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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. Great advice gentlemen,

    and thankyou. I can't begin to think of how much $$ I have saved through this forum.

    Especially after re- upping my local yellow pages ad this morning. My sales rep was alot like the 59.00 carpet guy. she suggested a larger ad space and also to go national with my ad for alot more money than I have in my ad budget. realistically as much as I would like to have national space or a larger ad space locally what really is the likelihood of getting any calls from another state when this market is so saturated?

    I explained to her I want what I want and can afford at this point , not what she wants. Her Cadillac payment is not my problem (just guessing) , but the attitude certainly changed after that. I got what I want though.

    But , I will start reflecting, my pride and professionalism with my rates, as well as my demographics and areas. I see the vital importance of that now. I will be in the wood shed with my new marketing book this weekend. I cannot help but think about my home town of Austin and a young man who started his home based business from his garage making computers and peripherals. Michael Dell has really done alright for himself. I am sure if he thought of only the perameters of his garage he would not be where he is today. Not trying to be a lowballer guys, really. But I have to weed out some of the advice of others who say bid low or bid high. I have to measure with integrity as well as ability and professionalism. So you can see where I get a bit confused at times. I don't know if it was just beginners luck or what, but when I started a year ago (having that fired up feeling) I was landing 300.00 single story jobs.

    Somehow a seed krept in my head that I was ripping these people off. Even though they showed no remorse at the time and were very pleased with my work. It is not them that have to suffer the trials I am going through right now. Afew good high paying jobs outweigh a lot of low paying jobs with much more physical effort involved. I ain't a spring chicken anymore.lol

    once again, Thanks to the coolest forum in the universe.


  2. Hi Mike,

    they are middle class homes that average 20 to 40 years old. They are close to my home area. I have been tagging single stories. I have gotten my clean time down to about 1.5 hours for that type.

    I did have a church in that area call about one of my fliers and they understand that I cannot clean it for that rate. I gave them a good bid nonetheless and hopefully will get the go ahead shortly.

    I have not gone the route of mailers like you suggested. But am very interested in the process and especially in seeing your fliers. Thx for that. I will also be going to pick up my book that I had to order from Barnes and noble today entitled Guerilla marketing High profits for low investments. That one was suggested by RC Bill. I can't wait to get my hands on that.

    I agree with the class level of neighborhoods you mentioned. It is kind of a pilot program I am experimenting with. One advantage is that i'm burning plenty of calories by hand delivering the fliers.

    Not to dispute anyone's advice on raising the rates, but mine are pretty dog gone close to what the major advertised competitors are offering in the phone yellow pages.

    Others are even lower.

    One firm took the approach that said " my ad is small so it saves you money" 85.00 house was the rate.

    I think a key point in this area is to do upselling once onsite.

    I did upsell a two story house wash the other day by 400.00 after adding the drive and sidewalk and doing the front entry for free.

    It just seems I am doing an unusual amount of scampering in these neighborhoods for very little results. Not to mention I hate dogs running after me.

    So I feel that you may have a valid point to the upper scale neighborhoods. The feeling I just can't deal with is that of a homeowner with a very nice house (and pricey) that feels I am asking too much for a wash. I don't feel my rates are too high or low ( I think alot of us bid according to what we see in the job) We offer price reductions that usually tap into profit margins instead of operating expenses, I know I do anyway. It doean't really cost alot to clean a single story. My ideology in the single stories is that I can do more of them in a short amount of time. But , like you said I might be fishing in the wrong lake,lol.

    At any rate the advice is heeded, and I will set some time aside this weekend to email you about your fliers. Truely am interested in that book as well. I think it is geared for guys just like me.

    I wish I could get my pc to highlight the quoted areas of your responses, but it never seems to work.

    off to battle.

    Have a great moring.


  3. Hey John,

    Thanks man for the support. So you're the getting all my jobs in Cobb county huh? lol just kidding man. Yea I never shut up about my firm and have a 3 foot rule .....

    If you are within 3 feet you get a business card. I get your point as well about just talking to people. It just seems that alot of people just don't want to part with the green. But I am not swayed and I feel confident that things will pan out. I just want to be busy EVERYDAY. Thanks for the offer as well. A good friend of mine lives in Fayettville too. He's got a pretty solid P.W. firm and is usu. busy all the time and even he said he is slow right now. So it goes and comes I guess. Well, gotta run and collect some more tins cans, I almost have enough to get a gallon of milk. lol

    take care.


  4. After some research, i.e. looking through the some 200 plus p.w. firms in the Atlanta "Real Yellow Pages", my rates , even my specials are above the norm.

    Now I don't feel so bad. Although I have generally investigated the rates in my county,

    after seeing this ( most with no coupons ) I feel in my mind that I am just as competative as the next guy. Some of the Georgia firms on this forum please check my findings by looking for yourself. I just can't reel in the biz. I am only in my counties yellow pages (not the big book) but just the same I called a few of these larger firms to see how business was so far this Summer. Most of the replies were from very slow to steady.

    Of course that doesn't change the financial side of things for me but at least I know now that my rates are fair to average and when it's all said and done we will all huddle in a cardboard box community downtown under a bridge. Hey , at least I still have my sense of humor.

    So Hats off to you guys who are getting the big bucks for resi's and commercial work.

    The Gods are smiling on you.

    Have a great day all, I'm off to collect some tin cans,lol


  5. Jeff, Degraffed, and Big Mike,

    Very good advice from all of you. Thanks in advance. The ads are a trial run to see what it draws. Your points are well taken and not offensive at all. That's why I like the grime scene better than any other forum. Some of the points you mentioned are exactly what I am experiencing at this very moment. Week to week hand to mouth.

    On the other hand, some think my rates are too high, so it is kind of catch 22.

    But that is very sound advice and one can't really work with great pride at low ball ( I hate that term) rates. So back to the drawing board, I guess. I will try to fall somewhere in the middle of the competitors. So long long as no one is calling me a dummy or idiot or rolling their eyes I am good with whatever you guys have to say.

    I mean, I started out with no help or advice and have at least survived up to this point,so fire away guys. I've beat cancer and and arm reconstruction surgery and as long as no one is taking shots at me about my practices, say whatever you want. I kind of look at the p.w. business like a couple of Harley's passing each other on the freeway..... they always wave at each other, like a private club. Although I am not looking for a black eye, I do however always appreciate the "wave " that all have given me on this forum. Your help is always duely noted and once again I will revamp my operations dept.

    Take care and thanks.


  6. I have handed out almost 500 flyers this week running 100.00 single story cleanings in my immediate neighborhoods ( 5 mile radius) with only a few bites. I'm freakin desperate for work. My 2 news paper ads are a little more risky at 125.00 for ANY house in the metro area (Atlanta). I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I do great work and the fish still aren't biting. I upsell after I get onsite and hope for the best.

    It's very hard to get the right demograph. I mean, some people don't even realize how dirty their driveway is until it is pointed out to them. I am focusing on resi's since the new x-jet has made life a little easier for me.

  7. It just seems you are taking this a bit personally, and I'm sure it wasn't personal...she made a decision (whether good or bad) that was surely motivated by her limited financial options, and that's something we've all done.


    you are right, I did take it personal, like I said previously. And since we're all sharing our age, I'm 42 and still have some growing up to do as well. But simply put, the time I invested in landing a start date, i will never be able to get back. Also (like I stated)

    I am still learning the ropes of running my own business and realize that this is part of the game. But I certainly can't be faulted for my emotional stance at failing in this case. Again, I have a little growing up to do in this situation. Please don't think I am being combative towards anyone, because the whole scenario was handled professionally on my end. I just wanted the job... that's all. I know there will be plenty more work for me. I just have not run into this situation before. As for her "limited financial options", in this case there truely isn't one, as she is a very successful local business woman in my area, in which this particular house is just a "spare" for her.

    Nonetheless, your points are well taken and humbly recieved and appreciated. I truely need the advice of professionals such as yourself and the others that have responded.

    It can only better the operations of my firm. So thank you with much respect.

    But I will say this and close. She truely has shattered the cliche ..."an offer you can't refuse"

    Maybe at some point I will be able to toss a few pointers back atcha.... 'til then, keep'em coming.

    Thanks again! Heb 13:2


  8. Good point Beth and well taken. I am only further educated which I am greatful for.

    Plus free is always better, price wise, But that does not mean that it will be a good job.

