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Steve Kiser

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Posts posted by Steve Kiser

  1. I've used it numerous times to clean hard water stains off of exterior windows. I've even used it to get hard water stains off of the interior of shower enclosures but you have to run a garden hose through a window (for rinsing well) and wear a respirator so I normally don't use Safe Restore in this situation.

    But on exterior it works great as long as you're careful of surrounding surfaces. Pre-wet surrounding surfaces then spray Safe Restore on the window, scrub with white pad then rinse thoroughly. A second application and sometimes a third may be necessary. Of course the final step is to clean the window with your regular window cleaning solution and squeegee it off.

    Do not use Safe Restore on hot glass and don't over-extend the dwell time. Wear gloves, eye protection and respirator.

    Just a suggestion for the bathrooms, if u find a carpet cleaning supply house, just get ya some viper renew, its also an acid, but works great for the soap scum and hard water stains, and a whole lot cheaper!!!

  2. Cell phone stays in the truck, my est. don't take long, and I have someone that I can transfer the calls to should it look like it is going to drag out, but they never take more than 1o min and that is with an inquisitive (sp) cust. To me it is very rude, for the prices I charge that I can't give the cust my undivided attn. (after all I am trying to make a first impression that the cust. comes first, and for that moment(s) they are my only cust.) I am not one for a little small talk with my cust. they usually want to get to the meat and pot. of things, which is just fine with me!

  3. Nice rig Jeff, those garden hose reels look big, how much hose do they hold? Have u though about moving ur gas tanks to a "bin" from the front of the wheel well to the front on the trailer.Something I am thinking about doing,

  4. After I changed nozzle today from x jet to turbo, my q.c. shot the turbo nozzle out and after I put it back on, I got wet. Water was coming out above and below the connection. Should I scrap it and buy another or is there an o-ring in there? I havent had a chance to look at it yet.


    I have launched my share of tips also, but never my turbo. How far did it go? And did u have to rebuild the turbo?

  5. Alan, what I am looking to do is get something into service 24/7/365. I am looking into residential and commercial flood cleanup. Any input you can send my way is much appreciated.

    Ken, thatis what I do for my full-time job right now, if there is anything I can do to help ya out just give me a shout. That unit is overkill for that kind a work.

  6. I have the cheapest version for soda blasting.Looks very similar to a m5. I have used a wadu before,and it uses a lot less soda than what I have.

    I have mentioned before that we have had a hard time with some efflo earlier this year. We do all the warranty work for one of the bigger brick/sand/stone manufacturers so I asked for some samples of the worst efflo stones in the yard.

    Soda blasting (wet) on the face of a stack wall works wonders in removing the hard white scumm that nothing else would. This was just a test and I'll report back in the next week or two with more test runs results.

    Did u ever get around to trying it out, and if so how did it work for ya?

  7. It was close to 50 degrees, is that cold enough to limit the effectiveness? I don't seem to get the results with these cleaners that others on here talk about. I'm using stuff from a local distributor that claims to supply many pressure washers in the Knoxville area. Saving on frieght costs. I'll need to try Rowlett's products, or the Sun-Brite line I guess. In both replies, there was no mention of needing to add another detergent to stick the chems to the surface better. I didn't get many suds, and it seemed like it just ran off, though it took the top layer with it. When I rinsed there was suds though. I haven't done much of this on buildings. Mostly I've done flatwork and trucks. I need to figure this out before it starts warming up here as I hope to wash houses beginning this year. Thanks for the replies.

    I would just go by and see Steve he will hook ya up, great guy!!!!
