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Everything posted by JMBrowne

  1. Call Pressure Pros in Fort Pierce. They are a major manufacturer here in Florida and I am sure they can tell you what you need to know. http://www.pressure-pro.com/
  2. New House?

    "Was that wrong?" "Should I have not done that? I tell you I gotta plead ignorance on this thing, because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon . . ."
  3. New House?

    I understand the thread & I am trying to help Lance understand the basic idea of homeownership as well.
  4. Another low-baler.

    Imagine that.
  5. I feel that you have written quite a few things that are not only derogatory, but they are also totally false. I also think that if I wrote the same things about your company and then retracted it by saying it is possible that I could be wrong – you would not appreciate it. Here's how you might start your research: go to Roof-A-Cide.com click on "Locate an Applicator" Call anyone of the 40 or so companies listed Ask them your questions
  6. First off - it's $25,000 - not $2,500. Our only "Fear" is getting involved with people that have no business experience, no qualifications, and very little chance of being around in 2 years. People like you and CCPC have no idea what you are doing and you bring the public's perception of the industry down. You buy $20 worth of bleach, apply it with an $80 pump, compete solely on price – and wonder why you can’t make a decent living. Open up the Palm Beach Post and take a look at the number of ads that have roof cleaning starting at $99.00 (here’s a good one: Derek’s Pressure Cleaning Special, 1-story $125, 2-story $150 • Price includes roof, walls, driveway, patio). This is the market that people like you help create. Also, you girls miss the whole point behind what we do and it constantly amazes me how you don't mind telling the world what a “scam” we are simply because you don’t understand it and you can’t afford it. When we come back to a roof after 2 years, the roof is still clean and the preventative algaecide application takes about 25 minutes for a 3,000 sf roof. That's the benefit. As you two are spending 2-3 hours and killing everything in sight, our guys are charging the same amount of money and they are finished in a fraction of the time with less foot traffic on the roof, no toxic chemicals, and no plant damage. This might not mean much to you, but it does to a lot of other people. I know it's a little out of your scope, but if you ever get the chance to do more than one house at a time, you might consider the environmental impact of spraying 20-30 gallons of chlorine per house on a community of 200-300 houses. A lot of people that we deal with don't want thousands of gallons of chlorine dumped on their property. And we do give out samples; we just don’t give them out to every Fly By Night “contractor” that asks for them. We only provide them to companies that have an established customer base and business reputation. The fact is we really don’t want to be associated with people like you. Typically, you are just making enough to cover beer money and rent - and you'll be out of business in 1-2 years. In the interim, you'll drag prices down and make it harder for legitimate companies to charge a decent wage. “When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail”