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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. Had a lady that Has a two story house with gutters hanging from weight of debris that was in them. Did a great job on the house cleaning (did I mention that I love my xjet?). The house is about 35 ft highest point. She asked if I would re-secure the gutter hanging from the end of the house. I replied that I cannot promise that it will be a permanent fix but I would try. Well, I only have a 24 ft ladder and could not reach from the ground, so I used the ladder to get up on her deck that was about 15ft high. then I pulled the ladder up onto the deck to get to the roof. I'm not good with heights first off. It was a real stretch to get to the nail in question that holds that section of the gutter. If you can picture having ladder fully extended already airborne from the deck 15 feet up and stretching out beyond the railing of the deck and trying to clean out the weight of debris and looking down at the length of the potentiel fall. I was a nervous wreck up there. Plus this was never mentioned until I got onsite.

    Again, the house cleaning (which I was hired for) came out looking brand new. Vinyl sided, no big deal, pretty common. The gutter repair was fine afterwards for what it was worth but still needed a gutter pro to replace or repair. The lady refused to pay me, since I did not make her broken gutter look brand new. I explained that I am not a gutter repair service and that I only do power washing. She started speaking in tounges under her breath about my performance and said she would not recomend me to anyone. That's ok with me! In the initial conversation the gutter was never brought up. It was however brought up when I got onsite. She had her foot in my #2 the whole time I was trying to fix her gutter.( that's right .... make it more nerveracking while i'm up that high) Finally she agreed to my explanation that this was only a temporary fix and that I don't do this type of service work to begin with ( and never will again for that matter). I offered her a 20.00 discount off of total PW service I performed to pacify her.

    The discount in reality was to get her from continuously barking at me.

    I only took a 20.00 hit in the pocket just so I could run as far away from her as I could. I'm learning guys, from here on out...... no free service or favors or going outside the realm of my profession. I don't care how needy the situation is. Standing firm on this one. It just amazes me how this customer went from pleasant to werewolf in no time at all.

  2. Phillip, I agree with Mike. Your heart strings were pulled for a reason by that dog!!!!

    The Humane society offers a free scan for lost animals, in that, they can wand the dogs neck for a micro chip and any owner info. If the dog has a micro chip imbedded in his neck ( which is really common these days), there will be no need to put him (or her ) in a shelter. It's worth a try!!!

    also tried to contact you by phone yesterday..... I have some hurricane news for us that could help us get started. call me.

  3. Jon,

    I was in ABQ last month to play at a wedding. I looked through the yellow pages in the hotel I stayed at and there were about 15 firms in PW. Also noticed that about half of them were also distributors or repair of some sort and looked to be as if they offered many other services as well.

    When I was driving around that wonderful city I noticed that the adobe buildings and most of the flatwork was so different in contrast to the mold in ATL. The city actually looked pretty darn clean.

    To answer your question, there are quit a few firms and probably more listed as painters as well.

    I think you will love living there. Oh yeah, there's a casino there as well called the Sandin ( I think) or something like that and the slots were pretty loose.

    There was also a great winery that the wedding was at and they had some pretty good wine from what everyone said. Not a drinker myself.

    Hope that helps some. Good luck with the move.


  4. LMAO about the cats. Sometimes good old fashioned hospitality pays off.

    by the way the ding dongs are good through Nov. Took your advice and checked the date. I remember when my mom used to pack them in my lunch and they were wrapped in foil. Now they are hermetically sealed in plastic to prevent spoilage.

    2 down 10 to go.

    Have a great day.

    P.S. My big brother lives in O'Fallon Mo. not too far from STL. Ever hear of that place.

    Nice sleepy little town.

    Take care


  5. office depot also sells actual carbon paper, so you might be able to print 2 copies of whatever, have them sign, and then you have a signed copy for yourself.

    Kind of old fashioned but I still do alot of business that way.

    or.... you can buy a bundle of blank carbonless work orders or invoices that have 2 or 3 copies that just tear away and you can hand write the info in them.

    I have a painter friend that does it that way.

  6. So I finished this resi in Atlanta and had a couple of gallons of chems left over from the job in my drum. I get home and was wondering what I should do with the leftover chems,i.e. pour it on the overgrown kudzu ( wild fast growing weed here in ATL) or try and save it for the next job. Well, there is this little old Irish couple that live a few houses down from me and their driveway is practically black from years of

    moldy buildup. The old man barely remembers yesterday and always talks about the war way back when. The wife is still pretty sharp though. Well I asked them if I could use the leftover chems on their driveway and clean it for free. She agreed to let me do it for free, but kept insisting that she at least pay me a little something. I declined over and over.

    Now before anyone starts grilling me for giving away my services, keep in mind that this is a very very old couple on a fixed income. I even cut their grass from time to time. The old man gives me fruit and veggies from his garden, which is payment enough for me.

    Well while I was cleaning their driveway she elusively climbed into my work truck and slipped a box of hostess ding dongs in for payment. Needless to say, all the calories I just burned will most likely return. I didn't even know they made Ding Dongs anymore. So I got rid of my extra chems and will most likely gain a few lbs. from this one. Man I forgot how good those things were.

    Have a great day everyone!!!!!


  7. I do the netflix thing right now.

    But....... if you have the hard drive space then they are worth it because you can download and burn to dvd (if pc is equiped ) and then you own forever!

    think about what you would pay for a flick at the store to own and 40.00 bucks is chewed up within 2 or 3 dvd's. But the rate of membership is worth it because after you burn to dvd you can delete the flick , recover your space on hard drive and do it all over again.

    just my thoughts


  8. in my experiences with lifts, if he goes with articulating lift that would be the best bet as long as it has all terrain tires on it. Scissor lifts have the compressed material for tires (airless and smooth surface). That could equal alot of trouble as far as mobility on the grassy areas even to the point of sinking. If it starts to sink then a scissor lift could very easily topple over. Alot of the articulating models have all terrain tires and are equiped with outriggers to prevent turn overs. The roof certainly does not look walkable (or at least I would chicken out) plus I don't see where he would have access to all sides of the bell tower with a ladder. So I can see now where he might need a lift. But, IMHO, I would buy an x jet before I invested the 400.00 per day for the articulating lift.

  9. Hey Tim thx for the tag! Great website too. Noticed Glen Hughes on your site from Trapeze. Whooa! that brings back some memories. So cool you get to go to NAMM.

    Did you happen to get to meet Satch and his new Peavey Amp? He's the coolest guy in the world. Always takes the time for his fans. He actually has a cd release of mine from years back. Glen Hughes also had Pat Travers guitarist, Pat Thralls in a project that made a couple of releases in the 80's. Hughes Thrall band. Again, thx for the tag,

    but I think I may have strayed from the thread a bit...... sorry Mike.

  10. Mr. **********

    You are a GREAT boss to give him the time off to tour. I have literally had to give some jobs up because being on the road is just that important!!!!

    You should feel good about yourself for helping him live his dream.

    Love that picture of Mr. Travers as well.

    When my band opened for Pat in the 80's in Austin Tx, there is a room at most clubs (green room, where the musicians hang away from the fans and warm up), I watched that man down almost a whole bottle of Jack without batting an eye just before he took the stage and kicked everyone's butt. He is also quite the gentleman.

    Best of luck to your employee.