    We all know that if an injury takes place that it could very well fall back on the homeowner. I do not feel that she was afraid to tell me that she could not afford me.Because she initially told that she wanted me to do the job in which I gave a bid form that very day after viewing the jobsite.

    I am not a low baller, I just gave her a great rate with consideration that she was a senior, who has a house on the market. When I moved to Ga. from the great lone star state, my house was on the market for 8 months and if I would have thought to have it pressure washed I feel it would have sold sooner than it did. Therefore I genuinly had her interest at heart. After the follow ups I did, the final result is that she could not actually land a start date for me and during that interrim she found some boys at her church that will do it for free. Which is what bothers me. I think all the professionals on this site would agree that, that is a very questionable decision she made to have them do the job for obvious reasons. But like I said live and learn.

    I guess my point is that the problem with this issue lies with me in that I feel I was given the run around and should just learn to deal with it as it a part of being in business. Some of you pro's would probably want to slap my face at the rate I gave her, which is less than what her electric bill is , i'm sure.

    I honestly am not trying to stir up a hornet's nest with the "keep it in the church family" scenario. But I am just a firm believer that if you need a certain service done,

    you choose a firm that specializes in the service. Plus after basically being given the go ahead to do the job I was simply trying to follow up on "when " to perform the service.

    At any rate, thanks for the input from you as well as everyone else' and I promise I will be less of a smart a$$ concerning future post'.

    I hope you have a GREAT weekend. Looks like more rain on my end again. Geez almost 14 inches this month. Time to get some scuba gear.

    adios all.

  9. live and learn I guess. But I just like it when people are honest up front instead of leading me on. I don't mind following up a time or two because I am not as busy as some of you are and I need to get every job possible. I just feel that she used really poor etiquette in this matter. I do follow some guidelines but she was able to pull the wool over my eyes in this case, by telling me I have the bid but just couldn't land a start date. Didn't want you guys to think I was a dumb or desperate business operator, I just wanted to know when she wanted me to do it. But she found a better deal (free) from the church which obviously, everyone knows the church does a better p.w. job thas an actual pw firm who does it all the time. Like I said live and learn. Alot of very good tips from you guys though, which I greatly appreciate.

    Now, I'm off to get my pastorial ordainment papers so I can be a real qualified pressure washing technician. Thanks all for the input and the feedback. I will be holding services this Sunday on top of my trailer, bring your extension wands and a hefty donation.....(love offering) and expect to be cleansed and blessed.

    adios and a great weekend to all.

  10. Several good points Ryan, I have to respond by saying that she has my price for the project that I left with her. But my point is simply that she kept leading me on that I would do the job for her each follow up that I did and has only just today said that these boys are doing it for free if they would ever get around to it. So, why can't she just say that up front instead of waisting my time for 3 follow ups?

    I am waiting on the go ahead from another bid (similar situation) for some flatwork.

    But this lady said right up front that she wants 3 bids. I have no problem with that at all. I followed up on that one yesterday and she said that she is waiting for 1 more bid.

    Simple as that. If I get it ... great. If not... well at least she has been up front all along.

    This particular lady ( who said it is a fair and affordable bid) has continuously said come back another time to schedule the start date. Then boom, she says she getting the kids from the church to do it free. I just don't get it sometimes.

    I would rather someone just come out and say it to me than hold it back and lead me on that way. I am not an important person or anything like that, but I have given this lady alot of my time ( something I will never get back). And that is what bothers me.

    Although I know it is part of the game, I just do not operate like that in my self government.

    As far as the tv evangelist go, I agree with you. And about the hottie wittnessing to me in the airport, i'm sure I would be distracted from the topic for the very reason that she is hot. lol. Thanks for letting me vent, and like I said, I will not be doing a 4th follow up with her but just move onto the next bid.

    It was nice to meet you the other day as well. Thanks for your time.

  11. I am a little reluctant to post this but at least I am being up front about it.

    Bumped in the Bible Belt

    First of all, I hope I am posting this in the right section. The clubhouse section title said that I could "run my mouth" here or tell a joke or whatever. This does have to do with business, however, my business.

