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Washed Up

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Everything posted by Washed Up

  1. Left Field

    Very interesting avitar. Have a great day also
  2. getting noticed by customers

    when most of you guy's started out did you do anything special to get potential customers to notice you'r business?
  3. getting noticed by customers

    I could c that workin
  4. Supply house around NYC area ?

    Hey Guy's: Is anyone from or around the N.Y. city area or north Jersey ? The reason I ask is because I am trying to find a supply house for chem's & gadget's & stuff. None around by me in Rockland Co. except for the big orange hardware store & the big blue hardware store. Nothing against them , I do enjoy going there. but need a good supply house thanks in advance for any help
  5. Supply house around NYC area ?

    thank you L I not to far from me
  6. Estimates - how do you handle them?

    Just A Question? Do you think a H.O. would consider getting a estimate from someone who charges for them or go with a company that does it for free. If you charge ,it may deter the customer. I can understand charging if you have to travel. So many contractor's give free estimates. Charging may come back to bite you in the BUTT.
  7. I have found myself on the net alot latley. Espically this website soakin in all the info so we can just go full blast this spring cleanin homes. ( I hope )
  8. Big storm on the way

    N.Y. is gettin SLAMED ! & we r gettin more nxt week some time. Piles & piles of snow all over all the place. even my snow blower is snowed in ( don't know how I managed that one ) Duh
  9. lead paint certified ?

    I'm signed up for March 1st already. thanks for the info. I can't really afford a $37,000,00 per say fine. It sounds like it would b easier to turn away job's that contain the L word. Doing that work can b profitable though but it would b a giant pain in the butt.
  10. Cleaning for Heroes

    I'm in. It would be nothing but an honor to help the soliders who fight for our way of life. Come On Guys Let's Do Our Part
  11. $212.00 FREE- all you gotta do is Post!!!!

    MY POST Thank You
  12. Cigar's anyone?

    Any Cigar smokers in the house ? What's your favorite?
  13. websites for 0040 tips

    To many websites to mention
  14. Full time or part time?

    This is gonna b my first season in business. I am a part timer. I am lookin foward to the srping & doin the work. I hope & pray I get the work. I have sent out mailers, givin out bussiness cards & word of mouth about my business also gonna put up signs wherever I can. If anyone can offer me some words of wisdom on advertising please do not hesitate. Oh I am also in the phonebook & have a one page website. Fear of no work is constantly in the back of my mind. I plan on not getting discouraged & also giving it time. I'm licensed, insured & just plan on doing the best job I can possibly can do.
  15. hose barb?

    water comes out at at a .40 spray pattern. You still need to fill out the SIGNATURE part dude.
  16. hose barb?

    It's under setting's not profile
  17. hose barb?

    It's in where you fill out you'r member profile. It's you'r name, company name & location. Basicly It's ID. We need to know who we are responding to.
  18. Be careful who you hire!

    $400 is cheap. In NY where I am minimum is $1.500.00 a yr. That's what I pay & I am a one man show.
  19. Should I walk away?

    Hey guys: I was approached by a home owner who inquired about a house wash. I asked what type of siding he had & it is asbestos shingles. There are quit a few homes in my area that are like that. I personally have no asbestos training or certification contaning hazerdos materials. I am quit sure particles will become airborn. Should i respectfully decline this job ?
  20. Should I walk away?

    Thank You to all I do appreciate the help
  21. Welcome New Members! ..Introduce yourself

    Hello All. My name is John. I am a Lic/Insured PW'er in N.Y. I have been reading the forums & gaining priceless info from all u veterens. Just want to say thank u & i hope to make some new friends on this site.
  22. Hello All Hope everyone's weekend was good. Could someone shead some light on a question i got? What is the difference between down streaming & X jet ? I see alot of people writing about the pro's & con's about them both.On my PW the chem's go in after the pump. I assume that is downstreaming? i would appreciate any help.
  23. Question on Downstreaming/x jet

    thanks guy's much appreciated. I catch you'r drift about the search button.I kinda figured it was a question that was beat to death. Doug now i complety get it from how u explained it. Thanks again
  24. Hi Guys

    Hey Guys. My names is John. New to posting but have been reading the forums for a while. Kinda new to the game &just wanted to say hello. learned alot from u pro's so far. I am licensed & insured in Rockland Co N.Y.. Im gonna try to keep the questions to a minimum but i hope u guys dont mind if i try to pick your brains from time to time. Thanks
  25. My general questions!

    i have had luck with wesleys bleach white from an auto part store for the tiger stripes on gutters