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Posts posted by douseahouse

  1. i know how to use the search function as i find it a useful tool on this forum. the pics you posted were unique and naturally some of us were wanting to learn about the technique you used. if you want to pm me or even call me on my number listed we can talk about it since i am not one of your competitors. if not, i respect your privacy. but, in the future, please be aware that when you show off your work on these forums naturally alot of us are going to ask questions as that is why we are here. if you don't want us to know then what is the purpose of posting such pics? when a member here post their pics then they know the questions are going to roll on in. maybe a solution here would be when such pics are posted that we also post that our pics are for viewing only, no questions please.


  2. Please don't share what you used because homeowners are frequenting this site in droves ;-)

    ken, you confuse me. you have made over 3616 posts sharing wonderful and valuable information concerning your wood working skills. how many "homeowners" do you think have read your post? a "homeowner" may clean his own fence, like it, and then start his own little business. we then welcome him with open arms but guess what? he's still a "homeowner". we cannot weed out who we want to read our posts or not so what's the answer? let's keep sharing info as we have always done before. what if everyone on this site answered a question like mine the way you guys did? what would the purpose of this site be then?


  3. Please don't share what you used because homeowners are frequenting this site in droves ;-)

    ken, you confuse me. you have made over 3616 posts sharing wonderful and valuable information concerning your wood working skills. how many "homeowners" do you think have read your post? a "homeowner" may clean his own fence, like it, and then start his own little business. we then welcome him with open arms but guess what? he's still a "homeowner". we cannot weed out who we want to read our posts or not so what's the answer? let's keep sharing info as we have always done before. what if everyone on this site answered a question like mine the way you guys did? what would the purpose of this site be then?


  4. post an ad in the bargain basement. that's what i did and got a great response. i ended up buying my hot water rig from john orr (grime scene member) and could not be any happier. luckily he was in a neighboring state and met me half way. i hope your luck is as good as mine was. and, it is a hydrotek.


  5. i too found a deck today that is a light grey and has plenty of black mold spots on it. the homeowner had bought some olympic deck cleaner and i tried it on one section. it cleaned but i had to brush it a little. i talked to roger over at carolina pressure pros and he suggested 3% shc. no good. i then tried 6% and got the same results as the olympic cleaner. it worked, but it was slow. i've got some 12.5% coming the first of the week so i may dilute that down a little bit and see what it's going to take. ken, you suggested a sealer...tell me more if you will. what's you thought on this one ken?



  6. i was going to start a new thread but i think this one is already helpful. i got a call today about cleaning about 3500 sq ft of concrete. i am told that this was once a transmission shop and there is oil and grease that needs to be removed. i have not seen it yet so i'm sorry that no pics are available. right now i'm trying to get a "heads up" on this and i appreciate in advance any input you guys or gals have.



  7. i've been using my m5/x-jet lately because my downstreamer was acting up. i bought one of the high draw types from bob at p/t for about 12 bucks and installed before my housewash job today. it was such a blessing to downstream again. the x-jet is a great tool to have in certain cases but it's hard to beat the simplicity of a downstreamer.


  8. are you cleaning it? stripping and finishing it? what type of finish are you using? these are things to consider when pricing. i think that most people get between 1 to 2 dollars per square foot finished depending on how complex the deck is (rails and so forth). i've only done a couple and i underpriced both.

    good luck,


  9. i've got a job contracted on a house that has plenty of mildew on the windows behind the screens. the homeowner is going to remove the screens before i wash as some of these screens are on the upper level. i was thinking of washing the screens while he had them off. i suppose a garden hose will be plenty of pressure but i'm curious as to what to clean them with? they really are not in bad shape but i'm sure it's a good gesture on my part. any suggestions or experience on this one?



  10. with your gpm you may have to stay with a 12 to 18 incher...check with the experts on that one. i have a steel eagle floater and a whirlaway with wheels. i have to say that i prefer the wheels as it is alot easier to handle. the floater also has it's advantages as it can cover the edge of the driveway whereas the wheel model can fall off the side. to each his own but i hope this input may help.

    good luck,


  11. q. why don't southern baptists make love standing up? a. people might think they're dancing. i'm an old southern baptist and yes we love our steeples. i would have to agree with ken on the boom and just have the rental company bill the church. i also noticed a ladder again the gutter which is also a no-no. apparently God appreciates your effort since you're able to make this post but don't do that again.


  12. crap! i just ordered 5lbs of e-plus. i was wanting to try it out so i didn't stick my neck out too far. i'm still awaiting some feedback on the limonene if anyone has tried it. i also order the 5lbs of ripper to give it a shot. i'll keep you posted on that one too. (ripper cleans the streaks off gutters)and one more thing...i just cleaned a sidewalk at the local and best seafood place in town. there was alot of rust on his freezer pad so i hit it with the oxalic. holy cow! that stuff works and works fast! i came home and ordered another 7 lb bucket for about 13 bucks from the chemistry store. unfortunately i had to pay $9 shipping and another $2.5 for handling. anyone using a generic at a more reasonable cost?


    for sale: 5lb bag of e-plus

  13. i'm going to throw this question in on this thread since we're also talking about types of housewash. i have the 55 gallon mix for limonene that was kindly donated by envirospec during the nc round table event. has anyone tried this product and can testify? before i mix i was hoping to have a "heads up" on it as it is supposed to be equivalent to bleach on removing mold and mildew. can i mix bleach with it to give it the extra punch? this will be a prouduct that i can both x-jet and downstream. thanks paul at envirospec for the free product.


  14. since i have a full time job i have made this a part time adventure. i have worked in maintenance with goodyear tire for the past 23 years as an electrician. i bought my first pressure washer 15 years ago (1500 psi simpson). i bought it "6 months same as cash" and then put an add in the local paper to pay for it. guess what? it didn't take me 6 months after all. simpson makes a great washer so i used this machine for about 14 years and then bought a dewalt from home depot last year. i knew the union and goodyear was not going to come to terms on the contract so i cranked up the business with advertising and upgrades. we did go on strike for 3 months and the business really helped fill the void. this year i bought a cargo van and a hot water rig (thanks john) and i'm talking to the yellow page people right now. i hope to retire from goodyear in the next 7 years and can use this business as a hobby and a great source of income. oh, and by the way, the simpson still works.


  15. concerning the walmart container...

    it's actually a blue 7 gallon water container. it has a removeable valve on it so the cap is already threaded for 3/4 npt. i bought a couple of barb connectors (3/8 for the x-jet) and put one on each side of the cap. i cut off the filter end of the x-jet and hook up to the inside barb. plug the hose into the outside barb and you're ready to go. it's located in the camping section and even has a handle built into it. cost? around 9 bucks. don't thank me, bob at pressue tek shared this with me. but, if you insist on sending money...

