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Posts posted by douseahouse

  1. first off, welcome to the forums. i've never used the stuff that you are currenty using but i will stand up for the products that you are thinking of going to. i'm using the simple cherry mix that i got from bob at pressuretek.com. it's a powder that you add to your bleach mix. you don't have to add alot so it mixes really well. i understand that the citracleen is a good product also. you can get that from steve at thecleanernetwork.com. both of these guys know their stuff so feel free to email them for assistance.

    good luck,


  2. if you're gonna clean houses then you need one of these. i like the adjustable spray for super coverage and the power to clean upper levels. this baby kept my wand on the rig today which was nice. now i'm wondering why i didn't get one sooner. i did not use a proportioner for the first job and it ate my cleaning chemical up. for those using an m5, what is your recommended proportioner if using 12.5% shc?

    thanks bob at pressuretek for the great customer service and fast shipping. the gutter gernade and the simple cherry worked beyond my expectations.


  3. i'm looking for the "ultimate" vinyl siding cleaner. i've got a large job coming up on an apartment complex that i'm going to have to use an x-jet/m-5 to reach the upper floors. this will be my biggest job yet and wanted to have everything in order. i currently use shc/laundry detergent/water and have had great results on houses using a downstream injector. if you have a great recipe using an x-jet that you would like to share please accept my thanks in advance. you guys are great!


  4. i'm going to open up an old topic just to see if anyone has come across anything that will remove artillery fungus. i came across another home this weekend with the stuff on it. the siding was vinyl and cleaned up great with the exception of the artillery fungus. the homeowner wasn't expecting me to remove it but it sure would have been nice and impressive. anyone having any luck with the stuff? (besides dynamite that is)

  5. i think what i'm trying to do is make something out of nothing. squirt is right, this thing is "exactly what i paid for" and it's really not the right one for my unit as it's make for one with a lower psi/gpm. what i am going to do is purchase an m5 with a proportioner kit. from all i have heard this is a nice piece of equipment to have around. i usually premix my chems and use a booster pump to shoot the higher peaks but my pump is down right now and i'm looking for a quick fix untill i'm back up. i'm hope this little cheapo will get me by this weekend.

    thanks all,


  6. me too ken. i had this x-jet clone for my now backup machine. if i open the flow control as much as i am allowed i'm only going to get the .9% that you have so generously calculated for me. i may be able to add some jomax or tsp and boost it up. i'm going to give it a try this weekend. the house is a two story and i need to shoot it pretty high so i wanted to try this method. thanks guys. you're all winners. now, back to "dancing with the stars".


  7. i've got a CAT version of the x-jet nozzle. it's got an adjustable flow rate injector so i'm experimenting. i put the injector hose in a gallon of water and filled up a 5 gallon bucket. i used up about 1 quart of my "solution" to the 5 gallons of bucket water. so, what is my mix ratio? if i had use one quart to 4 gallons then i would say my ratio is 4:1. i'm thinking that my mix is going to just be slightly higher. thanks in advance.


  8. sometimes the customer tells me "no" they just do not want that done even if i do the same as you did mike. so what do i do? the same thing that you guys have proably done also...do it anyway and don't charge. naturally, it has to be something that is not timely or costly. i have found that leaving certain things uncleaned actually takes away from the job that i just did. we've all done it i'm sure. aren't we nice?


  9. i'm paying 125 delivered to a business address close by my house. the company will not delived to a residental address. i have to go and pick it up but so far that's not a problem, just a little inconvenience. i taked to univar but they wanted 300 minimum purchase. i have found a couple of places nearby that will sell 15 gals at the time for 45. i'm in the tarheel state of north carolina so if i can help anyone please let me know.

