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Curb Appeal

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Posts posted by Curb Appeal

  1. If you really want to speed things up and save yourself time, the largest expenditure of all, mix up four gallons of water with half a tub of HD-80 and downstream it. You should be able to strip 1200 s/f of wood with that.

    Ken, I'm interested in downstreaming my stripper too. Using your numbers, half a tub (5lb or 80oz) of HD-80 into 4 gal of water comes out to 20oz per gal. I was under the impression that HD-80 doesn't dissolve past 10oz per gal.

    Am I missing something?

    Oh, and how much Ox do you mix per gal to DS? By weight or dry measure?


  2. Hey all,

    I just got my dual turbo lance for a curbing job starting tomorrow. After unpacking it, I noticed that the turbo nozzles are size 2.0 (4.0 together). I use 6.0 nozzles on my 22hp/5.6gpm/3500psi machine.

    I know all about bigger nozzles = lower pressure but I have no idea what this smaller nozzle size will do to my setup.

    What do I need to do to be able to use this lance?

    The job starts tomorrow and I don't have time to send the lance back for a replacement.


  3. Got an extra 100' section yesterday and finished the job. Injector worked great on the 500' length.

    Babyjon, I just bought 2 stackable reels from envirospec. I like them much better than my Steel Eagle. I hope they hold up. I think I paid around $400 for both of them and no stacking kit required.

    I would also trust anything Bob sells at pressuretek. It kinda depends on your application and where on the trailer you want to mount it.

  4. I just got this Kohler engine yesterday and can't get it to start. I bought it off ebay (for a song) and the ad said that it ran and started fine but I can't get the starter to turn. The solenoid throws the gear out but it does not turn.

    I've included links to a couple of videos of my tests. Take a look and tell me what you think. Is this starter shot?




  5. Now that I have a decent 5.5g machine for residential I've been asked time and again to do severe gum infested concrete and all I could do was advise clients that I could do little with the gum until I get a burner.

    Can't do much with major grease, efficiently, without hot water, either.


    I can do gum all day long with my 5.6gpm/2500psi cold machine and some F-18 from Bob. I don't leave any shadows either. You never know till you try... Grease? Now that's another story...

  6. I started with an X-jet. My first building job was a 6 building condo complex. I had 5gal jugs that handles on them and I filled up 4 of them with mix and went to town. I liked the reach but hated lugging the jugs around.

    A few months later, I tried downstreaming and have never looked back. My X-jet has been in the toolbox ever since. I use 4 tips: 0040 and 2540 for applying soap and 0020 and 2520 for rinsing. I can hit the peak on the side of a 3 story building which is reallylike 4 stories high. And that's with my 5.6gpm/2500psi machine. with more pressure or flow it might reach higher.

    I used the pocket system at first and then switched to a fanny pack to hold the tips. I got tired of having to pull out all of the tips at the same time to find the right ones. I got a lance caddy from envirospec and it is absolutely awesome. All of my tips are right there and now I can pick them out without even looking down, just by feel.

    I saw that e-spec has started welding QCs together and screwing tips in them now. Their catalog only shows 3 welded together but I'm going to try welding 4QCs together. Should be much faster...

  7. I use 2 100' lengths of r1 black hose. I don't like the join in the middle either but with quick connects, it makes it easier to reel it in on my manual reel (wish I had an electric). When it's time to reel it up I disconnect the hoses from each other, lay out the first 100' in line with the reel, and roll it up. Then I line up the second 100', join them back up and reel it in. It's much easier than trying to reel in 200' all at once.

  8. Hey all.

    I'm having trouble with my surface cleaner. It's a Landa Water Jet. I have it hooked up to my 5.6gpm/2500psi machine and it just won't turn very fast at all.

    When I got it, it was hooked to a 4gpm/4000psi machine and it rocked. I've replaced the pump since then and I just can't get it to clean effectively. I replaced the 2.0 nozzles with 3.5 ones to match my pump. It turns so slowly now that can just let it sit in one place for a while and the surface still won't get clean. I can clean faster with my wand and a 7.0 tip.

    Any ideas? Do I need to look into replacing the swivel? Is my pressure too low to turn the bar?

    Big flatwork job coming up, so before I go buy another surface cleaner, please help!


  9. I ordered another drum of 12.5% from Univar yesterday. I went to pick it up today and they told me that they are out of stock and they can't get it until NEXT Tuesday! And they said that the price would go up from $1.71/gal to $3.92/gal!!!!

    They don't know if this is temporary or not but that the supply is low and the demand is high. Has anyone else experienced this price hike and shortage?

  10. Anyone want to know how I got all of that gunky Thompsons off of there?

    I had some Stripper Cream from Eacochem left over from a job last winter and I tried that on it. I brushed it on the entire deck and left it on overnight. The next day I came back and rinsed ALL of the old sealer off, easy as pie! It was completely gone.

    That Stripper Cream does fur up the wood a bit and I went through 10 defelting pads and a bunch of sandpaper. After it dried to 12%, I put 2 coats of Readyseal Light Brown on with an HVLP sprayer and felt deck pads.

    Thanks for all of your help on this one. It looks great and the customer is happy. Here's what she wrote in her email to me today:

    Hi Joel,

    I wanted to let you know that my deck looks like new and my driveway and sidewalk look great. I have my geraniums in the planters and I am enjoying being outdoors again.

    You went above and beyond on this project. I really didn't think that all of the old sealer and dirt and grime would come off but you proved me wrong. Your work and work ethic is outstanding. I will use you again and will recommend you and your company without hesitation.

    Thank you,

    Jettie S.
