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Everything posted by prince083

  1. I would like to power wash my wood home, which is painted. I have a 2500 psi power wacher and since i didnt clean it for a couple of years i have this black (could be mold, could just be dirt or whatever) on my window siding especially and the overhang of my house. When i use straight water pressure shooting right at it, it may get some of it but still looks dirty, like its stained. Could you all please tell me what i can use to get that cleaned? Do i use bleach? Do i use a chemical or cleaning solution? if so which one. Or what else could i use? I do thank you for your help and advice. God Bless
  2. Advice on power washing wood home

    To give you an update i bought some lomax this weekend and mixed 3 quarts water, 2 cups bleach and 3/4 cup lomax and low pressure sprayed it on some spots, let it sit for 5 minutes and tried to low pressure wash it off but wouldnt come off under low pressure. As a test i got the wand closer and used a higher pressure and that cleaned it off. Still i thought i should be able to wash it off with low pressure letting the mix to all the work. So the mix may not be the right amounts or the right type. I will keep trying different mixes. Did get some ideas from a friend will try that mix tonight.
  3. Advice on power washing wood home

    John i may still give you a call for you to come check. I can do the steps and walkway, did my back cement porch and i amazed myself, it looks like it was just put in hahaha. But may call you on monday if i decide to get someone to do it. Just want it washed, nothing else. Gonna repaint it in the next 2 years and when i do that then im gonig to have it doen right, stripped and all that, but for now, just washed. So what days and times can i call you? You can email me at coldthunder@comcast.net
  4. Advice on power washing wood home

    Not trying to take anyones job away or make anyone lose money, I just wanted to try something by myself thats all. To those that have given me advice i do really appreciate your kindness. I may still get a professional to do it but may do it myself, i have to work within the means i have and it that means me doing it, so be it. Not sure if this is the right place to ask but how much can i expect to pay for a tri-level painted wood home to have it just cleaned. Is about 1800 square feet i think.
  5. Advice on power washing wood home

    Thank you, all thats what i was looking for and believe me i wanted to hire someone but if anyone has a wife like mine its like "You can get out there and do it" and most of us know you can not argue with a woman and win :-) (i mean that in a good way ladies). I can attest that shooting high pressure water on it didnt clean it as i tested it in a small area (even practiced with distance and nozzels and learned real quick which one and what pressure takes the paint off) but shooting full pressure on it even close enough not to take the paint off didnt clean this stuff off, its almost like it looks stained and that i need to take a brush to it. But i was hoping there was maybe some kind of chemical or cleaning solution that would prevent me from having to brush this house. I will try the bleach solution on a small area to see if that will work. If anyone has any other ideas or tips/hints they are greatly appriciated and im very thankfull for people like you all that are willing to share some small things with the rest of us who are not the professionals in that field. Your kindness is appreciated. So what i was looking for i think some of you answered above, a mixture of bleach and the stuff above, that should do the trick right?
  6. Advice on power washing wood home

    To be honest, im not sure, just came accross this site through a web search. Dont mean to step on anyones toes, just wanted some simple advice from one human being to another. When did we all get so involved in money and business that we cant give out simple free advice to someone that want to try doing it. Im in the computer field and i get asked questions and advice every single day and not once have i turned anyone down, what kind of society are we turning into? Lets help each other and help you fellow man. God will appreciate that. God bless