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Kristopher Pettitt

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Posts posted by Kristopher Pettitt

  1. I've been thinking for several months about hiring a sales person to go out and sale my companies service. So I wanted some advice on how to go about this, and if it would be the right call for me.

    Is commission, hourly, or both better in this type of industry? I'm asking because sales is my weakest point in this business and has been holding me back. I've tried several methods to over come this, but to be honest it's just not my cup of tea and hiring an experienced sales person might be the solution. Just wanted some thoughts and advice on this. Thank you.

  2. I have a few potential clients that want me to mail them company info to them, and I am trying to find the best way to do this. I'm thinking of making either some type of postcard, newsletter or a tri-fold. I've never mailed out company info so any suggestions would be helpful. Also does anyone know of a free program that would help me make a flyer?

  3. Well written. Even if you said bad things about mark Zuckenberger on Facebook, I bet you would be fine and wouldn't get kicked off. The reality is that this wasn't about Mike, the prez was talking smack about BOD decisions as the leader of the org that obviously didn't represent the org. Mike called him on it, catching him telling untruths, in the public forum. It was said that Doug R banned him, I was reading the thread at the time mikes post was pulled, I looked to see who was on line and it showed Ron in the admin panel, Doug wasn't even signed into the BBS when Milke was banned. Untruth number 2! It would have happened to anyone who called the prez on his statement

    Mathew Johnson

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    What org was this done at?

  4. Here's the bottom line. You can't make an org, say it's for the entire industry, and then kick members out just because they freely express themselves on matters of the industry. And yes if I don't like something I can elect to leave, but just because I don't like one thing doesn't mean that I don't like other things about the forum. In no way is an org representing this industry as a whole if they kick people out for expressing their freedom of speech. An org is not a company, they simply exists for contractors to interact with each other....FREELY. Ask yourself this.... if I start talking crap about facebook on facebook are the administrators going to kick me from facebook, or how about any popular social media I go to, like twitter, myspace, or google+? When an org that is representing the entire industry can understand this concept only then where we be united as an industry.

  5. What I don't get is why "sometimes" these certificates are treated like some sort of degree or diploma. I'm not against them at all as it shows some self pride when you receive one. Again it's all about gaining that self knowledge. As a newbie gaining the knowledge from gaining these certificates could be very rewarding. Then again I could care less about the certificate, what I care about is the training.
