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Tim UK

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Everything posted by Tim UK

  1. Is HD80 this stuff?

    Hi Ken, Thank you for the reply. I have been offered hydrochloric acid at 28% and 14%, and I have found it at higher grades elsewhere on the internet (in the uk). Will excercise the appropriate caution. I was trying to find out if the 'HD80' I have read about on TGS was the same as that available hre in UK. Again, muchly thank yous for the warnings. Tim
  2. Is HD80 this stuff?

    It's not a powder - it's a liquid. Does 17% seems stong to you then? 100% strength would indicate something truly lethal I guess?
  3. Is HD80 this stuff?

    Hi, here in the uk I have been trying to find 'HD80', which I believe to be hydrochloric acid. I am attaching a picture of the label of a container of something that says that it's hydrochloric acid 80, and the strength of it is said on the contianer to be 17%. I know someone in the uk who says that the hydrochloric acid they use is 100% - is this wise, even if diluted at 10:1? The stuff I have bought says to dilute 10:1. I am anticipating using this stuff to deal with limescale issues on brick and concrete slabs. Thanks all, Tim
  4. Hi all, from England... I have been asked to look at a deck cleaning job for a young couple, and I want to do my very best for them. However, it would be my first deck clean... They have a deck that is, I guess, around four or five years old, and appears to have had none, or little, maintenance. Grey wood, 'shakes' in some places (splintering), and algae too. I have some oxalic acid crystals, please note. The owners are seeking advice on not just cleaning it, but also 'finishing' it. They are concerned that any cleaning I do will appear 'mottled', and 'patchy' when done. Is there anything that you can say that might convince them, AND me that this will not happen? If I do as suggested in some of the threads I have read here, and apply a wide fan of low-ish pressure, I should end up with a nice and even effect? As for finishing, I really do not expect you guys to endorse products that we have here in the UK, not the suitability of those in the US (HD80etc). Suffice to say, we have 'deck oil', sometimes in various colours. There are a number of things for sale that could be used. Do you generally apply these finishes by sprayer or brush? These potential customers also have a small section of wooden fence that is quite intricate: an inter-laced trellis, that would be tedious to paint by hand - is it the case that it could be sprayed successfully? Like I said, I don't expect to have The Answer to all my queries, but any observations may well be very useful to this first-timer. My machine is about 4gpm (13 litres), and goes to 200 BAR (3000 psi), but I am anticipating turning it right down as far as possible to no damage the wood. Sorry, I do not know what wood it is, except to say that it is a commercially available hardwood that is desgined for decking. Many thanks, Tim, UK, England etc.
  5. Seymour, you just reminded me of the warnings I have read about acid and bleach (sodium hyperchlorite). Thank you. Well, I will put this to the happy couple - I just don't want to wreck their investment. I'm sure it will come up real;ly well, but I think that they want to apply their own finishes to the bare wood, as I don't think they would entertain the price of me applying the said finishes. Such as it is here... some peeople are happy only for you do the clean but think they can save cash by 'doing it themselves'. I'm pretty sure I can do a great job, as I have done on my own teak garden furniture. Thank again, Tim
  6. Seymour, I do a have bleach here, rated around 14-15%... what ratio of dilution for this? 50-50? Or weaker? Assuming that I can't undo the strength once applied, but could go over again. I could apply by spray and low pressure rinse off. Tim
  7. pure water products

    FWIW, yes, the use of pure water in pw is NOT to be recommended. We don't use pure water in pw here in the UK for the reasons given. If you are in a particularly hard water area, these simple bolt-on units will fail very quickly.
  8. Hi, first post here. I'm in the UK and have got hold of some sodium hypochlorite solution in some 25litre barrels. Is this a product that you guys are familiar with? I ask in particular because I am concerned about spraying it into the air. I have used a little with a pump-up sprayer at ground level on moss and algae, and it works well, diluted 50/50. Has anyone got a few pointers on it's use? I have an x-jet nozzle and proportioners in my tool kit. Tim - UK
  9. Sodium Hypochlorite

    I wear goggles when spraying SH even at floor level - do you wear breathing apparatus when x-jetting etc.?
  10. Sodium Hypochlorite

    Rick, The barrels concentration is around 14% I think. Yes, we call it bleach. I believe this stuff is use in swimming pools, and smells strongly of chlorine. I am a bit concerned about firing it into a spray with the pressure washer - the hazards of breathing the mixture in, or affecting vegetation/other thing. Thanks for replies, all. Tim