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Posts posted by steven

  1. Man there is two tons of stuff to learn about wood, coatings , restoration, etc. I do like reading about this stuff, though I do have a touch of a.d.a.this keeps me interested. I downloaded the book on my phone.


    lets put the book to the test, I am going to strip a small area of solid based stain. I already tried to take it off with my medium brewed ( 5 ounces to a gallon ) hydroxide stripper. It took of all the semi transparent stain easily and quick but just cleaned the solid stain.  so I am going to try and find a solvent based stripper { methylene chloride } That works fast to get off the solid color stain. would you guys just try boosting the hydroxide first?

  2. 15.29 megabytes of information hell ya.  the forest labs contradict some stuff people say on these boards. Like mill glaze, they say they tried to duplicate it but never have been able to. also they say to stain your deck after the wood is under 20% they say you don't have to wait. hmmmm. there is a ton of info on there thanks Beth


    Ok how do I paste something on here, if this sounds like a foolish question I just cant figure it out on this new setup.



  3. We clean a Greyhound terminal monthly.  In the spots where the busses sit and idle for hours, there are 4' diameter circles of black soot on the concrete  we apply EBC and let dwell for 10 min or so, then brush the spots with a stiff bristle scrub brush on a broom handle.  I have done side by side comparisons, the brushing helps quite a bit.  Might be able to get it a little cleaner with gas powered broom, definitely save time. 

    Well there ya go. In a situation like that I would see it working if you could keep the chems from flying away. I have used those before and they can really throw some stuff.

  4. what about using a small cable that loops around hose before the QC fittings and the 2 cables lock together, that way if QC'S did blow, a cable would keep them from knocking teeth out.  Might get burned by hot water, but no lacerations.  Any one ever seen anything like this?

    I know they make them for the bigger tow behind compresors. I have used them. I think here in Maine they are mandatory (osha) when using those airlines. I would think they would be easy enough to make, and would work well.

  5. Our neighbor runs accounting software that is used by hundreds of small hardware stores across the US to track inventory and sales. He said that in reality the smaller hardware stores are with-in pennies of the bog box stores on everything with the exception of power tools and building materials.

     I bought a Makita orbital sander from him this year and he was right on with the price. I am going to buy another one next year.
