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Apple Roof Cleaning

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Everything posted by Apple Roof Cleaning

  1. Global Warming - YOUR Vote Please ?

    I am honestly quite shocked about how the poll is going. To me, there is no doubt it is occuring, but I respect the opinions of others. Maybe I am wrong, or too gullible ?
  2. Leave Iraq - Or Finish The Job ?

    Oh, it IS the radical Muslims for sure. My Girlfriends brother is an Army Ranger, a chopper pilot in Iraq. His THIRD trip. I USED to think IF we just quit blindly supporting Israel, the Arabs woukd like us - Wrong! These people want to kill us, no matter what. Because they have a book that tells em to do it, in THEIR mind. It is NOT the Koran, actually Allah hates murder. It is THEIR interperation of the Koran. Any wonder why the Soviets tried to ban religion ? MORE people have been killed and tortured over religion then we care to admit. Remember the crusades ? Christian apology for the Crusades We did HORRIBLE things during the Crusades to the Arab peoples, and vice versa. NOT saying I agree with all this, but check this out Missionaries or Murderers? - The Christianising of Europe – Torture
  3. Global Warming - YOUR Vote Please ?

    Hello Jeff ! I just get BURNED OUT talking shop all the time, patiently answering questions I and hundreds of others have answered many times over. I consider someone bright enough to start a business of their own interesting, and like to hear their viewpoints. It would be a rather boring world if we all agreed. Plus, I am kinda "NEW" here at the Clubhouse, and just enjoying myself. There are new some people here who usually appear very seldom at the roof forum where I stay mostly. I agree, it is a funked up world lately. Shoot, I hitch hiked all over the Country as a kid. The WORST thing that ever happened in High School was after a Football game someone got a quart Beer Bottle broken over his head. That was FRONT PAGE NEWS back then. Now, shootings here in Tampa are common, and unless someone gets killed, seldom make news. Crime Statistics here in Tampa are suppressed, can't scare the tourists ya know ? Rapes, stabbings, and shootings happen every weekend in Ybor City, a wanna be New Orleans Bourbon Street part of Tampa. It sure is a different world now, I would hate to be a kid today.
  4. Global Warming - YOUR Vote Please ?

    I have only been on Earth for 53 years. But I can never remember it being this warm. Maybe it is just a cycle, and it is normal. I hope so, for OUR sake :lgtear: BTW, did anyone notice the last two Hurricanes went Cat 5 in a Hurry ? The Oceans water temperature is up from 1/2 to 1 degree. Don't sound like much, does it ? I watched a PBS program where it was explained that a 1 degree water temperature increase was equivalent to zillions of Atomic Bombs in force unleashed by storms, or something to that effect. Polar Ice Caps are melting, Oceans are rising, so something is happening ?
  5. Gillette Foamy Shaving Cream

    Wow, you learn something new everyday. Does it really work better then Foam ? IF so, lets make it ourselves ? We need to find out what Oil is in it ?
  6. TGS Football pool!

    Poll Style
  7. to david rush

    Michigan is where I was born, and lived until age 16 when I moved to Florida. Big Ten Football is a tradition in Michigan. Football actually started in the Mid West, and is taken very seriously. It was a GREAT Shame to any Michigan Football fan to watch that game. There were over 100,000, 00 people at that game. Michigan Stadium is HUGE. Michigan sorely underestimated their opponent, and I blame the coach, Lloyd Carr. I give congrats to Appy State for the upset, but on ANY given day ..... Look at what Boise State did to Oklahoma, LOL One thing many people fail to realize about College Football is this. The days of the Dynasty is fast coming to an end. For Years, many colleges gave out 3 times the scolarships as other schools. This gave them 3 times the talent pool to pick from. The NCAA has wanted parity for a long time, and it IS coming in College Football. Look at the success of smaller teams like Boise State and Louisville ? Michigan getting it's azz kicked AT HOME is another examply. This is GOOD for College Football, although I MUST admit, I HATED seeing Michigan losing at home.
  8. Leave Iraq - Or Finish The Job ?

    Kinda hard to seal the borders with Saudi Arabia and Syria, if ya know what I mean .....
  9. Leave Iraq - Or Finish The Job ?

    Anyone EVER Considered our OWN Govt MIGHT be behind 911 ? Just a thought .... Interesting reading 9/11 Facts; 9/11 Coverup
  10. Democrat ? Republican ? Independent ?

    WHAT is a Constitutionalists ? Do you mean the Constitution BEFORE or AFTER all the "Amendments", LOL SOME might argue that ONCE the Constitution was "Amended" there was in effect NO More Constitution, LOL
  11. Moss removal

    Search out the Hillbilly Roof Treatment thread I started here a while back. In it, there are some ideas about treating a roof. The idea in treating a roof is to be sure there is always some Moss/Algae posion ON the roof. Once rinsed off, most prevention chemicals are almost useless, unless re applied every year.
  12. Democrat ? Republican ? Independent ?