    This is my 2nd year as a pw business owner, and several times so far I have been forced to pull out the "life raft", so to speak. Anyone who knows me on this forum knows I am sincere and honest and do great work.

    Here's the scoop, and I will try to make this a brief story. I go into this vitamin store in the town that I live in and purchase about 75.00 worth of wares from the little old lady that swears by what she is selling. In the background the tv she has on is BLASTING some evangelist trying to do the world a favor. She asks me what line of work I was in and I explained to her my line of business. She replies by having me go do a bid on her property she has for sale. The house and a length of fence in the back yard. I give her a great bid and she does everything but accept and sign my bid form. All the while the tv blasting and me finding myself having to talk a little louder over the tv. It's not hard to guess that she is a very devoted woman to our Father in Heaven. I've got no problem with it though and I hope to see on the other side. Nonetheless I have had an uneasy feeling each time I have followed up.

    Well, as I am doing other jobs over the period of about a month and a half, I finally have a chance to follow up for a third time, I get back in touch with her again today on the phone. If you are with me so far then you can probably guess that as she picks up the phone I hear the tv evangelist in the back ground better than I hear her. I reminded her of who I am and she said it was nice to hear from me and that she has decided to let some boys from so and so ministries p.w. her property and that if she hasn't gotten the job done within a month then " I" should call "her" back. Now how can I possibly know whether she has gotten this job done or not?

    She just told me that she is going to let some inexperienced boys from her church do the job. How do you think I feel after being so professional to her in my trade,

    knowing flat out that she is just dancing around the truth. Ok lying all this time.

    Sorry folks, if I seem angry, but I am! She is supposed to be a representation of the church and a holy person (which she openly professes) but yet only emulates hypocracy and favoritism towards some kids that I know cannot do half of the job I can. The fact that her house is for sale prompts me to get the job done asap for her so she can have a quick sale. But to make me go through the obvious hassles of bidding and following up time after time and leading me on to do the job, and finally telling me that she wants a couple of kids to do the work just urks me.

    My point : When I need a priest I go to a church, not the bowling alley!

    When I need glasses I go to an optomitrist, not a glass blower.

    When my auto needs repair I go to an automotive repair shop

    not a motorcycle repair shop.

    Does anyone get my point? Am I just farting in the wind? I very sorry if no one agrees with some of the things I have said, but I am very insulted and choose not to follow up on this particular bid a fourth time. Not to mention that her vitamins that she swears cured her cancer haven't done a thing for my similar health issues, and am considering giving her back the unused portions.

    I put good money out on equipment, insurance, etc. and am very professional at what I do. I just refuse to be insulted with hypocracy and transparant appearances.

    I am sure she has her "rightstanding" with the Good Lord, but not with me.

    Really trying to make a go of it here in the Bible Belt. I am from another part of the country and very used to people being honest and speaking their mind without bringing up the conditions of my salvation, right or wrong. But after repeatedly telling me I have the job with her and never being able to schedule a start date, to end up telling me that she is giving it to a couple of kids to do the job, well I guess I can only wish her luck that they don't destroy her house.

    If anyone can relate to this please feel free to reply.

    If anyone thinks I am wrong for voicing this opinion, please feel free to reply( I'm in just the right mood to reply back).

    If anyone thinks I am off my rocker for this post, well, you are probably right,

    but just don't say it's all good when you don't really mean it.

    I usually am a bit more firm in these situations, but this one just got to me.

    God Bless everyone (and I really mean that)

    Where's the smoking section?

    I hope everyone is having a great summer ( and I really mean that too!)

  12. Black and Decker makes whats called a mouse sander and they are great. they do fit in one hand but do not rotate, they vibrate, but very effective. I have one and it is very lightweight. It is great for hard to reach areas. The only down side is that it is very small, about the size of your hand. But I like it. Some may disagree with me that I think everyone should have one since you can't always get a belt sander in tight corners and such.

  13. I will speak with Pete on mon am and get some efc-38 ( i trust your input). I don't think the homeowner really cares too much about it honestly, except that now he has a really beautiful house again and just wants the black off the deck. I really didn't mean to come off as sounding so cheap with the cleaning materials, it's just that I do have the bleach and thought maybe this would be an avenue to use. I explained to him that some furring could and might occur since the "black" seems so heavily caked in. The only previous info he could give me about the finish was that the deck was pressure treated wood ( which I think is the case with most decks and fences).

    The deck does have a little bit of common green mold on it, but 75% of it is black.

    Another concern is I don't know when he plans on staining it himself. So, when and after I clean it, there is no telling how long it will be exposed to the upcoming elements, i.e. rain and hurricane season. But I guess that is really none of my business.

    I just want him to have them same joy he had after I cleaned his home and RV. That's really important to me. Plus potential referrals in his neighborhood. Plus keeping cost to a minimum of course. It should take less than a gallon of whatever cleaning material I use to cover the entire deck.

    Thanks again for the help, you guys rock!!!!!

  14. In our area, articulated all terrain lifts that size go for around $390.00 a day and a little higher for bucket trucks, to answer one of your original questions. I had a project that required some of the same specs you mentioned. Had to scale across the lawn around 45' to get 35' to the top of building. I have not had too many jobs like this but if you go this route, be sure to give yourself plenty of lead on you pw hose and secure it to the lift in case the tossleing causes you to drop the wand. Hope this helps a little. Good luck.


  15. I cleaned a customers house and RV on friday. Very good job considering that the whole house and RV were green due to mold and such. They are white again now like they should be. Sorry no pics this time.

    The customer inquired about cleaning his 16x20 deck and about 15 ft of wood fence in his back yard. Well the deck was black, not green, and I have not seen this before.

    I mean black. I was thinking that straight 6% or even stronger 12% may get it cleaned and he will restain the deck on his own. Am I on the right track or should I consider a deck cleaning solution. I will back off the psi on my unit to around 600-800 psi. I have cleaned decks this way before with much success. This one worries me though as I do not want to put alot into deck cleaning materials. I bid very low for him to clean it, since he is having me back to ultimately give me more money, which I really need. I want to do a good job and have plenty of 6% bleach that I can use straight or get some 12% from Pete at Sun Brite and cut down a bit.

    I don't want to use a massive amount of psi to avoid damaging the wood. I just want to know if this will get the black off as I bid so low that a purchase of deck cleaning solution will decrease my profitability.

    I will be cleaning it on Mon. or tues. if hurricane Dennis hasn't made it up this far by then.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who responds.


  16. Sweet b.v. setup Alan. I failed to mention the reason I inquired to begin with is because my surface cleaner does have it's own trigger setup. So I thought it might be a time saver to have a b.v. on the end of hose before the trigger for a quick change to surface cleaner.

    Now, I am thinking about doing away with the trigger on the surface cleaner and just adding q.c. It makes good sense and I am sure there is an adapter that will fit where the trigger was!!!! I could just set it up where my gun just plugs into the q.c. on the surface cleaner, and q.c. on all the lances. It may look like a Frankenstein by the time I am through.

    Thanks for everyones advice and suggestions. Now I have more info to process to make a better mouse trap!!!! Back to the lab.

  17. I am one man op. Last year had to take a forced vacation (she made me) and any calls I recieved from vox mail I still followed up on ( most of you probably would too, vacation or not). I had a fellow pw firm who was not on vacation cover my leads and I kept a small % since I supplied the lead & he did the work while I was gone. It worked great. He made $ and got some work and I made $ and didn't work. Kind of like subbing it out but still make a few dollars. I didn't worry about damages or anything like that since it was on his company's time and his insurance. Although for my regular auto and truck acctounts I explained to them that there would be a gap in service and I could refer them to this guy if they were interested. They declined and waited for my return.

    Felt good that they just wanted me to do the account and not risk possible poor service from another pw firm that they were not familiar with.

  18. Hello all,

    Ryan, great and informative thread you started here.

    I have been really curious about saftey ropes and harnesses and this thread has been very helpful. Plus I guess I was all wrong in thinking that my golf shoes on a roof were sufficiant enough to keep me planted.... kidding ( that one was for Phillip...lol) I did a funeral home last year that I got creative with for advertising in a pic.

