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Apple Roof Cleaning

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Posts posted by Apple Roof Cleaning

  1. I feel your Pain Big Guy.

    My Grandman was 94 when she passed.

    She had Alzheimer's.

    My Mother cared for her for 6 years!

    One day Scott, Mom called me, crying hysterically.

    She felt "guilty" for putting Grandma in a home.

    The end is not pretty for Alzheimer's patients.

    All us kids wondered HOW Mom cared for her as long as she did!

    Mom felt "guilty: Scott because Grandma cared for my Grandpa who was a Diabetic, and went blind from Diabetes.

    Grandma cared for her man for 17 years.

    Grandpa was miserable.

    He once fought in tuff guy bare knuckle fights, never drank OR smoked, and here he was, reduced to a blind helpless Man by Diabetes.

    My Dad DIED from Diabetes also, got it on BOTH sides of my family tree.

    His leg got infected Scott, docs wanted to amputate!

    Dad said " I came into life with THIS Leg, and I am going out with BOTH Legs"

    Dad Chose to DIE, I remeber my tears begging my Daddy to have the operation.

    Be strong for her Scott, YOU are her strength now.

    I will say another Prayer for you and her.

  2. Voted for White Castle, God how I miss them :)

    Here In Tampa, we have Krystal, a White Castle knock off, but NOT a good one.

    Not even close.

    The HOLES in the White Castle Burger allows for Onion Marinated Steam to Permeate the Bun, flavorizing and softening it.'

    That is the 'secret'.

    Gut Grenades, some call White Castle,, others call it "Poor mans Gourmet Food" :taz:

    NEVER take a date to White Castle, and don't eat any on a first date, :lgangry: or it may be your last Date

  3. I dont like wally world, but i have bought batterys at 2am and even brooms , shovels and garden hose a couple times over the years.

    My night guys by pants safety Glasses and gloves on a regular basis. Pump Sprayers when in a pinch.

    Home depot used have a 24hour store. I think its closed now, I miss that.

    Yeah, know what ya mean Ron.

    Sometimes we NEED what we need, and nothing else is open.

    I am working on some improvements on our spray system, and when done, I will post it.

    We TRY and use professional equipment, but you know how that goes.

    When ya got jobs to get done, and no UPS came, ya do what ya gotta do.

    At almost 3 bucks a gallon, we wont be buying much SH from Wally World, but it is nice to know it is there, just in case.

  4. Thanks chris,

    I just got home from working all day on my PT job, which I get a free phone from but now that I am working my last week there and doing the business full time I am getting a new number this week.. I have not paid a real cell phone bill for over 8yrs!! lol so I'm dreading it! But its the cost of the doing business :/

    I guess in the meantime I will add my # if anyone wants too, feel free to give me a shout..I want to set-up a website asap but not sure where to get set-up, just time I have not had.. I know my comcast cable internet has a free web page but hoping to get rid of them shortly..Between biz, 30hr part time job, and building up my car for drag racing it ain't easy..

    Damn grillin and beer sounds great but damn I'm tired..I see your in FL, I used to live in kissimmee through the 90's I do miss that weather well just not in the dead of summer :)

    Rob, here is the info Free Web Site and Web Site Creator from Google

  5. A cold beer sounds good right about now :)

    Yes, it does!

    I got a Bone In Rib Eye all marinated, ready to slap on the grille.

    Got a fresh 12 pack of Bud, nice and cold, debating between it or some RC Cola ??

    Decisions Decisions ???

    Hey buddy, try and work on getting your signature filled out, ok ?

    It is the rules here, but it can also get you BIZZNESS too.

    Do you have a web site ?

    If not, there are several free ones you can get.

    Let me know if you need any help ?


  6. ASsked me if I did Commercial Pressure Washing ?

    I DON'T, but have several friends that do.

    She asked me how much a sq ft.

    Told her I needed to see it.

    Asked her for address, she hung up.

    Probably a shopper for a competitor ?

    Now, she will go back and report Apple does commercial pressure washing, LOL

    All I was trying to do was secure a possible job for one of my local friends.

    Had to laugh at this one

  7. well i heard that out of a 55gal drum of crude oil makes something like180gal of gas.not to mention the other biproducts they can produce.so why is gas running $4 a gal.and next door in mexico i can fill my truck up (38gal tank)for $65 and here in the states it will cost me $160?if you ask me its the jackass in office thats making this happen cause he has friends in high places and he invested money in their co. but i dont want to get all fired up on this subject,just givin my .02

    Seriously Joe. Gas in Mexico is that cheap ?

    In Germany it is like 7 dollars a gallon, I am told ?

  8. The problem is the volume of oil they are selling is what is driving their record profits. That is why it is so insane.

    Incidentally, if you own any kind of 401k with a mutual fund, you are probably profiting off the increase in fuel prices.

    Yeah, tax and spend is certainly not the answer, but we all need some releif from gas and diesel prices ...

  9. Chris, It seems like theres no end in sight. The gas situation has hurt alot of people and it trickles down to everyone and everything. It's not fair but what can we do. The only thing you can do is try and do the best you can, find new ways to get business, sometimes you have to think outside the box! We are spending over $500.00 a week easy here and yes it hurts. Everyone keep pushing and maybe soon it will turn around. Remember a closed mouth doesn't get fed. Like you told me a while back get out and talk to anyone who will listen.

    Or, apply the 3 foot rule ?

    Hand a card out to anyone within 3 feet ?

    Remember the ABC's ?

    Always Be Closing ?

    I am a sales machine every where I go, always looking in a nice way for a sale, or a lead.

    I JUST quoted a guy last week, he called back, offered 50 bucks less !

    I told him I would have to cut my groud man, and weaken my chemicals ro get there because of the diesel prices.

    He agreed to pay the price,
