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Scott Stone

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Everything posted by Scott Stone

  1. I need my garage time!

    Hmm, I am trying to remember what I do. I usually get caught up in helping someone less fortunate than me, so that I don't have a lot of spare time. A lot of good feelings, but not much spare time. So, it might be crawling under a nasty trailer, or doing yard maintenance for the little old lady down the street, or helping someone with a couple of knee replacementst that went bad do something that they can't do themselves. I would dearly love to build a hot rod, or custom car, maybe some day.
  2. Fleet or Flat or Hoods?

    I started on fleets, and now a large part of my biz is flatwork. I like having a minimal amount of employees.
  3. You know you have daughter when....

    When my son went away to college, they had a parents survival class. Their statement was that the 20 year old of today is the same maturity as a 13 year old of 1955. Sorry.
  4. Hum bug!!!!!

    It is not my wife that bugs me about lights. Now my ten year old daughter, she is a master at the guilt trip without nagging.
  5. You know you have daughter when....

    Assuming they sleep 8 hours a night, that means that they send a text about every two minutes. That, is insane. Especially since I am assuming that they cannot easily do mass quantities of texts during class.
  6. Whats on your wish list

    As a family we are trying to have, what for us, is a minimal christmas. It is a bit easier since no one in our family has an over riding need. This is made even worse because my birthday is the week before christmas. So, as my wife, who is typically an excellent gift giver, asks what I want, I can only shrug because I have no clue. however, if someone would like to step up and buy me that senate seat in Illinois, I would promise to do as well as possible with it. Really, I have no needs so will probaBly just make an effort to make someone elses life better. I always get a great reward when I do that. Merry Christmas everyone.
  7. Hum bug!!!!!

    Not quite, Mesa Arizona LDS (Mormon) Temple
  8. Uhm the government has a legal responsibility to maintain roads. It is in the constitution under Mail Roads. I actually am in favor of one thing that Obama has proposed to improve the economy, and I am far from liberal. I do think that his idea of rebuilding infrastructure is an idea whose time has come. It will be expensive, but in reality, it will also effect the economy for the good.
  9. Gorilla vs Little Giant ladders

    It depends on how you are using them. I have a little giant step ladder that I think is the greatest thing out there, but, it cost $200, 8 years ago. Little Giant ® Safety Step Stepladder by Little Giant Ladder ® They are cheaper now. I hope that they are as sturdy. As for regular A Frame and extension ladders, I prefer the Werner Fiberglass.
  10. How many bytes are movies?

    I have a 30 gig ipod, and have about 23 movies on it, and they seem to take about a gig a piece. But, I think that teh mpeg4 format is a lot smaller. I have used my ipod to view a movie on a tv, and did not notice a huge deterioration in quality, and I have a 52 inch LCD, so I probably would have, if there had been one.
  11. aluminum citric acid cleaner, where??

    You are not going to find it. You can get Citric powders, but there are not any surfactants in it.
  12. This was Scary

    In Arizona, there is a Registrar of Contractors that a customer can complain to, and I am thinking that I would tell the nut case that a. It is not a piano, and B. I have an enforceable contract, and to sue me, after I fully documented what every room in the house looked like, without the blue tape. I have also been known to nearly come to blows with stupid truck drivers, too.
  13. Howdy

    I almost grabbed a jacket this morning on the way to church... I am home frmo church now because my daughter threw up. I got clean up duty.
  14. Sorry all

    Actually, there are plenty of TGP guys that are there, it is just not the people that are there to agitate, aggravate and irritate.
  15. What gun would you suggest for a 5.6 gpm pump?

    I prefer the general guns. I think that it is a personal preference thing, but have found that the more expensive guns are usually more cost effective.
  16. First Bobcat of the year

    Dang, you could run them down to East LA and sell them to a restaurant. They would make great chili. $56k for just the cat pelts? How much each? and what is the price on Coyote pelts?
  17. How many uses for duct tape are there?

    Wart removal. Put it on every night, sealing the edges and in about three weeks the wart will be gone.
  18. How many uses for duct tape are there?

    To replace a gas cap.
  19. Any Difficult Customers?

    You could always show up with some stripper, under the guise of removing the offensive coating. Insist on it, unless they pay you. It won't work, but it felt good typing it.
  20. Congrats President (elect) Obama

    List of why McCain lost: 1. Sarah Palin, many attacked her experience level very effectively 2. Age, many were afraid because of the age of McCain, and the potentiality of his premature demise 3. The McCain Bush ties. Obama tied them together masterfully, even though many of his points were just not true. 4. The Iraq war. Face it, it is a subject that is very polemic. Too many people that were feeling that the Iraq war was the reason for the US economic difficulties. There are a lot of people that want the US out of Iraq no matter what the cost. They did not pay attention to Obama wanting to send all the troops to Afghanistan, a potentially much more dangerous environment, with a far higher casualty rate. 5. Money. Obama was able to get a ton of money that he used to buy a lot of advertising with. He also did not participate in public financing, which erased a lot of constraints that are placed to maintain a level playing field. 6. Racism. There were a LOT of people that were afraid to vote against him because they did not want to be painted as racist. 7. The under 30 set. Too many people that had not ever voted before, because of age, were very effectively rallied to go out to vote and gave an additional leg up. And I am really glad that the democrats did not get a super majority in the senate. That means they will at least have to make an effort to listen to the republicans, to curtail the filibusters. Just out of curiosity, I am wondering, as an open question, what the first campaign promise that Obama backs away from will be?
  21. Say NO to Gays!

    You dropped a Z. It is Berzerkely
  22. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Sorry, Ant, you were not the one I was talking about, exactly because you do not revile our president. You commie Pinko...:D
  23. Say NO to Gays!

    Californians are crazy, and the further north you go, the crazier they seem to get, though, I do wonder about anyone willing to live in Needles and Barstow.+
  24. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    I find it interesting that those that revile the current president so much are the ones saying that we should all respect whoever the new president is, especially since it appears it might be Obama, according to all the "polls". How come they could not get their esteemed democratic leaders in the house and senate, (Notice, they were not deserving capitalization) to try and work with the white house, instead of against it? Of wait, I get it, the Conservative side is supposed to be the one that gets along, and has an agenda if they don't. The Dummycrats, are just sticking to their guns, forcing their own self serving propoganda and programs down our throats, for instance, the minimum wage that gave a special exemption to one company, Starkist. Seems Mme. Pelosi's hubby owns a few million dollars worth of shares in that one, so they don't have to pay minimum wage, and they got about $30 million in cash from the government. I love sweet deals, except, such as this case, and in many similar, I have to pay for them.