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Everything posted by Birdie0067

  1. I have searched and searched and cannot find the info I need. I have a kids wooden swing set to do. Not very large. 3 swings, "tree house" with attached slide and climbing wall and a small picnic table on the end. I have done plenty of decks in my spare time, but no swing sets. Any help with pricing is greatly appreciated. I will be stripping what is left of the stain and re-staining. I am going to try to get the owner to buy their own stain. It is my friends swing set. They just want it looking uniform in color instead of bad stain/bare wood. Thanks in advance for your help. Brent
  2. Pricing a kids wooden swingset

    Thanks bigchaz and rpetry. The swing set is like the pic on the right. I'll give them a price and see what they say. I knew it was going to be a pita. Thanks again.
  3. Jon, Who is that guy? Obviously some freak, but what movie is he from? HAHAHA