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Washed Up

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Posts posted by Washed Up

  1. This season I have added Wondow cleaning as a service. I started out by using a squeege & ladder for 2nd flr windows, then moved on to an extension pole and recently have purchased a W.F.P. set up. Man what a great investment the W.F.P. was. It has cut my window cleaning time down to half of what it was. It does not compare to lugging a ladder around the house. One thing I also realized is that it has it's place & not good for all window job's (very dirty window ). If you are thinking about getting one I can tell you that you won't regret it. Yes they cost alot but IMO a great investment.

  2. I'm not knocking gutter cleaning tool but IMO the best way to clean a gutter is to go up a ladder and remove all the gunk by hand into a bucket. I also bought one of those gutter attachment's from the depo ( probably the same one ). when I used pressure to clean a gutter it made a huge mess that you have to go back to and clean up (time consuming ). I personally think it's easier to clean by hand or with a gutter scooper and use a garden hose to rinse and test out the down spouts. Just my thought's and experience's. Best of luck to you.

  3. Hello boy's & girl's. I was wondering if I can get some input? I asked 3 different friends how they would measure to get the square footage of a home and I got 3 different answer's. 1st was Lenght x Height. 2nd was Lenght x width x Height. 3rd was Lenght x Width. Which method do most of you guy's use? I thought it was Lenght x width x height.
