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Tim UK

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Everything posted by Tim UK

  1. Not looking for long-winded explications to this, but I have been reading about oils and stains, and was wondering if you have any general rules about their use. My main area of interest is garden furniture, and I am aware of teak oil, but have just been reading about tung oil, and Danish oil, for example, and know of various stains. Oil on garden furniture or stains? Or both? Is that possible? Thanks, Tim
  2. Thanks Rick, Tim (beer-head)
  3. Sound advice, Bill, thanks. Tim
  4. Thanks Roger, Tried to ring you tonight, but you were still out working, the lady who answered the phone told me, sorry to miss you. Catch you again sometime. Tim
  5. I'm on my fifth, with pitta bread spread with tomato puree and cumin seeds. How 'Inglish' is that?!!! Cheers, and enjoy your pinta! Tim
  6. Rick, I'm in the west, 120 miles from London. Distance not a problem here, as where there's a will, there's a way, so shouldn't be a problem getting some of this percarb. I guess it's just a question of nomenclature - people aren't used to talking 'chemicals', at least not those I speak to! Maybe that says something about them, but, equally, I think it says something about me... Will find some somehow. As the climate... too broad to generalise, of course, but yes, many places of the British Isles are grey, miserable and uninviting. Don't go to those places... nah, just kidding. When the sun shines, and there is a pleasant breeze, it's.... just like anywhere where there's sunshine with a pleasnt breeze! Yours, Tim
  7. Cheers, Rick, I'm till looking for a manufacturer of lambswool machinery, btw. ..... :) Well, I'm going to look on the back of the washing powder packet in the kitchen, and see if there's anything 'interesting' there I might use. Tim ps, sunny and hot here, today, for a change!
  8. I recently pw our garden furniture - a table and some chairs. I have applied a stain - teak, by brush, but I am disaapointed that the stain has not got on to every surface. Yes, on the obvious bits, but not on the sides of the slats of the chairs - in that gap between the pieces of wood. Is there a recommened way to achieve 100% coverage? Is it best to spray on the stain/sealer/whatever? What kind of pump/sprayer is best? Sorry for so many questions; it really just boils down to what's the best way of getting ALL the wood covered? Thank you, Tim
  9. RICK! Stop making me laugh!!! I'm sorry, really sorry, when I said 'before I buy another machine', I meant that as I progress through this career I seem to keep buying another machine for another task. Yesterday I bought a comb binder for some portfolio of my work that I am putting together. I really didn't think that lambswool was a machine! :) This has made me smile lots, and I have only just awoke and come on the pc! Anyway, all confusion about lambswool and Jim Foley has been cleared. And Jim, every time I search for lambswool I will think of that parrot. Serious question.... one I asked already really, is how best to get your oil into that space between the slats of wood that you might find on chairs, tables etc? I am chuckling away to myself in anticipation. Regards Tim
  10. Rick, thank you... before I shell out on another machine... lambswool... Sorry, but I'm sure Jim Foley is well known here, but I don't know of him. Have you a link to his profile - I cannot find him in the member search. Thanks, Tim
  11. Hi Roger, Yes, that's a fantastic job there. Nice and dark. I did our a while back and the oil I used had a stain in it - the furniture came out a bit orangey, which is ok - ish. I had previously tried clear teak oil and it hardly made any difference - I was brushing it on mind. I saw those HVLP (don't know what that means, btw!) pumps on the AGW website and thought they looked pretty cool - but maybe only for volume work. Tim
  12. Thanks, Could you be good enough to look at this website's page about sprayers and tell me if I am in the right area? I notice that HVLP you mention, Ken. Yes, I was wondering about how you deal with spindles, and it must be nigh-on impossible NOT to spray an area twice, isn't it? No matter how careful, you must have to try to spray up to the last edge I suppose. Anyway, my main query was about equipment, because I just cannot see myself brushing and entire deck, or a table for that matter.! Here's the link - it's a UK website. http://www.agwoodcare.co.uk/list_products.php?category=Spray%20Equipment%20and%20Accessories
  13. Thanks Ken, I have seen professional-quality spray guns etc for sale in the UK, is this also the way to go? Also, I think I have seen in pics on TGS, you guys using a roller on the end of a pole - I am right? Tim
  14. Sun UV effect?

    Hi I notice that here, if a car is left on a drive for a considerable time, that the material underneath that car tends to stay lighter than the area where the car is not sitting. Is this due to the sun's UV effect? I hope I have made this clear. Does the sun have an effect on certain materials - concrete, stone etc? Thank you. Tim
  15. Sun UV effect?

    Rod, hi, The customer told me that the drive 'had been sealed', although tye, the customer had some doubts about the honesty of the drive layer in the first place - ie, was a selaer applied at all? I guess we'll not know the answer to that one. However, like I said, I think, there is a light area where a car (auto?) has been parked for some time. I have seen this quite a,ot, and really don't think that a sealer has been applied. Thank you, Tim.
  16. Caustic soda

    Hi all, Been looking into what sodium hydroxide means to you... and found that it is the main part of what we call 'caustic soda'. Does/is caustic soda ring a bell in the US? Tim
  17. Caustic soda

    Is this stuff any good at removing oil stains from brick, then?
  18. Can someone tell me what a 'bleach bath' is, please? Thank you. Tim
  19. Thanks Shane, Is it just a squirt of bubble bath? And should it be baby bubble bath? I have read something about non-oxygenating soap. :)
  20. 12.5% sh vs. bleach

    Does anyone use SH neat at 12.5%?
  21. Caustic soda

    Thank you. Over here we would put into drains to help clear them, but what application could it have in cleaning? Are there specific stains it is good for? :)
  22. New Rig

    I have been wondering about this, as it seems that the water supply could easily run out before the job is completed. I suppose depending on the job size. Does this mean that you might have to return to base or wherever to refill? Secondly, are these tanks ever used to hold slurry/waste water that has been collected from a job - to be dumped later? Tim
  23. New Rig

    Dumb question probably, but what are those big white tanks for?
  24. Is HD80 this stuff?

    Is the hydrochloric acid you guys in the us this stuff? It's rated at17%. Does anyone know this stuff if what you in the US call 'HD80'? Many thanks, Tim