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Kristopher Pettitt

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Posts posted by Kristopher Pettitt

  1. Actually yes, there's a guy I know that has an air pump that he uses to spray down some of his more heavier chemicals. I'm sure the same concept could be used in your situation. I've even been thinking of adding one in my trailer. With an air sprayer you don't get all that excess water and your chemicals are more potent. Just need to be careful with the potency.

  2. Thank you Al and Jim. Some need to remember that Mods are just like anyone else here and we are all in the same industry. Our opinion differs from one another, and there is nothing wrong with that. At times I think it's appropriate that moderators moderate other moderators. Especially when an opinion differs from another contractor. But what isn't right is when a moderator forces their beliefs on another (even if they are correct) just because they are a Moderator. I respect each opinion and thought given by anyone, I just don't have to agree with it. Also just because someone is a moderator does not mean you have to feel like you're stepping on eggshells. I am looking forward to this experience as Moderator, but for the time being I am just sitting back watching.

  3. Yes. Basically try not to get roped into arguments like you saw a few of us have. 99% of the time TGS runs very smooth. It's that 1% of the time where these last word arguments (not so much debates) where it becomes a he said/she said stuff.

    I know your history with Chris & what happened...but... It's pointless to argue over it because even though some think your right, he will think he's right. That's how people think. They usually don't argue something because they know their wrong..

    Fight for a good cause-- I always believe in that but don't fight the petty stuff(been there as well and it's worthless).

    So in essence give out good quality things people can use, even yourself and you'll have more people respecting what it is you do..

    We really do need a like button on here. And thank you.

  4. And you have no idea of mine. I made no guesses about you.

    I'll end it Kris, worthless & Childish.

    Have a good one!

    Where is it anywhere that I made assumptions or guess about yourself? I only stated that you were guessing who I was, but now say that you weren't. Am I reading this wrong? "At this point you have neither."

    I mean come-on, that is clearly making an assumption of someone. You think I have not the age nor the experience when you have no idea who I am. If you're not going to stick by your words then don't write them in the first place.

  5. Merely out of curiosity, but at what age or how many years of experience are we talking about? I mean for to say that I have no experience nor the age, means you don't know me well enough and are only making a premature guesses of me. My point is Guy is you have no idea the life experience I have. Believe me there are very few people out there that have had a tougher life experience than me.

    This back and forth was started by you. So it is your choice to continue or end it.

  6. Hey Kris... Hint/Tip-- us older more seasoned guys, take the above and run with it. Don't debate it or argue with it..

    Do better then we did.. Move ahead and take the lessons learned and you will move along at lightening speed.

    Your doing well already:)

    My apology John, but I don't quite understand what you mean by "take the above and run with it." Could you explain what you mean?

  7. Guy, How is you telling Chris what you think he should do not advice and a statement. Does that mean your now ordering him around? Are you his boss? Read it for yourself what you wrote, it’s clearly advice, but if you want to call it a statement then I’ll retract my statement and state this instead.

    "Do not give a statement if you're not willing to practice it yourself Guy.

    Please understand that nowhere in my #44 post did I mention my personal problem with The ***. My problem is not with The ***, but with a certain individual. You are more than welcomed to contact me if you want to know more. But my questions were aimed at those in charge over there.

    And thank you for the compliment.

  8. Chris, it's just best not to question the way TGS is run. There are different rules for different people, that's just the way it is....and I'm fine with that, this is not my sandbox.

    Let's just ignore the negative & try be positive here. Those that know...know what the deal is.

    You know that's sort of like that other place I used to belong to... what was that place called again? Do not give advice if you're not willing to practice it yourself Guy.

  9. I have a question for those coming from ***. Why is it okay for you to bash, laugh at, poke fun, integrate, and insult others on The ***, but when someone here does it you start whining about how this place isn't professional? By doing this you need to realize that you're not being apart of the solution, but becoming the problem. You really want these forums not to be about bashing and be more professional then look at your own actions on all forums and set the example. If you don't bash someone here, then don't bash that person anywhere, no matter what forum might be on. My own professionalism is consistence with every forum/social network I belong to.

    Chris, how about you pull the countless, and I do mean COUNTLESS threads on The *** where you and many have bashed people? Don't talk about professionalism when you don't even practice it yourself. Improvement always is with thyself, FIRST.

    I can't wait for that day when The Grime Scene no longer needs moderators..... that is my dream and that is what I am aiming for. It is the prime reason I asked to be a moderator so that I could work toward that goal. A place where Moderators don't need to do their job is going to be perfect.

  10. I agree Trae. To be honest I posted quickly just reading the first post by John T. After I read it and saw a similar thread in The *** I realized what this thread is about.

    John, I know that these individuals have wronged you and (in your opinion) wronged this industry, but the war has got to end with one of you. I have to agree with Trae, this particular posts really does hurt your credibility. Please don't get me wrong you're an awesome guy, but you just need to pick your battles a little better.

    "Do not worry about those who wish harm on you, but give yourself to those that love you."
