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Kristopher Pettitt

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Everything posted by Kristopher Pettitt

  1. Lowballer Rig spotted in Vegas.

    I agree Trae. To be honest I posted quickly just reading the first post by John T. After I read it and saw a similar thread in The *** I realized what this thread is about. John, I know that these individuals have wronged you and (in your opinion) wronged this industry, but the war has got to end with one of you. I have to agree with Trae, this particular posts really does hurt your credibility. Please don't get me wrong you're an awesome guy, but you just need to pick your battles a little better. "Do not worry about those who wish harm on you, but give yourself to those that love you."
  2. Lowballer Rig spotted in Vegas.

    Ya know that's not that bad of a rig if it is a low baller rig. To me a low baller rig is on aisle 33 at my local home depot.
  3. Do you work on Sundays at times?

    Sunday= no work. Thats my day to spend with my family. Weather= Excuse not to work.... well it's my excuse, lol.
  4. Who's having problems posting on TGS?

    Yes, double posting, - - - Updated - - - Yes, double posting,
  5. Whose ready for a new contest?

    Back to the contest..........How about we pick what we would like to win? and then, decide on a contest? I think this could be fun.
  6. Whose ready for a new contest?

    I heard AC is doing a soft wash give away. Can't wait for my ticket to be drawn.
  7. Test

    didn't work.
  8. Hiring a sales person

    I've been thinking for several months about hiring a sales person to go out and sale my companies service. So I wanted some advice on how to go about this, and if it would be the right call for me. Is commission, hourly, or both better in this type of industry? I'm asking because sales is my weakest point in this business and has been holding me back. I've tried several methods to over come this, but to be honest it's just not my cup of tea and hiring an experienced sales person might be the solution. Just wanted some thoughts and advice on this. Thank you.
  9. How many of us wear hats while working?

    A hat will ruin my awesome hair due... lol
  10. World trade center.. any day of the week.
  11. Art project for newbies...

    I knew that was it.... lol.
  12. Art project for newbies...

    What is that?
  13. Why clients need to tell the truth

    Less then a week ago I get a call from a customer saying that he has some oil stains he wants removed from his driveway. My general question were as the following along with his answer. 1) How big is your driveway? He sent a picture 2) How long has the stain been there? Four months Based on the picture and the info he gave I gave him an estimated price, but said that I would still need to see it before the price could be locked. He agreed and so we scheduled a day I could see it. I'm glad that I did because the situation was lot worse then what we talked about on the phone. I had to raise the price on him because I knew it would take a lot more work then anticipated before. He also had rust, and other stains on the concrete that needed to be removed. With everything agreed on I came back the next morning and started work. Now I worked on this one stain for the longest time, washing it a total of three times with degreaser. The strain was coming up, but not to the extent I was hoping it would. The client was out, but his wife was there so I asked her how long that stain was there and she answered "About 8 years." If I had gotten that fact from the beginning I could have told him that I wouldn't be able to remove that stain because of how long it's been sitting there. Now I knew by the amount of times I was cleaning it that it wasn't no 4 months. When I talked to her husband (over the phone) I asked him again and same answer "4 months." Now it's not ethical for me to sit there and argue with the customer. So I simply said "I apologize that the stain could not be fully removed, but I know you'll be happy with the result I did achieve. His next comment was "Well since you didn't remove it will I be charged the same amount?' Now I couldn't say "yes because you lied to me about how long the stain was there", but I couldn't say "No" because anything less then what I was already charging would be a loss for me. I had to convince him that I did everything with-in my power to remove that stain, but with no luck. In the end he accepted and paid the full amount. The moral of this story is A) make sure your clients tell the truth about the stains they are wanting to be removed, and B) Customers need to understand that nothing is ever guaranteed, so don't ever guarantee a complete removal of a stain, even if you think the stain would be removed because you don't know the history of that stain. Hope this helps someone else.
  14. Mailing Company info

    I have a few potential clients that want me to mail them company info to them, and I am trying to find the best way to do this. I'm thinking of making either some type of postcard, newsletter or a tri-fold. I've never mailed out company info so any suggestions would be helpful. Also does anyone know of a free program that would help me make a flyer?
  15. What constitutes a violation of your first amendment right to free speech

    What org was this done at?
  16. What constitutes a violation of your first amendment right to free speech

    i used to be a huge fan of MS util they changed everything and took all the good stuff out.
  17. What constitutes a violation of your first amendment right to free speech

    Here's the bottom line. You can't make an org, say it's for the entire industry, and then kick members out just because they freely express themselves on matters of the industry. And yes if I don't like something I can elect to leave, but just because I don't like one thing doesn't mean that I don't like other things about the forum. In no way is an org representing this industry as a whole if they kick people out for expressing their freedom of speech. An org is not a company, they simply exists for contractors to interact with each other....FREELY. Ask yourself this.... if I start talking crap about facebook on facebook are the administrators going to kick me from facebook, or how about any popular social media I go to, like twitter, myspace, or google+? When an org that is representing the entire industry can understand this concept only then where we be united as an industry.
  18. Did y'all ever see my new rig I just finished?

    Very nice.
  19. Jim Gamble is in the hospital.

    we'll be praying for him.
  20. What constitutes a violation of your first amendment right to free speech

    It's their way of shutting you up so they can make themselves look like the good guys.
  21. Who's sending out these roof cleaning Org. joke emails?

    I'm just gonna laugh at this one... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!
  22. What I don't get is why "sometimes" these certificates are treated like some sort of degree or diploma. I'm not against them at all as it shows some self pride when you receive one. Again it's all about gaining that self knowledge. As a newbie gaining the knowledge from gaining these certificates could be very rewarding. Then again I could care less about the certificate, what I care about is the training.
  23. According to this link (United Association of Mobile Contract Cleaners - ***** Contractor Listings) there is 37 commercial, 77 contractors by state, 17 distributors, and 42 Residential. That is a grand "possible" total of 173 members in The *****. That is if there is no doubling of company names that would follow under more then one of those categories.
  24. Hey can we add all of the people that are apart of this forum to that 213?... just to RAISE the number. It should be clear and straight forward. Your either a member or your not a member and that number is counted, not this BS that's being spilled.
  25. Coolest people names in the Powerwashing Industry :cool-new:

    I got it... Kristopher from KPOW..... Oh wait.... that's me. lol. :tongue-new: