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Everything posted by StainlessDeal

  1. It has come to my attention...

    If you only knew half of the names I've been called...:lgbugeyes I was named for my Dad's best friend, a neurosurgeon. Imagine his chagrin. Perhaps we should form our own association: Scotts of North American Power Washing And Superior Homecare. Maybe Scott could set us up with custom T's. SNAPWASH4Life4EvER!:lolsign: :banana: :lolsign:
  2. It's been a while, Hello everyone

    I was thinking about you the other day, wondering how the move went and such, and saw that you were on today. It is good to hear that all went well and that you are situated back home. I haven't done any TV ads, so I can't help you there, sorry. I have thought of using the local ad roller, let us know how it pays off. Glad to have you back and posting, we missed you, and glad to see your x-jet and Deckster aren't battling for your affection!;) Now back to your question.
  3. Political thread jump start :)

    How do you prosecute a suicide? It would be heartless to go after the failed attempts, and the rest are beyond help. I think it is legitimate to worry about kids getting on drugs, but part of what is wrong with our current methodology is that people have to associate with criminals to get drugs they want. Let them get the drugs from a liquor store, and they won't be making furtive trips to some shot-out area, and driving back loaded. They'd just pick them up, go home, load up, and play nintendo until their brains melt. Plenty do it now, only they have to take huge risks (part of the initial appeal, I'm sure) to accomplish their ends. There may be a different reason to fear legal drugs though, I worry about the marketing efforts of corporate pot. We can't keep good kids from trying to emulate the trashy antics of K-fed and Britney, now, and they only model trashy legal behaviors. People think that McDonald's is killing us with fat fast food, imagine the same efforts in marketing reefer...:lgbugeyes We already agree that people want it...
  4. Political thread jump start :)

    This is a great post! No truer words have ever been spoken. Laws that address the propensity or ability of adults to do stupid things with their lives are the most ridiculous laws of all save one type: Laws that purport to address the destination or well-being of souls. Morality can't be reasonably legislated, and even if it could, the value of "good" morals would evaporate in the absence of alternatives. In the experience of my family, decriminalizing substances that are illegal has the effect of bankrupting most of the gangsters. A certain relative of mine was so broke at Prhibition's end that his first day back to the packing plants, he had to work in patent-leather shoes and silk underwear! Wouldn't you love to see the mystique of the local street-corner-kingpins punctured thusly? That relative of mine, BTW, went on to be a VERY productive legitimate member of society, and retired early on legal earnings. That would be a nice byproduct, perhaps, of redirecting the effort in the drug war.
  5. Panhandlers

    Is Duke a Belgian Malinois? Whatever breed he is, he is a handsome hound!
  6. Panhandlers

    I don't get much of this either. I think it is because I spent so much time in truckstops across the nation, there is always somebody that just needs a couple of bucks for gas to get home, or to get food for the kids, always something. I learned to exude the "Do I look like a caring guy?" vibe. More than once, I'd walk up to the fuel desk, and the person on duty would ask me what was the matter. "You look like you're having a bad day," wasn't a surprising greeting from fuel desk girls to me! I'd always laugh and tell them that I am smiling, and that they should see me scowl sometime! The strange part of this is that it isn't unusual for me to give a buck or two, if I feel like it. I don't even usually care how they spend it, since once I give it up, it isn't mine anyway. I guess he isn't going to get cable in the cardboard box, or endow a research facility with my pocket change, so if he wants to get wasted, Cheers! When I was a kid, I used to run with a crowd that frequented areas favored by the out-of-doors set, so I'd buy a couple of gut-bombs and make them tell me a story if they wanted one. They usually ate like they were afraid I'd take it away, and the stories were usually just too wild. I've mellowed in the last few years though, because I usually just tell people I don't have any money on me on the rare occasions when I do get asked these days. That, or I speak in gibberish that sounds vaguely Eastern European while gesturing wildly and getting louder. They usually get the idea that Latka doesn't donate.:lgsideway
  7. Vonage

    Just a couple quick observations about Vonage, anecdotal at best: My business consultant that helped me get started had just switched to Vonage when I met him. He was nearly impossible to reach except on his cell. I wondered how smart a guy he could possibly be if this was the best service he could get. My friend Wayne (WEW) from Tampa hasn't chimed in here, but I remember him telling me he hated the service. Look at their ads, don't the people giving testimonials look like the price-shopping crowd we all despise estimating (much less working) for. The testimonials just reek of, "I'm getting XX months free service for standing here in front of a coffee shop I don't patronize, lying about my service." Last and not least, if the power is out, so is your phone. 911 service is problematic, although I hear they have some clunky fixes now, and better coming. I hope this is helpful, because I don't relish being so negative. I just haven't any glowing, or even mildy positive, anecdotes about Vonage. I suspect somebody else will refine this product and do better with it.
  8. Please Keep Them In Your Prayers

    Your family is in our prayers Daniel, keep us posted.
  9. Company website using others pictures

    I bought some equipment and chems from him back in May. I'm surprised he would do something like that. He seemed like a pretty good guy, and was selling his equipment off. I'm really surprised that site is still up, I'm nearly positive he;s totally out of the business. He hasn't been on TGS since 19 May, I bought the stuff from him the day after that.
  10. Got A New Toy!!!!

    Cool new toy isn't the half of it, nice ride my man. Mrs. Carlos is riding in style!:lgbounces
  11. Company website using others pictures

    Here is the link: The Power Washers of North America Roof Restoration page. and here is what I see just below the pics and before the text: ** This information and photos were reprinted with permission from Vero Under Pressure, LLC in Vero Beach Florida. The PWNA thanks them for their support of the industry. *** I use Internet Explorer, and see it each time.
  12. Company website using others pictures

    Maybe you have to be more than just a member that has paid dues and contributed copy and photos (albeit with 2-year old verbal permission) to the PWNA official website, to get a link to your actual website. After all, contributing to the PWNA website can't be about just your business.:rolleyes: If Mel is happy, that is probably enough for me, but I'd be cautious about what I agreed to when dealing with them. They just seem to be out to get what they can wherever they can find it. I think people had better read the disclosures that come along with membership extra closely. You have to be aware what you sign up for. It may not actually be this way, but, in the absence of other information, I have to go by what is available. I know that isn't something the PWNA likes to hear, but isn't any less true just because they don't like it.
  13. Company website using others pictures

    If you click the link, it appears as though the PWNA and Mel may have reached an accord. It is good to see a good guy get his due credit. And to see the PWNA not dig in their heels on this. They haqve responded in a timely manner, correctly. They deserve some credit for that. I hope Mel was happy with this outcome, and that the posted info is beneficial.
  14. Company website using others pictures

    I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but man! They get a little rope, they climb higher on the scaffold. It drives me nuts, because what little I do see of the Directors posting (John Tornabene) seems to show a sincere guy trying to do something. I sometimes think he is being taken advantage of. Of course there is no way to know, because the organization won't speak on the record, in public. Not my problem, I'm the prospective member, they should be falling all over themselves to talk to me and people like me. Right now they are acting like kids with a clubhouse. In my experience, that fortress mentality leads to obsessive secrecy and then corruption. like I said, the slip is showing. Or, if you prefer, it is walking like a duck, and appears to be preparing to quack.
  15. Company website using others pictures

    How is it that when a member has a problem concerning membership, or another topic, or if a non-member wants some information, it is nearly impossible to get a phone call in a timely manner; yet when a member's work is plagiarized, and the PWNA is caught with their hand in the cookie jar, the phone rings in the early AM. How lame is this excuse, "Remember a couple of years ago when you gave me permission to use your work and photos thereof, without remuneration for a period not less than eternity, without credit, and without notification of such use and/or its duration on said hypothetical and/or real website, organization literature, and other advertizing/informative media, whether extant at that time or any new technologies yet to be developed and/or used? Well, why are you upset now? Sheesh, they ought to be ashamed. I'm typically a proponent of trade and technical organizations, but the ethical transgressions of the PWNA are difficult to overlook. Fellas, your slip is showing.
  16. My 8 year old son asked me...

    But I was a whine-tit and quit soon after. lol I love hockey, but was never a good team member as a kid. I have to say, there are a lot of great things to say about a lot of teams out there, I just love hockey. I was a Bruins fan as a little kid. My dad was a North Dakota high school referee and a NCAA Division I referee when I was a kid. He mostly was a player fan, Bobby Orr, Gordy Howe, Guy LaFleur, Bobby Hull. I loved them all, and never missed a game I could catch until I was in college. I still miss the Petey Puck cartoons between periods! lol I can think of no sport that requires more athleticism, more power, grace speed, endurance, and skill, than hockey. Then add the fact that you must learn to play with anger, while still being physically ready to battle at any given moment, if somebody else loses control, just an awesome sport. Your boy is a good one! P.S. Oh cram it, Fenner!;)
  17. My 8 year old son asked me...

    I have been since Herbie Brooks brought half of the "Miracle" Olympic team to the Garden to play with reijo Routsaleinen and Ron Dugay, and Robbie Ftorek. I remember seeing Nicky Fotiu throwing pucks to the cheapest seats in the house after every game, because that is where he had to sit as a kid. I cried like a baby when "Captain Courageous" delivered on his word, and ended the longest Stanley Cup drought in history. I haven't really been able to watch much hockey since the turn of the century, but my heart is still with my beloved Rangers!:lgbounces Say "Hi," to your son, and tell him I think he must be a pretty cool kid!:lgwave:
  18. cement splatter

    Nice work my man! Looks good and makes nice portfolio shots to boot. Doing good work can be its own reward, but is sure is nice when it pays well in cash and sales value.
  19. Looking for training?

    If you can find a way to work with somebody already in the business, or to partner-up with another washer in your area for some jobs, the benefits are great and the outlay is your time and effort. Pretty inexpensive, and if the other guy knows his stuff, a bargain. My dad used to say that nothing was more wrong than the old saw that "practice makes perfect". He says, and I believe as well, that perfect practice makes perfect. Otherwise, you will only ingrain bad technique, and frustrate yourself. There are many contractors on this board that will help educate a new PWer with some OJT. Some of the vendors here can probably also recommend somebody to help you.
  20. van or truck

    Rando, I am going to rid myself of my van this year and get an enclosed trailer. I want to still have the slab sides for advertizing space, but I also want to be able to drop the deadweight when necessary. I also like that if the truck breaks down, I can make the switch to arented or borrowed vehicle more easily. Of course, having a heavy-duty plow pickup makes this idea more practical. My pickup is a beefed Chevy 1-ton, but the van is a 3/4 ton van chassis. When it is loaded, and I hitch the trailer, I have little suspension left, and steering getsa little dodgy. Not my favorite thing to deal with. I think a pick-up and enclosed trailer combo sounds better for you, maybe a 3/4 ton suv, if you can find one.
  21. van or truck

    That was the first time I've posted a link since the new facility was added, and I see it will take some getting used to. Interesting.
  22. van or truck

    If you want to get away from the trailer, buy a small straight truck or a stepvan. The sides make great signs, there is plenty of room, and the payload is considerably higher than a van or pick-up if you buy right. FWIW I have a flatbed trailer and a step-van, which is pretty cool for me and my smallish skid, but a larger skid that requires a float tank is in the future, and the 3/4 ton step van is too small. I wish now that I had started with a dually stepvan, like the ups package trucks you see. I have to shuttle equipment back and forth from van to shop/garage pretty constantly all year, and wind up heating both. I think a standard 1-ton van is too small inside to haul the range of equipment and spares, fuel, etc. that I like to keep with me on the job. When I'm truck shopping, I usually start by reading up on Ebay motors and at Trucks For Sale at Truck Paper: Freightliner, International Trucks, Kenworth, Peterbilt, Mack trucks, dump trucks, dump trailers, used trailers for sale. . This helps me finetune my requirements, and see what the market in trucks is doing. It also helps me find deals I might not have available here in Omaha. Hope this helps, and good hunting.
  23. TGS shirts - interested?

    :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
  24. Terms and Conditions

    I do this, too. I don't do many decks, but the furniture can be a real bear when I'm alone. I usually make the customer aware that my work area must be pretty obstruction-free. I was amazed when I started, how often I'd show for a housewash, and there would be a pile of lumber or some other thing leaning against the house. More than once, I'd point out something that needed to be moved while I was figuring the estimate, only to arrive for the job to find it moved off the patio (for instance) to the side of the house! I try to be painfully specific about where I will be working, how the hose will be routed, etc. when explaining the process. This saves set-up time/money.
  25. t-shirts

    Pretty cool, Scott! I'll send you a pic to use if you want a really scary fatguy in the group!:lgwave: