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Scott Stone

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Posts posted by Scott Stone

  1. I knew that. I was just trying to let Allison know, without telling her, where it ended. I also am thinking that she has little kids, so, did not want them going and getting scared. Life is too short to be scared unnecessarily.

    And no, I have no use for horror flic's.

  2. The movie is...okay. There is not even a single scene at Hogwarts, there are some very intense moments that I don't think would be good for little kids. There is a little bit of graphic gore. There is also a dream sequence that is very suggestive, and it appears that Hermione Harry are nude in, but you can't see anything. (really, you have to see it to understand.) Decently made, but do not expect it to be classic Harry Potter, because it isn't. But then book 7 was not classic Harry Potter. My son is a HP nut, and knows more about it then anybody should even try to know, and he said that it gets about 2/3's of the way through the book. Alls I know is that it ended after ol' what's his face got Dumbledore's wand.

  3. And why do you think I posted it???

    I am going with no.3 son, who is 15. I have a long night ahead of me, and not enough sleep, but, as usual, I am going to make it happen. I will probably go again, at least once this weekend, with my daughter, who is 12. You know, the one in my avatar...

  4. It did not happen in my back yard. It is at my yard, which is about 5 miles from home, where I store most of my equipment and my trailers. Not much, 5 trailers and four trucks are there. It just sickens me to know that someone took some of my stuff, but, we will suck it up and move on.

    As for fingerprints? Unless there is a loss of life, or assault, the police do not even darken the door to take finger prints. A phone report, and that is all they do around here.

  5. Now that I think of it, i think it was sikh terrorists that were scoping Bush International to determine that traffic patterns so that they could plan an en masse terrorist attack.

    (For what it is worth, Sikh's are some of the most passive, kind and peace loving people there are in the world. The silliness of the concept of a sikh terrorist is just funny. Of course, I am just funny that way.)
