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Scott Stone

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Everything posted by Scott Stone

  1. Jesus had a child??

    Your pastor does not know his biblical history. The words of Jesus were put in Red by the Oxford publishing company. They are the company that prints more bibles than any other. Next, there were 5 or 6 different KJV translations of the bible. Which one is the most accurate? They are not all the same. Incidentally, the translations were originally commissioned in 1604 and the Scholars of the day started translating and finsished it in 1611. They had other translations, but the last one was done in 1769. Just because someone puts some words in red does not make them true. It is the actual content and meaning of the words that will let you know what is true.
  2. I have slept with some here

  3. Jesus had a child??

    There are a few problems with his "discovery" First, Jesus was a very common name at that time. I think it was 5th most common. Mary was the most common female name. 20% of women were named Mary or some form of Mary. Joseph was themost common name. Mary Magdalene and Mary magadon would be different people. The Ossuary was not fitting of a person that people would hole in high regard, and there were enough people at that time that held Jesus in high regard for him to have a nice ossuary, if indeed he did not ressurrect. (BTW, I am of the opinion that he did, so no bones here) Lastly, it was found in Jerusalem. Jesus was a nazarene from Galilee, enough of a distance away for it not to make sense for him to be buried in Jerusalem. Personally, I think it is another attempt of someone to get people falling all over themselves to think something happened to disprove the bible and the bible history as it is written.
  4. Bookkeeping Service

    I have the most expensive bookkeeper in the country. SHe demands Hawaii vacations, she only wants to do what she wants to do and I have to pay ALL of her expenses. Of course, if you tell her I said this, I might have to sleep on the couch tonight. In reality, if I needed to, I would gladly pay that money. I am not real fond of people knowing "my business" but sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and trust some people. What is just as important to me is having a great accountant that we can call with any stupid little question. I gotta take her on vacation a lot of time, with her 4 kids, but it works out because she is a family friend.
  5. Walk in Freezer

    If you do it, and it has metal walls, dont use hot water. It will cause the walls to buckle. You will want to get as much water out as you can. But if it is a true freezer, is osunds like you are going to create a skating rink, unless you have it turned off and warmed up. For what it is worth, it will often take a large freezer a day or two to have the temperature moderated.
  6. Powerwashing in the winter

    And I have had that happen a few times myself.
  7. Powerwashing in the winter

    \ ABout twenty years ago I worked for a utility in their salvage yard. We were in a record heat wave. 3 days of 120 degree plus temps, and I was working outside. I got a drink every 15 minutes and never relieved myself. I had to wear boots. I had just bought boots the week before, and they were literally worn out from the heat and salt from sweat at the end of the week.
  8. Powerwashing in the winter

    I love Arizona.
  9. The Economy; how do you feel about it?

    Those cross hairs are because our country is so great. Remember back in High School? No one was jealous of the ugly chick, the poor kid or the Chess captain. Everyone always wanted to knock off the big guy, and often if he was also really nice, it just made people more angry. Talk about a no win situation. Now in the world there is not another country to compare to the US. That being the case, everyone wants to knock us off.
  10. Parking garage

    What he said!!!:lgmoneyey :lgsideway
  11. The Economy; how do you feel about it?

    You are ALWAY going to have idiot law makers that are so intent on making their own little point that they are going to ignore the Elephant in the room. We have soem classics in Arizona, like the woman that wanted to strike down what we call Prop 300, which is basically denying non life saving services to illegal immigrants. The reason she wanted to strike down this referendum that passed 70%-30% with legal aliens voting in the high 90% range? Because she felt the people of Arizona did not understand it. She is also the nitwit that wanted to Have Sean Hannity arrested for illegal entry because he put one foot across the three strand barb wire fence to show how easy it was to cross the border illegally, problem was the fence was inside our border, and not on the border. There is are a lot of bad things happening. Americans,(In my opinion) are getting lazier. They are wanting a huge expansion in their rights without any expansion in their responsibilities, and few want ot go out and do physical labor anymore. It is really a classic scenario that I do not see the Government being able to legislate against.
  12. Parking garage

    Then there is my area. 3 cents a foot. Even at that it is averaging over hundred per hour per machine.
  13. The Economy; how do you feel about it?

