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Everything posted by steven

  1. for some reason I cant quote, John, If the stain I apply, whether it is one coat or six coats, if it all goes into the wood then all is good correct?
  2. Ya but I was asking you your methods. do you do one coat? ,two coats? thee coats ? do you do wet on wet? wait till it dries? Is there truly a one coat system. the reason I ask is I did a hand rail with like 4 coats and man does it look good. I would think that the more stain you get in there the better off you would be correct ?
  3. Beth, would you mind sharing your stain application process?.
  4. yes all I did was boost up to 6 ounces and added some butyl. Came off like butter
  5. one of the reasons I ask this question is I read a post by Beth once and in it she said something like " never get on a ladder with a p/washer ". I do feel better now. Also Someone told me that An 8 gpm machine is to much for wood, is that so? and if so why?
  6. I like them all but the stair treads on the stairway pictures ( not trying to sound to light n the loafers ) are simply gorgeous
  7. pics five and 6 do you remember which stain you used?
  8. Been a heck of a year.

    Adrian, Sorry to hear that. Like yourself and Guy,I to am a a grandfather. again, I am truly sorry.
  9. Thanks Adrian, Have you ever successfully stripped a peak like that from the ground? I also use a ladder but man there has to be a better way. every time I come off a ladder from stripping a peak I look like a swamp thing.
  10. They do look nice, don't even dare put mine up.
  11. ya sorry bout that, it is a oil based solid. if you look at the brown around the door that is the part that needs to be removed. every thing else came of real nice.
  12. If my medium brewed ( 5 ounce to the gallon ) hydroxide stripper is not touching the solid colored stain. should I try a solvent based stripper or should I just boost up the hydroxide to 7 ounces a gallon ( that does seem like a lot )?
  13. during a house wash the only time I have a problem with windows is when I am not paying attention to my rinsing. But I do like the idea of Mr. clean or something. The only time I have to scrub the windows is after stripping a house, and that usually means washing them real good.
  14. Man there is two tons of stuff to learn about wood, coatings , restoration, etc. I do like reading about this stuff, though I do have a touch of a.d.a.this keeps me interested. I downloaded the book on my phone. lets put the book to the test, I am going to strip a small area of solid based stain. I already tried to take it off with my medium brewed ( 5 ounces to a gallon ) hydroxide stripper. It took of all the semi transparent stain easily and quick but just cleaned the solid stain. so I am going to try and find a solvent based stripper { methylene chloride } That works fast to get off the solid color stain. would you guys just try boosting the hydroxide first?
  15. I did find some great info and Beth sent a link.
  16. yea I tried going through Everett's past posts but I could not find anything. I think it was a post by Rick P that actually caught my attention
  17. 15.29 megabytes of information hell ya. the forest labs contradict some stuff people say on these boards. Like mill glaze, they say they tried to duplicate it but never have been able to. also they say to stain your deck after the wood is under 20% they say you don't have to wait. hmmmm. there is a ton of info on there thanks Beth Ok how do I paste something on here, if this sounds like a foolish question I just cant figure it out on this new setup.
  18. why cant I post a link ? any way I found the usda forest products lab research and development
  19. Rod, when submitting an estimate do you line item everything or just give them one giant price? I line item everything on jobs over 2 or 3k.
  20. Would you use this?

    Well there ya go. In a situation like that I would see it working if you could keep the chems from flying away. I have used those before and they can really throw some stuff.
  21. Would you use this?

    its a gas powered broom.
  22. I know they make them for the bigger tow behind compresors. I have used them. I think here in Maine they are mandatory (osha) when using those airlines. I would think they would be easy enough to make, and would work well.
  23. Ego vs. Giving Back

    was that post out of line ? was it directed at anyone here ? That's my story and i'm sticking to it.
  24. Ego vs. Giving Back

    Or I could pick a family of a person that was wrongfully killed by a police officer. There's no shortage of them anywhere in the U.S.A