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steven last won the day on September 9 2015

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About steven

  • Rank
    TGS Silver Member
  • Birthday 02/11/1967

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    congongood home services
  • First & Last Name
    steven mendez
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    brownfield maine
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  1. Deck pricing

    maybe you and your team should hire an estimator. I mean if you cant figure out how to make money in something that you specialize in then maybe a pro is in order. at least until they teach you how to.
  2. Hence the " way more work than I anticipated " clause. lol I have no idea what I was thinking when I bid that job. I have been doing decks for three years and keep my time frame in place 99 percent of the time. Square foot or hourly it all comes down to how long it takes to do something. I am sure you have your system down pat and rarely go over your estimated price.
  3. But what happens when you go over the time frame allowed for your square foot price?
  4. I need to put in some kind of " way more work than i anticipated " clause. I finished the deck but was waaaay over the time frame. 22 hours over to be exact. That really bit into my profit margine.
  5. Here we go. Just finished the deck. Live and learn. I was on this deck for a while. came out nice though.
  6. wheres the before pics? I am assuming that this is the finished product.
  7. http://m.dumondchemicals.com/videos.html. take a look at the video tell me what you think.
  8. Soap goods is where I usually get it. Benn buying there for years. But they are out of stock.
  9. The peel away product is good for the vertical. It is a paste form and after you apply it you put some paper over it And let it sit for 24 to 36 hours. I watched a video of them using it on a wall and if it works as good as the video then yahoo.
  10. I was peed off today, i had to buy 7 - 12 ounce jars today. $6.50 PER
  11. 20 bucks shipping, I think i am going to buy a bag now.
  12. searching hi and low for oxalic because my regular supplier is out and couldn't find it at the right price. I ended up paying $130 delivered for 50 pounds waaay to much for me.. then I found this place. forgive my ignorance but this is just as good as oxalic? http://www.bulkapothecary.com/raw-ingredients/other-ingredients-and-chemicals/citric-acid/
  13. Yes I am going to strip the TOP rails, I ordered five gallons of peel away 1 and hope that will work, I should. I did a test spot on the floor with some boosted s hydroxide and it came of ok. so my plan is, strip the top hand rails with the peel away 1, strip the deck boards with the boosted hydroxide. Oil both hand rails and deck boards with a darker color Paint everything else white to match the trim. forgive my editing skills but I am aiming for something like the picture.
  14. Hello everyone tis the season and here we go starting off with a good one. Please take a look at the pictures and give me some suggestions. No idea what brand of product is on there. just know that its not oil. I was going to pass on this but then I thought why? If I am to expand my horizons and try and really restore decks, there are plenty like this. And by doing these Oil can not be my only option my thoughts where to sand the floor as best I can with my machine and then add another product.. thinking latex is out. not interested in the restore products, so that leaves acrylic. anyone got any ideas?