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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. Hey Mr.Fife,

    Thx for chiming in. I was hoping that you might have a little administrative insight on the topic. I was finding it real tough to get any info as I just didn't know which direction to get started. Originally was just kicking around the idea of a working road trip. As I have been doing research all afternoon ( and landing a pretty good job in my area.... woo hoo) I am starting to feel that this might very well be a doable thing.

    I mean, I see all these efforts going on in the news and was just thinking..... how can I get in on some of that. I am trying to focus on Mississippi because I may be able to squeeze a visit with my daughter who goes to college at 'ol Miss. univ. That would be real nice. I am learning that if you are able to get past alot of the prequisites (i.e. red tape) that this might happen. But , like I said.... hurry up and wait!!!!!

    Take care

  2. Well, I wanted to stay away from the Govt. agencies, but it is somewhat required to be listed as a contractor for hurricane relief cleanup. I am focusing on Mississippi, and found out through the small business admin. that they do need cleaning contractors in Ms. but to be considered through the city of Gulfport area must have a DUNS # to be eligible. What a process!!!! Army corp of engineers requires the same as well to be put on their list of contractors for cleaning. It is a very simple application and the Standard Industry Classification for what we do is 5087 ( just in case anyone wants to know). I guess we will see how it goes. Hurry up and wait. Thanks for the info so far everyone.

  3. For over 25 years I played in Rock bands from Los Angelas to Houston. Still do!

    Made a pretty good living at it and have several cd releases in the later years plus worked as a logistics broker ( lots of money there) in the transportation industry for airlines and truck firms for food money.

    I opened a show for Mick Taylor of the Rolling Stones and Susan Tedasky and Pat Travers and Tesla and Dangerous Toys and many others years ago. Just never quit made the big time with it, but who cares, it's what I still truely love.

    One day as I was in the logistics bus., my wife said " ya know, I don't think I have seen you happy in over 5 years". That's all it took and almost 2 years now I have been PWing. Not near as much $$$$ as in Transportation but I am alot happier nonetheless. Plus I still just love playing in bands. I have pretty much given up on becoming a "Rock Star" but I still get occassional royalties and just love to play.

    Whenever I am not PWing you can find me in my studio writing or recording.

    That will always be my main love, making music. I sure love being my own boss though!!!!!!

  4. I just found out that my ins. agent is pretty much worthless!!!! Although I am having some luck going through the SBA and they have alot of info about contractors and relief efforts. I am researching as I write and will get back with more info (thanks Beth).

    Army corp. of engineers needs me to go through Dun and Bradstreet and apply for DUNS#. As I was going through the app. I got held up on one section that asks for an SIC ........ I have bus. license, E.I.N. # and plenty of insurance, but I have no Idea what an SIC is..........can someone enlighten me on this??????

  5. Hey full Blast,

    Where abouts are you heading this weekend? N.O. or Ms. or Al.?

    If it is Ms. , that's where I have my sites set. Let me know. I am trying to choreagraph this effort with a fellow PW in my area, and we would be willing to set up a base camp at a hotel and get storage facility for chems and gear. Collectively I know that this can be pulled off. Even if we have to set up our own organization and run local ads in whatever town. I know this is possible.

    Maybe a few of us that are really serious about this can spearhead the project and bypass the entities that are in the monopoly and in control of what goes on.

    It could very well get us recognized in that particular community and spread a good word that we are there for those who are in need of our services.

    Let us know what you see when you are there.

  6. Hey Pressure Pros,

    Did those friends of yours just go down to Fl. and set up camp in an area or did they go through a contractors guild or organization? Or were they already located in Fl. ?

    I am very serious about getting into one of these areas and am still looking for an organization like Beth spoke of and have not had much luck finding any!

    It just seems a little far fetched to just go and set up on a corner somewhere, although I have heard of that happening before, contractors just going door to door.

    It seems like some of the victims of the storm would not be willing to part with the little they have left, including their limited funds.

    That's why I am trying to get on an insurance company's contractor list for claims and repairs. But, believe me, this is no easy task so far.

    If your friends made 600k last year for hurricane clean up in Fl., I would think that they did not go door to door. Do you know how they actually got their foot in the door or are you just making me jealous with the dollar amount you mentioned? LOL.

    ......... and how come Mr. Fife hasn't chimed in yet????????

    I hate to refer to the Pink Floyd song (not really... I love them) but, Is there anybody out there?

    This is driving me batty!!!! there must be a way.

  7. Duncan,

    I do not have that type of cert. When I spoke with Fema, they told me to go to a website that then refers you to Dun & Bradstreet to get vendor I.D. # or DUN # and move from there.?????????? That is why I want to stay out of N.O. Too much government control.

    I would prefer to do business in Mississippi or the out skirts of N.O.

    From what I understand so far about doing business in Ms. is that they require a Ms. business license on top of current state license to do contractor work.

    I really want to make this happen and cannot imagine not being able to help and profit from this due to paper constraints.

    Still searching though for some sites like Beth spoke of. There must be a way to get into those zones. Any help would be appreciated.

  8. I am a little reluctant to place this post for fear of being bashed in some way about my equipment or whatever standards I employ that don't match or meet certain opinions. With that said, please don't respond unless it is really directed at the point of the post. I apologize in advance (Beth & Rod) but that seems to happen more than not when I post general questions and concerns. I have what I have and I do what I do.

    Here's my post:

    I would like to get involved in some of the cleanup efforts( not volunteering my services, but, making some money offering my services) on the gulf coast i.e.

    pressure wash resi's and commercial buildings that are dirty from the storms. New Orleans is pretty much out of the question as it is mostly government controlled entry, and I don't want to get involved with FEMA. I am talking about some of the outlying areas, Ms., Al., and outter La.

    I have spoken with my ins. agent and my coverage is good to go throughout the USA. So, that's good. Plus I am waiting to hear back from him about being put on a vendors list for claims and repairs.

    I am looking for input on how I can get my foot in the door other than just making the trip and showing up in a beat up neighborhood and hanging a sign on my trailer that says "house washing". I know I am not the only one who is contemplating this idea. There must be others interested in this idea as well.

    Perhaps some of you have done this before or are invoved currently and would not mind sharing your approach to this potential goldmine they keep talking about on the news for contractors and "restoring".

    With much respect to all, I value your opinions and input, but I will not respond to "equipment" bashing or "operational" bashing. I know that I might be sounding a bit rye by saying these points. I just would like some ideas on getting my foot in the door of these hard hit areas. One would think that these areas really could use some PW.

  9. He did not want the gutters or the roof, or deck or drive cleaned. Believe me, I offered and gave him a quote to do them while I was there onsite. But the main thing is that he was very pleased. I have recieved alot of advice on gutters. I like gutter zap as well to clean. Purple power is great as well. Have not tried citri clean though.

    I have all the gear for gutters extension pole, truck brush, and the gutter hook attachment for my wand (that thing makes the biggest mess). I also sometimes will use a rotary brush that I use for my auto accts. It has a quick connect and is made of some pretty firm horse hair.

    He just simply didn't want any additional services other than the house wash.

    His exact words were..... thanks goodness I don't have to paint it.

    I agree that upsells are very important, and I upsell almost every job, even if it is just washing lawn furniture or staues and planters.

    No offense taken on suggestions. Just want everyone to understand that I'm on the same page with you. The homeowner just wanted to hang onto his lunch money.

  10. With gas the way it is, I am very pleased to be driving a ranger. 389 miles on a tank of gas. I have actually landed a couple of jobs over the phone and email pics from the customer, but the estimates are still free. People want to hear the word free still, I believe. I agree that we can absorb the cost in another way, maybe even on another job. Although I do charge 1.00 a mile outside of my 30 mile radius. Yep..... I am glad I didn't buy that used van or a larger trailer.

    I really wanted to upgrade to all of those luxuries this year, but all the recent gas pinches and world trauma have made me want to just hold what I have right now, and be greatful for it.

  11. exactly!!! Mud from construction and forms. I don't have to do the basement plus I didn't even bid on the basement, just the rest of the property. I will not get in over my head, trust me. Mold issues are bad in these parts. I don't want to be the cause of mold damage, just the solution. I am just trying to get my foot in the door with this developer, and wanted to offer him every courtesy to try and find him someone that could do the basement for him.

    thanks for the good advise.