    Dan, you really are a doubting Thomas. It's Trickle Down don't ya know ? I just wish the rich would pee a little harder though :lgtear:
  13. Democrat ? Republican ? Independent ?

    Ok, Beth AND Rod, come out with it. WHAT are YOU guys :) ANY bets or conjecture on WHAT Beth and Rod are ?
  14. Democrat ? Republican ? Independent ?

    For those who want to know WHAT is a Libertarian Official Website of the Libertarian National Committee
  15. Democrat ? Republican ? Independent ?

    WOW Scott, your choice shocked me! When I think of you, I think of a Mid Western Hunter. Remember, I am from Michigan, and grew up outdoors, hunting. MOST hunters are anti gun control.
  16. Democrat ? Republican ? Independent ?

    I fall most in line with a Libertarian Philosophy, EXCEPT for free health care for all Americans, and some other issues. I think the Govt has become too big, and America is becoming a Police State. We used to TALK Bad about Russia, about how they "exiled you to Siberia", etc, etc. But America has more citizens imprisoned per capita then any other country in the free world! More and more of our freedoms are vanishing in the name of "DUI" checkpoints and terrorism. Pretty soon, they will take our Guns ! Then, ONLY the Govt will have Guns.
  17. Working Cheap In Tampa

    I very seldom venture off the roof cleaning forum, but I wanted to post this here. Maybe save someone a LOT of grief if they were considering entering the pressure washing business in Tampa ? Our main business is roof cleaning, but stupid low prices effect me too. Here is what happened. I just picked up the Sunday Tampa Tribune because I am looking at buying a new truck. I looked in the Trade classifieds, and they are advertising House Washes from 59.95! Of course, when you call, that is for a "small house" But, even a small house is 1100 sq ft, so for an average 2200 sq ft house, that's around 100 bucks! They LIE about being licensed and Insured, fake references, and lie about having good equipment, and experience. The customer can not tell the difference between them and us. I shopped one of these low ball artists, and I THOUGHT I was talking to myself ! IMHO, this is NOT, nor is it ever going to be, the business it once was. We will survive because of our many repeat customers. But I honestly do not know if even I could build a business today, in this market. No one else has even picked up on the 2 year drought here in Florida. Not only will that make less total mildew and algae to clean, but IF water restrictions hit, WATCH OUT. Water Restrictions HURT business , we have been through them before. Water Restrictions are almost a certainty, ONLY a couple tropical systems COULD have saved us, and it ain't happening. __________________
  18. Working Cheap In Tampa

    It is a LOT of things Doug, but it IS here. The "easy money" days are gone for all the fast buck artists. Soon, only the true Pro's will remain. Just as a forest fire cleans out the forest, a recession weeds out the weak. Take Real Estate for instance. Many were making a killing here in Florida off of it. New Realtors with little or NO experience were having 6 figure years! Now, only the veteran Realtors remain. The ones with a Customer Base to rely upon. Same with our business. We are OK, slow for us, but still OK. But many of the newer guys are having a tuff time. I talked to a couple, and they were considering going back to part time, or getting a real job until things get better. Unfortunately, it may be a LONG time before things get better.
  19. Working Cheap In Tampa

    IMHO Doug, we ARE in a recession. It is bad,, and fixin to get worse too.
  20. Gillette Foamy Shaving Cream

    Shaving OIL ? WTH is that ?
  21. Which is better, butter or margarine?

    I NEVER bought into the margarine hype. I always use butter, and always used Sugar too. Artificial sweeteners are bad too.
  22. Gillette Foamy Shaving Cream

    I will BLOW DRY my blades from now on :)
  23. Working Cheap In Tampa

    Danny, it was a MISTAKE to go into Iraq, I agree. BUT, we are there now. IF we run, it will be a rallying call for ALL who hate America that we are weak, and CAN be defeated. I USED to believe that if we just quit supporting Israel, the Arab world would embrace us. This is wrong! We are fighting an enemy that HATES us, and all we stand for. This is a GREAT example of WHY the Soviet Union tried to BAN religion. These radical Muslims have a book THEY interpret as giving them the right to kill us. We are "The Evil Satan" in their eyes. Hw does it feel to be EVIL ?
  24. Gillette Foamy Shaving Cream

    BRYLCREEM is not shave cream, it is an old school hair dressing. It gives you the greaser look. Go and LEARN about the BRYLCREEM ..... Maybe you too can be a greaser ?
  25. Gillette Foamy Shaving Cream

    You know what, I JUST enrolled and completed an anger management course. All VOLUNTARY too. Best money I ever spent ! They try and teach you that being angry at someone is like having an accident in your pants. The person most affected is YOU ! My Girl and I have been getting along great. I no longer "fight for control" with her, and our relationship has nevver been better. You learn in anger management that you can't control another person, and the ONLY thing you can control is yourself.