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Everything posted by Celeste

  1. Rick, In a conversation with Jake today, specifically about the Rustic Brown, he did indicate to me that two coats of the Rustic Brown would indeed take you to nearly a semi-solid finish, which could be the lack of transparency you achieved with two brushed applications. Celeste
  2. Hi Carla -

    Glad to see another Carolina girl here :)


    Carolina ProWash

    Graham, NC

  3. Vote for PWNC site

    BUMP C'mon folks, we're barely hanging at #10 but now is the time to get us up to #1 - It's just a click each morning to vote!!
  4. Pool apron paint

    I'm with Kevin - that just looks nasty. We resurface & seal concrete all the time and that just looks nasty. We certainly wouldn't be worrying about removing any coating - in fact, probably need to try if there is one there. Celeste
  5. Vote for Walter!

    Jeff Dunham - Walter for President
  6. Pressure Washing articles

    Well then Chad, I think it's worth looking into :) Thank you for coming over. Celeste
  7. Diluted stripper is a great cleaner and actually cost effective as well. Shelf life is waayyy better than SH for certain :)
  8. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    I further stated that I don't like McCain either. Damned if I'm going to be lumped in with folks who talk sh*t about folks they don't like. That is better left to the back stabbers. I simply stated that Obama displays a lack of patriotism - as evidenced in photos. I'm off for Labor Day. Political discussion is ya'll's - have at it.
  9. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    I'm not saying that I endorse the Republican candidate either by any stretch of the imagination but you'd think the man would at least fake patriotism until the campaign was done.
  10. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    snopes.com: Barack Obama and the National Anthem
  11. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    Exactly: snopes.com: Barack Obama's Campaign Plane
  12. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    At least he ACTS like he has some patriotism. I have a real concern about the Commander in Chief not having an ounce of that.
  13. Ryan, Give me a call - we do labor for learning for anyone. We've had guys as far away as FL and MS come and as close as North Western NC on jobs with us. Celeste 336-516-6356
  14. EacoChem Products

    We LOVE NMD80, SafeRestore, Effortless, GS Restoration, Stripsol and a couple of others that I can't recall off the top of my head. For the record, another brick cleaning manufacturer has tried unsuccessfully to sway us to their product line - ain't going to happen. EaCoChem is the full package! Celeste
  15. EacoChem Products

    We use their product line exclusively for our acid needs - love their product, tech assistance, customer support. They get 5 stars from us! Celeste
  16. Vote for PWNC site

    Well August has been a total bust - never made it in the top 10 :( Let's shoot for the #1 spot again for September please!!
  17. Teachers with Guns?

  18. Teachers with Guns?

    We have law enforcement in place in all of our schools - not the riot looking police that "bad schools" have, just nice Sheriff's Deputies that are called Resource Officers. As shameful as teachers' salaries already are, why on earth would we want to place them in a position of armed security? I'm pretty positive that putting a law enforcement professional on site would be a welcome assignment for a street cop anyday. Let them do what they are trained to do and let the teachers do what they are trained to do.
  19. Be Safe Florida

    You guys just all be safe!!
  20. Teachers with Guns?

    What the hell is an IEP? We don't have that abc here, but we do have AIG and ESL. AIG students are above average intellectually so require a higher educated teacher. ESL kids here are the ones that screw up the system. The number of illegals that come to school and can't even speak or read english drag the rest of the school down but where to the school funds go? To those kids, not the ones who have the potential to run our country one day. Where do academic awards go? To the 4th grade ESL student who successfully learns to read See **** Run as opposed to the AIG 4th grader that has just scored through the roof on a 10th grade test. What all of this has to do with security I don't know - maybe THAT is what needs to be blamed on parents.
  21. IPe problem

    Just to make sure we're at the same stage, you've used a stripper but not neutralized at this point? If that is the case, the darkness could be the chemical in the stripper and needs to be neutralized in order to brighten up. Until you do that and see the dry results, you won't be able to tell if or where you still have potential issues. Celeste
  22. Spoke to Neilio yesterday :) He's fine & busy!
  23. Hey Rick -

    Just gave your # to a lady in NJ named Jennifer. Just had her deck done and is having problems with the stain (and some with the contractor) He put down Cabot's Clear Solutions - rained like crazy same night, deck got spots, he put down more stain on top - spots still there. Sticky in places.


  24. Apr 3, 2008 Kyoto Containment Systems Inc., Announces Acquisition Kyoto Containment Systems Inc. of Burlington, Ontario, Canada announces that they have acquired the exclusive license to the patents for Latimat Containment Systems from inventor Doug Latimer.... more
  25. Espec - Greatest American Dog

    I really like Bill & Star - I almost cried during last week's episode when she got hurt! My favorite though has to be the Boxer! Celeste