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Scott Stone

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Everything posted by Scott Stone

  1. Should we be supporting new startups?

    I loathe the term low baller. There are so many people that think that their business model is the perfect one, and for them, it probably is. As for helping newbies, I do not think that helping them setup a rig is unwarranted advice, nor do I think that giving them some tips and tricks to properly performing a job is off base. I prefer not to discuss pricing, because it is a subject that can create controversy. I would rather discuss how one should price his products and services, because I am certain that the market in the midwest, is far different from the market in my area, where I have to deal with one more contractor every week. So, I think that it is actually to my benefit to help someone buy and setup the proper equipment, as well as being nice to them as they get new customers, so that I am in the proper position to pick up the pieces. But that is just me, and that Darn Ron hasn't gone bankrupt.
  2. Jihad Training camps on U.S. soil.

    Oh, you are just being an alarmist. Don't you know that anything Faux news says is just right wing propoganda??? Of course, there is the point that they are usually correct.
  3. When your sick

    I just do it. I have washed trucks when I had torn all the ligaments in my ankle once. It was miserable, but I had no other options. If I remember right, (This was about 15 years ago) it took me about three times as long as it normally would to do the job. I was miserable. I have also worked through all manner of colds and flus. As long as I am mobile, I am going to work. Sometimes whining all the way, but I am going to work.
  4. Facebook and UAMCC

    FYI, the ***** now has a facebook page. It is open membership, so if you would like to join, search "*****" and sign up. Invite all the contractors that you know.
  5. Got lights?

    There are no laws concerning amber lights in Arizona. Anyone can have them. I suspect that it is the same everywhere since it is all based on the MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic control devices) As for Lights, yeah, I got em. I have five LED Strobes on the back of the truck that I drive, in the windows, and one in front. One of my trucks has strobes in the back, and another has an arrow board. I have seen the backs of all my trucks and they are easily visible for at least a mile when approaching them from the rear. I do not know how far my truck is visible from, but it does have the most lights. I am figuring it is good for at least a mile and a half. For what it is worth, the front light on my truck was a suction light like yours, and I hard mounted it above the rear view mirror, and his the wiring. Unless you are paying close attention, you will not even notice it. The back lights are a little more noticeable, but not much. Ebay is a great source for lights. Do not be afraid of the China ones, in this case. They are actually pretty good.
  6. DI water

    A water softener is not DI water. It appears to be similar, because of the bottle, but it is basically a water softener.
  7. What to do with a kid hugger?

    Oh, that is funny. It is obvious that it is bothering others. Have you mentioned to him that it might make someone else feel uncomfortable and that it might not be appropriate to hug people outside the family? It will probably be a phase that passes, but I would find out what is compelling him to hug those he comes in contact with.
  8. PT state forum - closed....

    There were people biting their nails over PT State? Some stuff never ceases to amaze me.
  9. How much will you be paying your help?

    I am going to continue to pay my guys teh same wages. They have already proved their value to me. The difference is, now, I am much quicker to cut the attitudes. I figure I can usually do whatever it is myself, and do it quicker and more efficiently. Just my thoughts.
  10. Downsizing your business for 09??

    We started stashing cash last March. We were hunchy, and played the hunch. So far we are down some, but are still doing decent. There is a significant possibility that we might even grow a bit this year, in spite of, or maybe because of the downturn in the economy, but we are still going to continue to stash cash. But then, I am pretty busy for February, and swamped in March. I do not know what is on the horizon for April though. I am hoping that what I am thinking is going to happen does.
  11. Grease duct cleaning - NYC

    Nice summary Bob. Why dont you respond to the email address in the post?
  12. Tax Time, have a few Q's

    I vote accountant. With a new start up, they should know more about any possible one time deductions, and will probably save you more cash than they cost you. Not paying an accoutant is a false economy, in my opinion. Now true story, My wife, who is by no means ignorant or stupid, used to do our taxes every year. The first year that we hired an accountant, she saved us $5000 in taxes, and then on top of that, she went back and saved us an additional $3000.
  13. too much foam

    Look at the defoamer carpet cleaners use. You can probably buy it at a local hardware store that rents carpet cleaners for a test. If you are buying large quantities, you can hit a janitorial supply
  14. Are we professionals?

    Dan, if you will notice, especially with your 90% claim, is that is almost in line with how many people will be in business in 5 years, doing teh same thing. Kind of an interesting coincidence. I also think that is interesting, that on another thread, on another forum, that you did not feel that there were lowballers in your area. That, couple with this is a curious statement. Finally, you need to understand something. The pressure washing industry is a low perceived skill area. We are often bottom of the totem pole in the services needed spectrum, and are one of the first services cut, by either Residential or Commercial. That, with the low cost of entry, along with people that do not understand that costs money and time to sell (Many are on these boards) thus do not understand that a 3 cent per square foot recurring commercial account is worth far more than a 10 cent a square foot residential account in the long run, is what is causing teh problem. There, is also the idea that you, yourself, may not understand some of what I stated above, and so, when you see someone charging a lower price per square, you think it is either low balling, or a hack job, when they are probably doing as good a job as anyone else. Everyone has a different business model. Some of them I do not understand, but, that is okay, because many of them will not be in business this time next year.
  15. Supply Hose Reel Restrictive?

    I have not had a problem with a 3/4" hose, as long as there is adequate water volume from the spigot. That is running to RK-43's off of it full bore. They put out 5.5 gpm, on the machines that I have.
  16. WOW! Eagles beat the Giants.

    No, it is not a market that values pro football. It is an owner that does not have his head inserted rectally. Bill Bidwill has finally relented the majority control of the team to his son. His son understands how to pick a coach, and how to let him do his job. And besides, in the past 20 years, this is really only the first year we have had professional Football.
  17. So Long George W

    I am tempted to put a lock on this, since I am sure that Jeff will be offended.
  18. WOW! Eagles beat the Giants.

    You act surprised. It is more shocking that the Cards are there. People around here are shaking their heads in disbelief.
  19. The best machine manufacter

    Thanks for admitting your mistake. I prefer to know that I have quality equipment, and the security of spending more for a machine, and knowing that it is going to start in two weeks, two months, and two years is worth the premium. I don't live in Georgia, so my customers expect me to present a professional image. I do my best to do that.
  20. Modding a hose reel.

    You don't know how much I hate the term "Cleaning Units" It is a complete and total misnomer. If I had to choose between 11,000 cleaning units with and a machine a 5.5 and 2000 psi, vs. a machine at 3.5 gpm at 3500 psi, I could move far more trash at the higher volume of water and the lower pressure. It would just be Far and away more effective to clean that way. As for the reel, you do need to check the rating of teh water path. That reel could, and would have been a bit derated because of the swivel. It is always rated for the weakest part of the reel.
  21. This guy is some of our local color. I have heard rumors about him that he may not be all that he claims to be as a minister...(if you want to know more, you will have to email me. This is far to public a forum.) But, he is always entertaining. East Valley Tribune | Videos | Daily Arizona News for Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, Tempe, Scottsdale
  22. So, do you have colorful local personalities?

    This guy is nutty and has been there for years. He does have a lot of history in the area. I cannot think of many homeless in our area that I do not know by name, both street and given. It has always paid off to be nice to them. There is this one guy, Ron something, claims to own a pressure asher or two... ;)
  23. White smoke out the burner?

    Change the fuel filter first. It is worth the effort, and probably needs to be changed anyway. Also make sure that you are putting sufficient voltage out of your generator. Then start worrying about adjusting stuff.
  24. What's the GPM on this do you suppose?

    The article says 2.000.000 GPM. I wonder how many cleaning units that is?:rotfl::rotfl:
  25. Tony Szabo!

    You know, the best people have their birthdays on this day...:D