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Scott Stone

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Everything posted by Scott Stone

  1. Ant's Cadillac Video

    Good thing that you were in the forest around Barstow. I have to admit it looks like a blast.
  2. Electric Power Washer

    There is Dave Olsen. One of his pressure washers is run off electricity. He also has a huge generator in the back of his truck to make it all happen. He might be along shortly with pictures for everyone to drool over...
  3. And the question is, What do you want to do? I might be able to arrange a small party and transportation for some people if you are interested. If there is something on the list that you might want to do that is not on the list I can arrange a party for that, too. Some ideas are the Biosphere, Old Tucson studios, Tombstone, Kartchner Caverns, and even Mexico. Most of them are just a couple fo hours away. I think that the farthest thing is three hours away. There is a lot of stuff to do here, so it could be a fun trip if you are not really interested in the classes.
  4. I need a contact with Honda

    What type of Honda and what is the problem? If it is a pressure washer engine, then you need to find a small engine repair place that sells them. If it is not somethign they can warranty on their own, they will contact the regional people and get it taken care of. If it is a Generator, etc. It is a different division of Honda, and the sellers of those pieces have a lot more liberty on what they can do locally. If the small engine guys refuse to repair, for what ever reason, you can insist that Honda look at it. You will probably have to pay shipping, but that will probably be reimbursed if it is a warranty item.
  5. 12 Volt Pumps

    Or you could just run a 1 inch line from your tank to your machines. It would be a lot simpler...
  6. Lab Puppies!!!!!

    Wrong side of the country for me. I would love to have a chocolate. They are beautiful dogs.
  7. Welcome to the Jungle...

    It is not that big a deal. Check ytour tap water flow, and make sure it is about 4 GPM, and you should easily have 2.5 GPM at 500 feet. The rest is pretty straight forward. There is a lot of money to be made by thinking you can.
  8. buying new pump - need some advice

    My first machine was a 13 horse Honda and a gearbox machine. It worked pretty good. It had the right ratings. If you can I would go with it. Make sure you put antisieze on the shaft and on any connections to the motor.
  9. buying new pump - need some advice

    I would not use an EZ pump. I tried them and they did not last... General TS 2021 is on all my machines.
  10. Equipment for sale

    It is always sad when I see soeone roll up their hoses for the last time. Good luck in your future ventures.
  11. County Contract

    You are right. There are different varieties of bids. 1, IFB or Invitation for Bid. These are usuaaly awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. If they do not award it to the lowest bidder they better have a really good reason. 2. RFP or Request for Proposal. These are usually done on an evaluation basis. Some times they purchasing dept. will actually make their own copies of the RFP to have a blind evaluation. Whatever they do, there is an evaluation process, and it is still usually the low bid. There is a lot more to it, but these are the basics. In my experience, and I usually bid on about 10 major contracts a year, the bids are IFB's or Low bid wins. There is one city that always does an RFP and they are far and away the most difficult people to work with. They have some departments that the administrator is such a jerk that I will not even put in a bid, and I used to bid everything. A lot of it is just learning the local ropes.
  12. County Contract

    You are not understanding, this probably has to go out to bid, and the low bid will get the award. There is not a whole lot that can avoid the process as it is outlined.
  13. Pressure washing equipment

    Since you are in Casa Grande, Phoenix would probably be your best bet. I prefer Superior or Pressure System Industries in the Phoenix area, though, they are both excessively expensive. Aaladin of Arizona is good, but they are smaller than the others and are attached to a hood contractor. They have a great service department though. I have a used unit for sale, and I am in Mesa. When I am buying a machine I usually buy from Delco in Texas, but I also plan on fixing my own stuff when it breaks.
  14. County Contract

    Sorry, but you are wrong. They often do hourly rates. They are also monitored closely, until they trust you. As for the rest, there are ways around anything.
  15. Oh, it can get hotter, but you really don't want to for a variety of reasons. ONe time not to long ago, I bypassed the heater but forgot and left it on. It was not pretty what happened to that heater coil. I ended up swapping the heater coil and shroud from another old machine that I had. As for water not hot enough, if you run your machine and stick your hand out in front of the spray, but not close enough to feel pain, you will notice that the pressure is low, even though you are only a foot or two away. Also that the water is significantly cooled. IT has to do with the water droplets being so small that they cool quickly.
  16. Weapons for protection

    Hmm, I work in some rough parts of town. I usually can talk them down. Typically I strike my BA pose and start yapping. I'm pretty good at ripping people apart, but prefer to leave them laughing so hard that they think that they are my friends. I have a lot of friends around town. Never seen anythign so funny as two homeless guys fighting because one thinks that I am his best buddy and the other was trying to shake me down. If worse comes to worse, I can and will break their neck. I have had a gun pointed at me too many times to be worried about that outcome.
  17. Where do you hang out your shingle?

    We work outof hour home, but we have a yard that we keep equipment at, so that we are both, sort of.
  18. Preparing for winter

    What are long sleeve shirts?
  19. loyalty

    How would you feel if it were you trying that was the prime contractor? Here is what I would do, especially since they are giving you the check is in the mail routine. Keep in mind, I hate being lied to... I would go after the PM and get the account. They will not be happy knowing that their vendors are not paying their bills, because in reality, they are potentially liable for payment. Ask any contractor, that is why they all insist on lien releases on all of their projects. So, it is totally justified and a service to the PM to take the account. I am not sure if I would let the prime know that I was taking it from him. He has already demonstrated that he is dishonest, so there is no telling what kind of lies he will tell about you...
  20. Vacation ideas for a pregnant gal

    Is it just me that worries that Jon was on the front porch of the Deliverance shack?
  21. Vacation ideas for a pregnant gal

    Well, Honestly, Disney is not the worlds best for pregnant peeps. The rides are too jarring, and it would probably get boring strolling around. I vote DC. You can do it for $1500, if careful. If you are tired there are plenty of places to stop and rest, and you also can take tours and go as hard or easy as you want. Other than that, a cabin in the mountains might be good, but, what is there to do with pregnant peeps???
  22. Motorola Razr

    I have an LG from Verizon. I looked at the Nextel plans and verizon is less expensive for me. I think it is the VX 8300. SO far no problems, I have only had it a month though.
  23. stupid things

    I have backed into my trailer multiple times and pulled away without it. Sometimes I have gotten miles down the road before I remembered that the trailer should be back there...
  24. I have two jobs that are up for bid. Federal small biz set asides. 1. Moody AFB, Georgia- Clean the control tower. 2. Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona- Hoods and ducts. I can get you more info if anyone is interested.
  25. Tools Of The Trade

    Roofs and x-jets are not my thing. SO I have no experience with them.