    Not the case at all Rick. Just thought since you put so much energy and time into your post it was worthy of further discussion without detracting from the original topic (my bad) and allowing that conversation to continue there and providing a venue for further discussion of your points here. Nothing more. To address your question that you don't understand my skepticism: It stems from a view albeit a negative one of our governments way of running things. Look at the joke in chief. Before this guy took office, the nation was running in the black. We aren't now. And don't blame 9/11 for that. The retaliatory war that he wouldn't wait for congresses blessing on is the reason. Uhm, I think that you are wrong Rod. When Bush took office, we were not running in the black, as so many tout. It was projected by the outgoing administration that we would be in the black in ten years. There is a difference, and since it is verifiable that Clinton was at least untruthful, it is possible that these figurees were cooked, just a bit. Then additionally, Not even taking into account the "war on terror" and all of its associated costs, you do need to take into account that the Major US financial district was attacked and threw the Stock market into a tailspin for a while. That would have been at least difficult for anyone to overcome. As for the "retaliatory war that he could not wait for Congress's approval of? Well, here is a link to an newspaper article that shows their approval. CNN.com - Senate approves Iraq war resolution - Oct. 11, 2002 You will notice the overwhelming majority approval. The senate approved it 77-23 and the house approved it 296-133. Those are pretty solid majorities. I don't care what kind of revisionism so many are involved in, these are the facts. US deficit is shrinking, for now | csmonitor.com This article tells how the economy is projected to come out over the next year.
  14. The Economy; how do you feel about it?

    This is curious. The stock market has had the largest sustained upswing since 1954. Nearly every local economy is booming. Unemployment is at all time lows. Personal income is up. People are spending money like it is going out of style, since they feel, for them most part that their personal economy has a good outlook. Yet, the press says that the economy is the dumps. We are in a recession, and that there is no way out with the current national leadership. Is it just me, or are there more than a few things that do not add up with all of this?
  15. Spare parts list

    Here is what I typically carry: Hose at least two lengths of whatever length. I prefer 100 footers Unloaders O-rings Garden hose ends Hose clamps Butt connectors A pressure switch Packing Valves Ignitor a toggle switch A spare gun spare nozzles Teflon tape a few quick connects extra wire, electrical a fuel filter for each machine (if one goes bad the other cannot be far behind) I don't like being broke down and non productive.
  16. Deposit on maintenance contracts?

    I do not require any deposit at all. I do a large variety of clients, and I do not htink that any of them would pay a deposit. If I was on a patrol schedule for graffiti removal, I would have a monthly charge and then a cost per sq. foot of tagging removed, you could also do a cost per stop.
  17. Please welcome Jarrod - New Forum Leader!

    Wait a minute, I don't have no stinkin' Key. Where do I get my key??? And in my best AA voice: Hi Jarrod.
  18. Comet pumps??

    I tried comets, and had the same problems. Not worth the down time for me.
  19. Who has the coolest avatar?

    Dang, those rules are harsh... As for Avatars, I prefer mine, probably for the same reason Mike likes his.
  20. War budget

    Bush lover!!! I am officially scared to think of what Matt might do with that.
  21. ... Sharing some excitement!!!!

    just copy it to youtube.
  22. It has come to my attention...

    That there are entirely too many Scott's on these boards. Since I have been on the boards pretty much continuously since 1995, I feel I should be able to keep my name. The rest of you can sign up to have a new name assigned to you.
  23. Copy of Walmarts RFP

    It is mostly boiler plate. I have contracts from 15 different entities, and they all are worded pretty much the same way.
  24. Copy of Walmarts RFP

    Andd good looking, too. Well, at least my wife still likes me.
  25. Copy of Walmarts RFP

    I find this curous. Every account that I have comes with a contract like this. The most difficult thing I can find is that you have to find a salaried management person to sign the invoice. I anticipate that they are doing this without the knowledge of the management teams of the various stores. It happens quite often with contracts of this type. IN MY OPINION, your inexperience with this type of contract is making most not be able to see the bigger picture. The contract has been set, and it is up to the cotnractor to make it work. It is VERY possible to haul the used wash water off site for disposal and still be in compliance with all the EPA reg's and DOT reg's. Think Filtering, and Flocculents.