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Everything posted by steven

  1. I love wood, I love the transformation that happens, I love the customers reaction, their smiles and their appreciation. But do you know what I hate about doing wood? RAIN, all I have here is rain, More than enough rain to last five jobs. If there is one thing that will make me stop doing this it is the aggravation that comes along with the weather.
  2. Not so much that he wants a solid. It's just what's in his budget. He knows that he waited to long and that there are only two options to make that house look good. And one is half the cost of the other
  3. You got to admit it still will look very nice when completed. I mean compared to now spray paint would make it look good.
  4. No I aint dong the trim, that's in great shape. I tried to get a strip in there but he almost had a heart attack when I gave him the round about number to strip and re-stain. Also this homeowner is looking for a grey, kinda like whats on there now.
  5. he built it 99 and hasn't touched it since.
  6. This thing is going to suck up the stain.
  7. Jason, that's what I like about stain, you can really wipe it off the latex,( but you cant really wipe the latex off the stain)
  8. Here's one I got asked to price for a solid stain. I gave him a round about number for a complete strip and re-stain and his jaw dropped. He is looking for a cheaper alternative. I figure I would just wash it with a house wash and hypo mix to get rid of all the dirt, grime and mold. then cover it with a couple coats of solid oil stain. any input on spraying this?
  9. you remove the gutters? that must be time consuming.
  10. Ok I have a question, with all the prep of windows, gutters, and everything else that comes along with spraying stain, could you earn more money by brushing the wood? do you get pad the same whether you brush or spray?
  11. do a lot of you woodies use a sprayer, Deckster or otherwise?
  12. I will be purchasing the Makita. That unit seems to be the choice of everyone on these boards and if that isn't telling me to buy it then I don't know what would. I would not buy much of anything from harbor freight. cheap = cheap.
  13. I am going to have to get out of the stone age and get some faster equipment.
  14. I gotta get both the Osborn brushes and the 3m
  15. Mike, I try and get the painted wood nice and wet before I put on the hydroxide. I also have control where I spray my mix so i try not to hit the paint with hydroxide, if I do get some on, I rinse it off. I also do not put the wand near the painted surfaces I.E. window frames, trim boards etc.out of all my house strips, only one time did I have to do some touch up because of removing paint and that was because I was sloppy around the window frames. I HAVE used to much oxalic and have had to do touch up. But most times I am careful not to let any hydroxide dwell on paint. I am pretty sure that 4 ounces shydroxide to a gallon doesn't even touch a latex that is in good shape.
  16. I get paranoid using 40 or 60 grit on cedar. specially clapboards , that low of grit can wreak havoc on wood. ( but I ended up using some and it wasn't to bad on these shakes ) It actually went pretty quick with three people. this was a big job for me,.lots and lots and lots of work. I was sitting there looking at my gear I have for this job and I was shocked at all the stuff I need to complete this. SO YOU WANNA RESTORE OLD WOOD HUH? good luck.lol
  17. Beth I haven't sanded it yet, I do not think I am going to. It is a strong/ good shape pressure treated there really is no need to. I do not know what kind of screws and nails they used to anchor the deck boards and I am concerned about nail bleed.
  18. No you are correct, On this house I painted the trim also, so I power washed the trim to remove loose paint. And it was pretty old paint so it came off in droves.
  19. I ( well " I " being me and two other people " brushed it all in. 5 inch stain brushes. not sure what you mean by " trouble with paint coming the window frames ".
  20. Has anyone ever run a drum sander over a deck and had an issue with the nails rusting after?
  21. 120 grit, every single one of them. seems like there was fifty gazillion shakes.
  22. The last picture id's my favorite. They all look excellent but the last one strikes me best
  23. call volume

    18 cents per delivery? that cant be the total cost can it ? I mean what about the postcard itself ? how many are you sending ? the cheapest I found was 52 cents for 1000 cards complete.
  24. please let me in on this one, A link A hint something.