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Scott Stone

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Everything posted by Scott Stone

  1. I figure that when I buy soemthing mailorder, I am the warranty center because I cannot afford the downtime. I have run direct drives, and gear boxes. I have had the best luck with belt drive. In the time I would be replacing the pump on a direct drive, I am doing the packings on a belt. Scott Stone
  2. Buying Equipment

    I am currently buying used equipment. I am in need of two hot water wash rigs, recovery equipment is a plus, though not required. Please E-mail me if you have something that might meet my specs. The-washer@msn.com Scott Stone
  3. grammer police needed.

    it is grammar Scott Stone
  4. Beth and Rod's competition?

    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2992&item=7503753674&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW SO what are your favorite parts of this ad? I like the jealoously guarded secrets.
  5. Beth and Rod's competition?

    Lou, Live and learn. I have been known to blow money on some things like this, as well. They always make it sound so easy, and it never gives enough, or the right information to make it actually happen. Then again, it is easy money for them. (Hey, I should have known better, he guy I bought from was in Hawaii. Can you say Red Flag???) Scott
  6. Happy Easter! What's your pick?

    As wierd as it sounds, we have a Hot Dog dinner. It is really low stress, and quick after church. It started just after my daughter was born a month before Easter. She was exhausted, and so we set aside teh honey baked ham and had Hot Dogs. Been that way ever since. Scott Stone
  7. What has REED SMITH been up to?

    Hmm, depends :lgangel: on who you ask.
  8. What has REED SMITH been up to?

    Who is a flat work KIng? I ain't king of nuthin' I figure that I could target cleaning all of those pretty white buildings in that city by yours. There is that one tall skinny one, Wow, I think that I could get an X-Jet to go to the top of that one. Then there is that big one that has all the sides, (why didn't those people build a square building?) I would do that one, too, except, you have to wonder about a building that has BIG guns all around it. Yeah, I could do building washing there, all for any building, $150. I would clean up... Scott P.S. Think that they have any gutters to clean?
  9. What has REED SMITH been up to?

    Dang. maybe I need to move where there are decks. Are there any houses in your neighborhood, Beth? You might be able to use another real contractor there ;) Scott
  10. It looks like an Epps unit. Pretty good quality, and a good manufacturer. It might not be an epps, though, just a unit built similarly. It does not have a float tank, and is set up to run off of a tank. You will want to change that hose barb for one in brass. Scott Stone
  11. Bag Of Money In A Dumpster Area!

    No doubt, if I could figure out where it belonged I would return it. And I would make absolutely EVERY effort to find out who it belonged to, Scott
  12. Rock'n & Scrubb'n

    Hmm, Jon, is that because you have to feel teh music, because you can't hear it so well? Scott
  13. Favorite Fast Food?

    I actually stop at a local Tortilleria to get some REAL mexican food. The name is Carolina's. The food is incredible, and it is really safe inside the restaurant, all of the cops are inside. It is in one of the worst neighborhoods of Phoenix, though. If I am not in the neighborhood of them, I have about a dozen others on my list of stops. There is a place called Filiberto's that is all over town. They take over the fast food places that the chains could not make it at, and convert them. Usually they are swamped. Carolinas is better though. Scott
  14. A World meeting for all Powerwashers

    What no Phoenix??? I like San Diego or LA, and even Las Vegas. For a couple of days, we could even try Phoenix. I am not often able to travel to the east coast. Scott
  15. Gloves??

    I get my gloved from www.microflex.com The price is inexpensive, the quality is excellent, and the variety for different types of rubber gloves is amazing. Scott Stone
  16. Definition of a "Newbie"

    Sometimes I feel like a newbie. It boils down to experience. If the person is still learning more than he is accomplishing on a job, I would definitely consider him or her a newbie. Scott
  17. Looking for unbiased equipment opinions ?

    The newerr tuffs are better than the older units. At least from my experience. The newer ones are manufactured in the same plant as the Landas are, much to the landa dealers chagrin. Scott
  18. Looking for unbiased equipment opinions ?

    In my opinion, the Delco is the best bang for the buck. I would upgrade and get teh bigger engine, and a Honda if they offer it. I like the Hondas, and do not especially like the briggs engines. I don't use Landa because the guy that sells them here gets a premium for his machines. Like $8000 for a machine that although is not exactly the same is closely duplicated for $4300. As for building a trailer or getting a trailer built, if you know what you want, and have a little experience and ability, I would build a trailer. If not, then bu one built and figure you might want to change down the road. Scott Stone
  19. Pssssst!! Guess what?

    Aww, Beth is just a tease... Poor Rod. Scott
  20. Pssssst!! Guess what?

    A discount to all grime scene members A new less expensive source of equipment. There is going to be a franchise of Grime scene, or whatever your retail outlet is called, and Celeste is going to open it and have great door prizes. You''re going to swap husbands. Scott Stone
  21. Oh, I didn't know that they made a truck :D Scott
  22. I am a Ford guy. I have two Ford f-250's and a Toyota Pickup. I also have an Excursion to haul people around in. Everything has a specific job. The truck that I drive and that does the majorityof the trailer pulling is a diesel 4x4. The other ford is a 5.4 gasser. The Toyota also is gas. They had a diesel available that year, but I did not buy this truck new, so I bought it when I found a good deal. I prefer the diesel. The next pickup that I get is going to be a diesel, if at all possible. The only situation that I can imagine buying gas is if I need multiple small pickups for some reason. I will probably not by any more new trucks, unless it is for me. I can get good used and well maintained work trucks too cheap to justify it. Scott
  23. truck license plate

    Err, umm, WASHGUY Scott Stone
  24. Hot Water PW Temperature Specs

    You want a minimum of a 16 amp charging system to run a heater off of it. Most of the larger Hondas, 20hp or larger have a 20 amp charging system. Even more important is to make sure that everything is well grounded. It sounds crazy, but if the machine and heater are not grounded really well, it will go through ignitors. I typically buy an ignitor every year and a half. There are people that go through them a lot faster than I do, but do not use their machines nearly as much. Scott Stone
  25. Voice Communications

    I am juping in late here, but here goes. I have both a cell phone and a land line. If my customer wants to get me, they need to call the cell. If they call the land line there is a more than even chance that no one will pick it up. I do have call forwarding and since all of my troll faxes recently stopped, I can now call forward with comfort. Right now I am contemplating the idea of a Hi-Speed wireless card for my laptop. That way I would be able to access the computer at home for billing on job sites, and such. If I get much more busy I will almost have to do it. I have to do all of my own billing and such so that with the card, I can while I have a minute or two down between jobs. As for using a fax, yes, I do EVERY day, and sometimes three times a day. I fax notifications of work completed to my customers. I also send notifications via email, and send invoices via email. I love it when I can do that!!! Scott Stone