    It was alot more roof area than what the picture actually shows. It was an intersting job and took two days to do, since there where 3 hurricanes that blew as far up into Marietta last year so one day got cut short in a hurry. That is when I actually thought that I wasted all of my 6% in a large section of the roof. That's when I found the benefit of Nature's rinse cycle. Woo Hoo. I did have to double up on chems on a few sections of the roof due to crematory smoke stack spewing human burnage fallout on the roof over the years. See the pic if I attached it correctly.

    Now if someone's company has a real long name to it, I wouldn't suggest this method. It worked out really cool for me though. Thought I would share with the forum. I have done a few hotel roofs as well but the bleach (6% does work well).

    I guess I would like to say as well just don't use the highest pressure to clean as it can weaken the shingle and fill the gutters with all the pesky minute sized gravel that the shingles are compiled of.

    I have not yet had the chance to clean any other type of roof yet but am eager to learn.

    I can't wait until the day of the Jetson's comes to pass as we will only need a jetpack to elevate ourselves and just squirt chems and rinse.

    Until then I will have to just rely on the old ben Hogan golf shoes!!!!!

    Great day to all.


  19. I don't have a respirator of professional quality yet. But I plan on getting one asap.

    But until I do get one, I have been using a lightweight face sheild which I really like ( flip it up, flip it down) and using the mouth and nose barrier that you can get a pack of 25 for about 10.00 bucks Maybe less... at any hardware store. I too, feel you have to take every precaution when it comes to overspray of chems to protect our airways and eyes. I also wear long sleeves no matter what the temp is to protect myself from the overspray. Although I have had respiritory issues from pw houses in the past I am not truely convinced that it was from the chems. I feel that the algaes and mold were the issue. But one can never be to safe. It helps if the gear is at least comfortable as well, then maybe others wouldn't just blow off the use of the gear because it is so cumbersome. But for now a simple few dollars investment keeps me up and runnin for the most part. I am firm of at least having minimal protection because I generally don't have alot of success at dodging the bullet.

    Great Day to all!!


  20. My 2 cents= I was a medic in the field for 6 years in Texas (some serious heat) and on several occasions such as , racetrack, rodeo's, concerts have treated heat exhaustion.

    The one thing I didn't notice on the article was any type of field treatment while waiting for medical help.

    I have seen people that do nothing until help arrives. Wrong wrong wrong.

    You do not have to be a medic or even have much knowledge in this area.

    It's very simple....... you already know the signs to look for to determine and evaluate the situation. Too Hot!!!!!! cool them down in just about any means possible.

    But here are a few vital steps you can take while waiting for help to arrive for (let's say ) your employee, :

    1. undo clothing to promote ventilation

    2. put wet towels under the armpits and groin areas, around the neck (don't choke them though) and forehead.This will help reduce the body's core temp. because that is where the major arteries are. Once organs are cooked..... well the patient might be stuck with some permanant damage. Cool cool cool the head.

    3. Fan the patient

    4. shade the patient

    5. if available, get the patient indoors or in an auto or truck with air conditioning.

    6. If the patient has fainted and is still breathing, keep them supine (on their back)

    and make sure airway is not blocked off by tilting head back far enough where the chin is almost pointing straight up. If they are not breathing, it is an entirely different issue. You need to learn CPR

    7. reassure the patient that help is on the way and comfort them, because they are probably about ready to freak out at their own condition.

    8. be calm as a caregiver, if you let your own nerves show it transfers to the patient

    and could worsen their condition. Trust me .... you do not want to add phsycogenic shock to the situation.

    9. Keep stats on the patient i.e. when instance occurred, what lead up to the cause,

    signs and symptoms, what meds they are on ,if any, have they eaten lately, have they been hydrated, and let the medics know when they arrive. This really helps the medics.

    10. Probably most important, get fluids in them asap. water water water water.

    hope this helps,but most of all, hope that you never have to deal with it, but be prepared if you do have to deal with it.

    11. the worst thing you can do on the patient's behalf is nothing. In most cases medics will arrive anywhere from 7-15 minutes. A person's organs shuts down one organ at a time. It's the bodies defense system. saving the brain and heart for last.

    But one can't work for very long without the other. So don't just wait on the medics.

    In alot of heat exhaustion cases I have worked the patient was literally saved or at least corrected to some degree by the witnesses around. It is very very important to act quickly when you see the signs approaching.

    good luck

