to IRS

    annually or quarterly?

    My CPA says I should pay quarterly, and I am sure I will start doing it that way. In my opinion it will be easier to pay small quarterly checks than one large check in April. I would however like some feedback on how you do it.

    I am not trying to be nosey when it comes to your money, just looking for pro's and con's.

    I am still a very small firm and do not want employees (yet). So maybe some of the larger firms can reflect back on when they were small and first started out and how you handled it.

    Thanks in advance.:lgtear:


  9. Hey Paul,

    I have to take this week off per the Dr.'s orders. (kidney issues).

    But I still want to do a ride out with you one day and check out your deck equipment. Maybe in two weeks we can plan that as I will be scampering to get all my resi's caught up. I want to still get better deck sealing equipment than what I have. The resi's are picking up quit a bit, but I need to get that wand back in my hands. I am going stir crazy this week being the domestic bum. Serious want to do the ride out though. You really helped me get things going in the deck dept. last year with all the info., but I still want PW as main income. But I have been declineing on some staining. I just prefer cleaning decks and sealing and getting it all done in one day. in and out, collect and move on to the next. I have your # and will get in touch real soon after I get caught up.

  10. If you use a hydrant , you will need a meter from your county or you could face some serious fines from them if you are caught w/o one. If you are going to risk it ( not suggesting) then you will definately need the right equipment to tap and also filter the h20 or it could damage alot of supply hoses and your PW unit. Just a ball park guess ( not gospel ) on the bid. 8 ft high on a linear ft bid. around 050-.70 per ft. and cover the cost of chems as well. Are you filling your tank or just running 1/2 mile of supply hose. Not trying to sound silly but that's alot of supply hose, plus the pressure from hydrant will mangle a garden hose and you will have to have plenty of back up. I really hope you have a tank on trailer or you will lose $$ in supply hose.

    The cost of the bid could cost you just as much in supply hose.

  11. Both sides = 1 mile or Both sides = 1/2 mile.... when you say," you will be doing".... does that mean PWing? If so , how high is it? You already have the length. You can bid by sq. ft. ( length x height) or linear ft.( a price that covers 12 " length and the height as well) My guess would be to bid by linear ft. for a project that long.

    As for the cost per L. Ft..... give this thread a few hours to boil and let Mr. Williams or James chime in they know their business really good and I believe are down in your neck of the woods. BUT you need to get some exact #'s on square or linear footage to come up with an accurate bid. Plus possibly be prepared to shave a few cents off of rate if you are competing with others for the job.

  12. makes my back sore just reading your post Mr. Stone!

    I used to run a route for Coca-Cola when I was alot younger so I know it can be tough running a route. Just an example compared to how poorly equipped I was when I first started. At least we have learned the right choice by working for ourselves.

  13. 35000 sf of a strip mall. It was luckily my very first commercial job. I didn't know of the Grime Scene at that point or surface cleaners and I used the chem injector that came with my pw out of a 2 gal. bucket and 6% shelf bleach. 15k of job was sidewalk and I cleaned with a turbo nozzle. I actually creeped down the sides of the bldg. with a ladder to reach 15 ft heights of store front with a 3 ft wand. It took me 3, 12 hr days. My bid was pretty close to standard, but still a little low in terms of what I charge now. I seriously considered becoming a milkman instead. My bones ached and I was sleepwalking by the time it was over. I know better now and am better equipped for large commercial jobs. I have also done some pretty large resi's. The largest being a 15k sf mansion that Mr. Crossley farmed out to me. It was a great job. But getting paid was alot harder than the job itself.

    Those bigger resi's , I swear would be laughing at me as I pulled onsite. But like I said I am better equipped since I found out about TGS and my beloved X-Jet and chem two wheeler. Now I am laughing at those larger resi's.

  14. Hey Jeff,

    Georgia Chemical sold me mine for 60.00 bucks with hardware. You will have shipping cost' added I'm sure, but it might be worth investigating .

    770-921-0397. They wanted another 60.00 bucks to install but I declined and did it myself. It was not as hard as I thought it would be. I have a Simpson surface cleaner so there may be some variances in price, but like I said it may be worth investigating. Not trying to shoot anyone's advice or prices on this thread, I just had the same situation as you are having. It was not hard at all to install it myself.

  15. Thx Neil, cool info, I do not have serius setup and have not researched the station. I have heard about it, just never listened.

    I did however find out that I am not the only Gilmour fan through this thread and I think that is so cool.

    I was the first in line to get the cd on this past Tues. Met a few other fans as well from the city I live in. Cool to know that I am not the only one.

    I really hate to sound so fanatical about this guy, but he is just a genious.

    #1 on the UK charts for new releases in the first week and I'm sure he will be up high when the US charts are compiled. It has been an extremely rough week for me and I am very glad to have purchased the cd as I am so very tight with my $$$$.

    I had a 15mm kidney stone removed from my body on Fri and it was no cakewalk and am still in alot of pain aside from the vicodin and other meds the Dr. put me on. But I truely am glad I got the cd before hand as that's all I have been listening to up to the surgery. Yes 15mm is very large. I still cringe at all the blood and after effects.

    As crazy as this sounds, that 61 year old musician has made the recoup alot easier for me. Music and PW is my life. What a combo huh? But I will be jamming to it until the laser burns through the cd.

    12.00 dollars was well worth the price as tight as I am and along with the cd packaging is another single cd of the radio single "on an island". But that is only distributed in a limited #. Get a copy if you guys are interested in that sort of music. It is very mature and not spacey like floyd music is and it is well worth the purchase.

    The stones are not what they used to be, Robert Plant is not what he used to be, Springstein and Daltry are not what they used to be but Gilmour is still shining like he never took any time off. If I am dating myself, that's cool, I don't mind. But like I said, this cd is a work of art. I will go to my grave being a rocker. Maybe I will sell my kidney stone on Ebay like Captain Kirk did.

    Then I can use the $$$ to learn how to become a real PWer.

    Thanks for the babble time, it's probably the vicodin just kickin in.
