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master blasters

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Everything posted by master blasters

  1. Help with Removing Calcite Deposit

    Hey I have this stuff called pro clean it works great I used it on a college the build up was as thick as two inches
  2. "There are 8 buildings. What would it cost to have the unpainted wooden areas pressure washed, including the walkways including the underneath of the second & third floors, stairs, back porches, and facial boards across the third floor roofline?" this is what she sent i have pics and boy i tell you.
  3. help on a beach house bid

    no i haven't given a price yet. still trying to fig out what chem could i use if any.
  4. help on a beach house bid

    ya tell me about it the more i do my reaserch the more i am going to pass this could be a 30,000 + job if they want it sealed as well. i was reading online and they said use hot water and a pwasher. or salt water and a brush for docks and piers. screw that!
  5. help on a beach house bid

    what would you rec. i do for a mold and alage killer while protecting the environment? i need enough to do 65,600sqft thats my final number for everything top and bottom? what would you do about the water roger?
  6. help on a beach house bid

    ya i know but i need some type of eco wash the city hasn't been very helpful
  7. help on a beach house bid

    yes the price is just for washing i checked sunbright and bobs but i can't spend 16000 in chems i have about 60,000 sqft because i have to wash under the second and third floor as well. the bldg is 30yrs old it doest look like it ben sealed since it was built. so any help would be great. as of now i think i am going to bail i don't have the funds to cover this project. maybe if they pay half up front. what chem would you rec i have up close pics on my phone.
  8. help on a beach house bid

    Wow really what do you guy rec for a wash? The people i buy my wash from say to use their house wash which has bleach in it? I have done 4 decks and i use deck wash adn brightener from home depot just cause i like the way it makes the deck look. But the cost is out of my price range for this job.
  9. help on a beach house bid

    ok so i went to look at it. no lift on beach i can reach the second floor. as far as flat surface i got 3,825 for one bldg. for the railing its 456 i guess it would be linear ft? i est about 16hr a bldg. 2 guys 16 days my est is $70 hr-80hr for everything? my overall est is about $10,000-12,000 for 8 bldg. it has 30 balconys per bldg they just want the rails done. i drew a pic/w the sqft.